Just a Brief Introduction:


Within the Uniting Church of Australia we prefer to call this service of blessing “baptism”, in the hope that a broader, more encompassing meaning is acknowledged by all those involved.

* HOW DOES “Baptism” have a wider meaning than “Christening”?

Generally people associate “christening” with children, (or ships, horses etc.)  WHEREAS within the Christian Community of Faith “Baptism” may be linked with infants, children or adults.

* WHY DO WE HAVE “Baptism” Services?

The “Great Commission” words of Jesus Christ to His Church are to:” make disciples….and baptise them into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!”—so this is what the Church has continued to do down through the centuries since He spoke those words. Please make contact if you would like to understand in more depth what Baptism means.

* So what is involved in having a service of Baptism for my child?

  Please contact Mr Geoffrey Webber on 0424 772 340 with your enquiry so that the  steps involved can be explained more fully; however  some pertinent points are:

  1. The service means that your child, as well as being baptised into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is received into the local congregation of our church.
  2. You, as parents or guardians, will be asked during the service for a promise to support your child in being raised within the Christian faith.
  3. The church members will promise to help you fulfil your promise.
  4. Except for special circumstances the Baptism service would take place as part of a normal Worship Service of our congregation.
