Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 11th February 2024

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 11th February 2024

Prayer of Praise: –

(from The Book of Worship p56 &163, An Aust Prayer Book p227, Opening Prayers p64 & 134, Invocations p68, Prayers for God’s People Year B p62 & 63, Moira Laidlaw Year B Transformation Sunday, National Day of Prayer and Fasting 2015 material)     

Majestic Lord, we come today to worship you and to celebrate that you are our God.

You reveal your glory in the beauty and the order of the World and the Universe which you summoned into being, in the loveliness of created things, and in the manner in which everything works together.

You reveal your wisdom in the Laws of Physics, in the movement of the Stars across the night sky, and in the movement of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.

You reveal your tenderness in your compassion for us, your children, in the way that you walk beside us as we journey through life.

Infinite God, in your mercy, you encompass us in your arms.  For you are our refuge and strength, you keep us safe in your care and we know that all of our hope is placed in you.

You heal us when we are disheartened, you bind up the wounds of our souls, you raise us up with new life.

You promise us pure hearts so that we may truly see you, you promise us sincere love so that we may truly serve you, you promise us abundant joy for which we may truly praise you,

you promise us that you will never leave us and in this we will put our trust forever.

Almighty God, your power is revealed in your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who is the light of the World, in whom is our hope for the forgiveness of sin and a life of blessing.

He gives light to us when we sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and guides us into the way of peace.  In him your abundant love for all people is plainly made visible and is freely made available.

Creator God, we praise you that you are Lord of History, for your sovereign plans and purposes for our Nation. 

We are humbled that you have blessed us as a Nation, for the peace and security that we experience day by day, for stable and just government, for an abundance of food and resources. 

We thank you that you continue to reveal yourself to us in our time according to your Holy Will. 

We praise you as the God who holds all Nations of the Earth in your hands.  To your glory we pray.  Amen.

Prayer of Confession

(from The Book of Worship p56 &163, An Aust Prayer Book p227, Opening Prayers p64 & 134, Invocations p68, Prayers for God’s People Year B p62 & 63, Moira Laidlaw Year B Transformation Sunday, National Day of Prayer and Fasting 2015 material)     

Merciful God, even though you have showered us with so much blessing, we have sinned and fallen short in so many ways.

We confess our failure to listen to you because of the influence on our lives of the gods of this world, with the result that our lives conceal rather than reveal your glory and love.

We become preoccupied with our own busyness and neglect those around us who are hurting.

We become preoccupied with our own plans and schemes and neglect to give ourselves over to your will.

We neglect your Word and instead listen to what the World calls wisdom.

We neglect to come to you in prayer and fail to heed your voice.  We depend upon our own strength and wonder why we fail to be an effective witness to your love.

We feel that the World operates by wealth and power and privilege and seek to emulate it even within the Church, giving no compassion for the outcasts, the infirm or the disadvantaged. 

We are confused by what the World sees as important and fail to remember that Jesus was a healer and a comforter, who gave all he had to those that the World had rejected but whom God loved the most. 

Forgive us for when we do not centre our lives and our devotion on you but become distracted by fleeting fascinations with what goes on around us. 

Shine into our hearts and drive away the darkness of our sin and error, strengthen our hope and reopen our love, giving ourselves wholly to your will so that we may faithfully serve you for the rest of our lives.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness 

(from 2 Corinthians 4: 14 & 15) 

The Apostle Paul declared that God raised Jesus Christ to life and that through His grace He will raise us to eternal life.  Having confessed our sins we put our trust in this good News, and, with confidence, hold onto the promise that God has forgiven us and has made us whole.

Thanks be to God.

Prayers for Others

Almighty God, knowing of your love for all of Humanity, especially of your compassion for the needy, we come to you with our cares and our concerns.

We bring to you our prayers for the World around us and for people individually.

Inspire your Church today with a renewed vision of your glory,

so that we and all your people may walk as children of light and, by your grace, reveal your presence in the World.

We pray for all those who are involved in the administration of justice.

Give wisdom to all those who are in authority over others, especially members of the police force, those who sit in judgment, prison and probation officers, and those who support the victims of crime.

We pray for all who walk in the darkness of crime.

Reveal among them your glory and power to bring resurrection and new life out of even the deepest evils and sufferings.

Lord Jesus, as we go about our daily routines this week help us to see your glory in the people with whom we work, our neighbours and friends, and in those we fear or find hard to get on with.

In all our conversations help us to listen carefully not only to what others are saying but also to what you are saying to us in each encounter.

We lift up to you those among us in need,

that you will provide employment opportunities, and make available the means for them to be able to provide for themselves.

Comfort those who have experienced deep disappointments and loss, those who are in need of your hope, your guidance and strength, those whose jobs bring them stress and conflict,

may they experience your consolation and peace of heart and mind and soul.

We pray for those who are hospitalized, confined to homes, or undergoing tests,

relieve their suffering, bring to them healing and wholeness, give guidance to those who are providing care and medical attention that the cause of their issues are being addressed.

We pray for peace-keepers, journalists, and aid workers assigned to duty in many places of the world where there is conflict,

praying for their safety, as well as the welfare of residents and refugees of those countries

As we hear your story of transformation, O God,

we pray for your Spirit to transform us.

Transform our eyes to see the light of your glory.

Transform our hearts to feel the goodness of your presence.

Transform our minds to understand a fraction of your will.

Transform our world to recognize the ties that bind us to one another.

Holy one, you sent Christ, your son, your beloved, to show us that we, too, are your children.

Make us know, O God, that our worth does not come from our work.  Our performance on tests or tasks or job interviews does not determine our value.

Our worth, our identity, our very being, comes from you, O God of grace.

In your image, we are created.  In your grace, we are redeemed.  In your community, we are loved.  In your Spirit, we are called.

As the disciples were, O God, we are soften overcome by fear, anxiety, grief, or sadness.

Pour your healing into our wounds.  Breathe your goodness into our doubts.  Touch us, heal us, and bring us peace.

Give us the hope and faith, to look and up and see your presence around us.

Give us the strength to know that we are not alone.

Bring rest and refreshment when we’re exhausted; hope and faith when we’re despondent and doubt you;

and the assurance of your love and forgiveness when we’re overwhelmed by our own weaknesses and failures.

God who meets us in the broken places, shine the light of Christ deep into our lives,

so we may carry that light into dark places and point to the One whose brokenness is our salvation.

Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may reach out to all who have been excluded or marginalized by our society and offer acceptance and inclusion in our community.

We pray for transformation, that we may present ourselves before Christ and confidently surrender to his touch all that is sinful, selfish, or alienating in our life.

We pray for unity in the Human family, that you will awaken within us a spirit of fraternity and help us to cooperate with all peoples, races, and faith traditions in combating disease, poverty, and injustice.

We pray for the grace to imitate Christ, that you will help us to love others, confront lies and injustice, and surrender ourselves in service to you and to our neighbour as did Jesus.

We pray that all who have been scandalized by the actions or inactions of those in authority may experience the healing and renewing touch of Jesus.

We pray for all who feel socially isolated, that those who have been ridiculed, laughed at, or bullied, may have their dignity as persons recognized and be welcomed into this faith community.

We pray for all who are physically isolated, that you will guide us in reaching out to them, assisting with their needs, and sharing faith with them.

We pray for all who are ill, that you will touch the sick and return them to wholeness, free the Human family from the coronavirus, and speed the distribution of the vaccines.

We pray for openness to the Holy Spirit, that we may be attentive to your invitations to grow and change during the coming Lenten season.

We pray for all who are suffering, that you will assist and guide to fulfillment all who are searching for jobs, a place to call home, food for their table, or healthcare.

We pray for greater stewardship of Earth’s resources, that you will help us understand the value of all living things and the wisdom to protect them for future generations.

We pray for peace, that you will inspire World leaders to take bold steps to end violence and promote justice through dialogue and understanding.

[Copyright © 2024. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. –]

We pray for the peoples of Andorra, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Vatican City

We are thankful for the rich historical legacies and distinctive cultures in these countries, for the faithful witness of the churches in the midst of empire building and colonization, for the many and diverse waves of migrants who have come to these lands, and for the hospitality that long has been shown to those arriving on their shores.

We pray for the preservation of the fragile environments and shorelines in this region, for an end to economic and political turmoil, for stable governments that end corruption and serve the common good, and for policies that relieve disparities between those who are rich and poor.

Additional Prayers

The fire prayer

Holy Spirit, set me on fire with your wisdom, so that I may love only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, enlighten me with your understanding, so that I may perceive only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, kindle in me your counsel, so that I may see only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, inflame me with your strength, so that I may desire only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, pour out your knowledge upon me, so that I may do only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, give me ardent devotion, so that I may seek only that which is holy.

Holy Spirit, make me blaze in the fear of God so that I may never again lose that which is holy.

(From the Book of Devotions – Devocionário – of the Franciscan Congregation of Nursing Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Portugal.)

You are the way

You are the way, Lord.
You came from the Father, as Joseph, to visit your brothers and sisters, to greet us and bring us God’s salvation.
And we sold you, for a few coins.
You are our way, and we lost you.
But you have returned again.
You are constantly returning to seek your lost brothers and sisters, who are hungry, fearful, and cold, in the dark night of this world, downhearted, disconsolate, disheartened.
Travelling through the world you are our guide, our counsellor, torch-bearer, our strength, motivator, our defence, refuge, protector, our provider, sustainer, food for the journey,
our listener, friend and companion.

(Alberto Iniesta Jiménez [1923 – 2016], former auxiliary archbishop of the Archdiocese of Madrid)


We pray for the upcoming Scripture Union (Tasmania) Family Walks that are planned on Sunday afternoons once per month throughout the year, that they will be an uplifting time for those involved.  We pray for the SU Far North Qld Chaplain Inservice Day to take place this coming Thursday, that those who take part will develop skills and talents that they can use in your service.  We pray for the Northern Territory SU Training Day for Children & Youth Ministry for staff and volunteers in Darwin to take place this coming Saturday, that it will be a time for learning and for a renewal of enthusiasm for this area of outreach.

We pray for the work of The Leprosy Mission Mozambique.  We pray for their programme in Zambezia, that it will grow and that lives will be transformed and leprosy defeated in this province.

We give thanks for the media centres that they have set up so far, and pray that the content that they transmit to these centres may be a source of behavioural change that improves the lives of communities, especially for people affected by leprosy.

We pray for the safety and security of the region of Cabo Delgado, so that more persons affected by leprosy can have access to better quality services.

We pray for the success of the advocacy process that aims to involve the Government in the leprosy awareness movement in Mozambique.  We pray for greater commitment of the government to leprosy work in Mozambique.

We pray for those who plan to undertake Religious Instruction classes at Bald Hills State School in the coming weeks.  Guide them in their preparation for the words to say and the approach to take with the children in their classes. 

We pray for Kylie Conomos, the Scripture Union Chaplain at Bald Hills State School, as she returns to addressing the concerns and needs of children, parents and teachers at the Bald Hills State School.

Lord God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your lovingkindness.  To your glory we pray.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.