Prayer of Praise
(Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People Year B p78, Opening Prayers p24, A Year of Prayer p52 -54, Invocations & Benedictions p71)
Leader: Almighty God, we gather together as your People, knowing that you are above us, but not beyond us. Your glory is displayed for all the World to see, from one end of the heavens to the other. The order and pattern in your Creation clearly reveal your wisdom and your power. The rainbow is our sign of your unending care for your Creation and of your unending concern for Humanity.
Your Laws and judgements reveal to us your desire for relationships to be based on fairness and justice. They reveal to us those things that are pure and clean and true. They enlighten us and guide us as to your Will for how Nations and people are to live side-by-side so as to bring about prosperity and peace. They reveal to us the folly of Human wisdom, a wisdom that is not based on your standards and precepts.
Help us not to be lured by the transitory pleasures of Earthly riches and compliments, but, instead, renew our spirits, calm our hearts and our minds, and remake us for wholeness and holiness, for only in that way can we truly be your beacons of light in a darkened and darkening World. To your glory and praise. Amen.
Prayer of Confession:
(Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People Year B p77, Invocation and Benedictions p71)
Leader: Loving God, we look at ourselves and acknowledge that we have wilfully broken your commandments by the things we do and say.
All: In your mercy, forgive our sins.
Leader: Loving God, we look at ourselves and discover that often we have unknowingly failed to follow your Will for our lives.
All: In your mercy, forgive our sins.
Leader: Loving God, we compromise the simplicity of your Good News by insisting on the need for rituals in our worship or by stressing the need also to be and to do what is socially acceptable.
All: In your mercy, forgive our sins.
Leader: Loving God, we pretend that we have the abilities and the knowledge to bring about change in our lives. We ignore the need for our heart and soul to be cleansed through your Holy Spirit.
All: In your mercy, forgive our sins.
Leader: Loving God, we minimise the guilt of our sins by pointing to our good works or by appealing to our good nature.
All: In your mercy, forgive our sins.
Leader: Loving God, Jesus cleansed the Temple by driving out the animal dealers and the money changers. Please cleanse from us anything that hinders or inhibits the purposes of worshipping you and of serving others.
All: Transform us through your love and power. May all that we think and do and say support the work of sharing the Good News of your grace, the forgiveness of sins, and reconciliation with you. Amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
(from Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People Year B p76)
Leader: We are called to a faith in Jesus Christ, who died on a cross and who God raised from the dead on the third day. God showed wisdom wiser than the World’s and demonstrated power stronger than the World’s. We have the assurance that, having confessed our sins before God, He is able to forgive us and to make us clean in His sight.
Response: Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
Leader: Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.
Merciful God, we pray for the Church, that, individually, we may each grow in our awareness of our dignity as temples of the Holy Spirit.
We pray for all who teach and preach within your Church, that they may faithfully proclaim Christ crucified and lead others into the mystery of your love.
We pray for the grace of renewal, that your covenant with us will move our hearts to a deeper relationship with you and greater service to our neighbours.
We pray for a deeper appreciation of the commandments, that we may allow the wisdom and vision of the commandments given to Moses to form our conscience and guide our decisions.
We pray for a spirit of integrity, that we recognize ourselves as your servants, honouring your name by our thoughts, our words, and our deeds.
We pray for a cleansing of the temple of our hearts, that you will free us from all that enslaves us and ensnares us.
We pray for an end to complacency regarding our wanton use and waste of the riches that you give to us through your Creation. Give us the courage to initiate changes to our lifestyle and practices.
We pray for an end to injustice, that you will rouse our hearts to identify any injustice in which we are involved. Give us the strength to challenge oppression in any manner or format in our Society.
We pray for an end to violence, that you will heal the brokenness in our Society that devalues Human life, and inspire leaders to work toward protecting the innocent and the vulnerable from harm.
We pray for all who are recovering from natural disasters, that you will give them strength, help them to navigate the process for securing the assistance that they need, and to give them hope for a renewed life and a renewed livelihood.
We pray for members of our Governments at all levels, that you will guide their deliberations and help them address the issues that burden the poor and marginalized of our Society.
We pray for all who are ill, that you will relieve their pain, restore their health and wholeness.
We pray that you will protect the Human family from the further spread of the Covid-19 virus.
We pray for successful distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines, that you will guide the delivery of vaccines to where it is needed and give strength to all who are administering it.
Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
We pray for Rev Louis and Joana as they soon commence their travel holiday.
Merciful God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your love and care. To your glory we pray. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
All: Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
now and forever. Amen.