Prayer of Praise: –
(from Invocations and Benedictions p 141, opening Prayers p 103, Uniting in Worship Red Book p335, Moira Laidlaw, Leading Intercessions p 116, Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People p168 and 169)
Almighty God, you do not change, for you are the same, yesterday, today and forever. You do not change, for you continue to love the lost and the wandering. You come to us with your mercy and care. You touch our hearts with your tenderness and forbearance. Gracious God, you come to us in Jesus Christ, granting us forgiveness, not because we have earned it or merit it, but solely because that is your will and that is your plea for Humanity.
Almighty God, we give you thanks for the many blessings that you have given to us; the freedom to meet for worship, the freedom from want and neglect, for stable Government, for an uncompromised justice system, for safety when we walk the street or go to the local park. We give you thanks for the way you have enriched and enhanced our lives, through accessible education, through participation in sport, through friendship and family, through work or through opportunities for volunteering our time and energy.
Almighty God, we praise you for your comfort in our times of stress, for your peace in our times of trouble, for your restoration when we lose hope, for your company when we are lonely or in grief. You discern our needs and provide for us so richly. You guide our lives and direct us on the path that is in tune with your will and purpose for us.
Almighty God, we are in awe of your power and authority over what you have created and set in place, in Heaven and upon Earth. We are in awe of your majesty as the LORD, our God, who rules over Time and Space, who has directed History from the beginning in the Garden of Eden. We are in awe of your incomparable grace and mercy for a fallen Humanity. We are in awe of your eternal and everlasting love
for each individual who has ever lived, who is living and who is yet to live.
Almighty God, we worship you and give you our unending praise, now and always. Amen.
Prayer of Confession
(from Invocations and Benedictions p 141, opening Prayers p 103, Uniting in Worship Red Book p335, Moira Laidlaw, Leading Intercessions p 116, Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People p168 and 169)
Merciful God, we bow before you in humility and penitence, for we know that we have behaved in ways that are shameful in your sight and have made decisions that disappoint you.
We neglect the contemplation of the infinite for the pursuit of the finite. We worship things of less value than ourselves, much less than you. Merciful God, forgive us.
Merciful God, we bow before you knowing that we have contributed to the despair in the lives of others by our unwillingness to reach out and touch those who are hurting or have lost hope.
We hold judgemental attitudes towards people who we consider do not measure up to our standards. Our apathy allows people to remain in the clutches of evil. Merciful God, forgive us.
Merciful God, we bow before you, knowing that we falter in our support those who are weakened by poverty or illness.
We fail to welcome the stranger or the refugee, the homeless or the friendless. Merciful God, forgive us.
Merciful God, redeem us from our lostness, rescue us from our wandering, restore us from our brokenness.
Remove our stubbornness and intractability. Fill our minds with your wisdom and our hearts with sincerity so that our lives and our worship are acceptable to you.
Strengthen us with your Spirit to reflect the same mercy that you show to all who are lost.
Fill us with the same unconditional love that Jesus showed, so that we too can bring healing and wholeness to the lives of others. For this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
(from Colossians 2: 20 & 3: 1)
The Apostle Paul writes to the Church in Colossae, reminding the believers there that they have died with Christ and have been raised to life with Christ. Having confessed our sins before God, let us, too, hold onto this same promise, that our sins have been forgiven, and our lives renewed and made whole with
Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.
We pray for the Church, that we may strive to open our hearts to you each day and be vigilant against allowing anyone or anything to displace you as the centre of our life.
We pray for the gift of Wisdom, that your Spirit will enlighten our minds and guide us in making loving and life-giving decisions each day.
We pray for courage, that you will strengthen us as we encounter our daily crosses so that we may give witness to Christ.
We pray for a renewal of creativity, that your Spirit will inspire us to use the many gifts that you have given us to bring forth new blessings and undreamed-of possibilities for our faith community.
We pray for freedom of spirit, that you will unbind us from past hurts and failures so that we may be free to love, serve and be in relationship.
We pray for all who are suffering for their discipleship or who are imprisoned or persecuted for their faith, that you will heal their pain, strengthen their spirit, and make strong and effective their witness to Christ.
We pray for a deeper connection with all the people who are in our life, that we may see them with the love that you have for each of them and encourage them to live their life fully.
We pray for a true appreciation of all of our possessions, that we may accept them as gifts from you, use them to serve you and others, and never be possessed by them.
We pray for an end to terrorism, that all who feel trapped and burdened by life may seek new ways to address their pain and come to a new understanding of the dignity of Human life.
We pray for all who have no food, that you will touch the hearts of those with abundance to share their bounty so that all may experience your reign as God.
We pray for all who are recovering from wildfires, hurricanes or other disasters, that you will ease their suffering, give them hope, and strengthen all who working to assist them.
We pray for all who are held in slavery or human trafficking, that you will break their bonds, heal them, and reconnect them with their loved ones.
We pray for refugees and those who have fled violence, particularly children, that you will open the hearts of many to recognize them as sisters and brothers, help them find places of safety, and be welcomed into communities of faith.
We pray for all living in the midst of violence and civil discord, that you will open opportunities for peaceful resolution to these conflicts, protect each person from harm, and bring forth justice in these communities.
Copyright © 2022. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
We pray for the Church, that it will remain steadfast in faith and discipleship. May all Christians honour and respect one another.
We pray that you will give wisdom to those in power, that they will seek to settle differences with dialogue and not conflict.
We pray for those who have fled from abuse in their homes, that they will find a place of refuge and support, and that there will be a way of reconciliation.
(Raymond Chapman in Leading Intercessions P115)
We pray for the troubled in mind and spirit, for the misunderstood, for the abandoned, for the lonely, and for the bereaved, that you will guide them to people who can offer comfort and consolation, and encouragement and courage to face the future.
(David Hosteller in Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People Year C P167)
We pray for the peoples of Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Senegal.
We are thankful for the many ways in which these countries have moved beyond their colonial histories, especially the scars related to slave trade, for this area’s distinctive music and cultural practices of storytelling (griots), for economic and educational advances that have lifted some out of poverty, for promising transitions into democracy and changes in government leaders, and for the persistent, faithful witness of churches in the midst of other faiths.
We pray for those people in these societies who continue to live in abject poverty, for an end to policies, systems, and cultural practices that continue to exploit and marginalize some groups, for the fair election of more just government leaders who respect the rights of all people, and for faith communities witnessing and working together for the common good.
Prayer to the Holy Child
Holy child of Bethlehem, born in a stable:
help us to remember all those children living in poverty or even abandoned by their parents.
Holy child of Bethlehem, whom Herod sought to kill:
help us to remember all those holy innocents of our own time who suffer abuse or neglect in so many different ways.
Holy child of Bethlehem, a refugee in Egypt:
help us to care for all those children who are forced to live far away from their homes.
May the God of love bless all of you,
your families and our nation with his gift of peace and happiness.
(From the Christmas message of the Most Rev. Robert P. Ellison CSSp, Bishop of Banjul.)
Prayer for The Gambia
Lord, grant our leaders the qualities of leadership they need
to stride securely through our times,
and on the hard-fought path of life
give them a generous portion of the grace they need
to lead us with a sincere heart and with wisdom.
May the difficult sacrifices
we joyfully make for the development of our country
reach up to you as a living plea
to lavish kindness, faithfulness and power
and keep watch over our land.
Lord, let us believe in your power
to bring all people together
and let no one deprive us of this song of unity.
Let us form the great image of the human person and community
among us which fulfils your will.
We pray for peace and unity in our homeland,
that we may be able to live as one family
working for the betterment of our nation and her people.
We pray for all those who have to witness to their faith
in situations where they are ridiculed, threatened and persecuted:
that they may find in you, Lord, the courage they need.
(Prayer submitted by the Most Rev. Michael J. Cleary CSSp, Bishop of Banjul.)
Prayer from Senegal
Lord, hear my prayer of peace and forgiveness!
Lord God, forgive the white slave-traders of Europe and over the seas!They hunted our children like wild elephants. They caught them, tiedthem up, whipped them and soiled their hands with their blood.
Bless my people, Lord, those who seek their own faces under the threatof being recognized. May they continue to seek you in spite of the coldand famine that eats at their very bones, at their very insides. Thewoman who laments her absent husband, the fiancée her lost love, themother her dead son, bless those who have lost loved ones, may we allunite under your love.
With your help, may all the people of Europe, Asia, Africa, and all whohave sweated blood and suffering look beyond and see the haloed headsof my people. Extend a warm handshake to them so that we may allinterlace our fingers to belt the earth in fraternal love.
(Excerpted from “Prayer for Peace and Brotherhood”, Sedar Senghor, president of Senegal, 1960-81. Hallelujah for the Day, ed. Anthony Gittins, Liguori/Triumph, Ligouri MO, USA, 2002, p.103.)
Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal | World Council of Churches (
We pray that political leaders of Cape Verde will address the ecological and economic problems confronting the Nation, to develop wise government promoting sustainable farming practices, social betterment and greater employment opportunities.
We pray that those professing to be part of the Christian Church in Cape Verde will forgo the superstitions and fetishism predominant in their culture
We pray that the Church in Gambia will take advantage of the religious freedom of the Nation to reach out to Muslim communities. We pray for the effectiveness of Christian ministries in prisons, Christian Radio and Christian television programs.
We pray for progress with Bible translation in The Guinea, so that it can be read in more tribal languages. We pray for the effectiveness of the Cassette ministry in The Guinea, that up-to-date cassettes will be produced and distributed across the country.
We pray for maturity among the leadership of the Church in Guinea-Bissau, as they plan for finding leaders for smaller congregations, the training of pastors and translation work of the New Testament into more national languages. We pray for the vision to reach out to the Muslim communities among the Fulbe and Mandingo tribal areas in Guinea-Bissau.
We pray for an awareness among the Church in Senegal that their lives are to reflect holiness and right living, such that, in this way, they can truly live out their faith and present an effective witness to Muslims in Senegal. We pray for the successful development of leadership training within the Church and an increase in the number of pastors who can minister to the many small congregations throughout Senegal.
(Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk in Operation World p147, 266, 291, 295 and 559)
We thank you, God, for the recent meeting of the Pacific Church Partnership Advisory Network (PCPAN) meeting in Canberra. We pray that the decisions made and projects proposed will be effective in promoting strong social and political leadership, and the alleviating of health and educations needs among Pacific Islanders.
We thank you for the success of the Pacific Conference of Churches, for the level of co-operation among the participating Churches and the awareness of opportunities for the future to develop Church leadership and the promoting of social and economic development among the peoples of the Pacific islands.
… the tree is growing | UnitingWorld Update Q2 2022 – UnitingWorld
We pray for The Leprosy Mission in Timor-Leste.
We pray for good health and commitment for our Chairperson, Ms Dulce da Cunha to lead our Board Members as she guides the organisation towards our vision of leprosy defeated and lives transformed in Timor-Leste. We pray for the implementation of the country strategy in Timor-Leste, that everyone will understand and follow the new strategic direction. We pray for improved support to people affected by leprosy, who are hoping to have their own association We thank you God that LMTL has attained a piece of land where it is hoped to build an office building. We pray for this office building process, that a permanent office premises will be op and operating by the end of 2022.
Leprosy Mission 2022 Prayer Diary.pdf
We pray for the effective planning and preparation for Scripture Union camps during the upcoming school holiday period. We pray for your support and guidance for the leaders and helpers, that they will be enthusiastic about the potential for personal and spiritual growth among the children and youth who will be attending the camps.
We pray for Jane Huggins as she heads up a team to develop national team member training for volunteers to Scripture Union. We pray that this training will bless the volunteers and multiply effective ministry. We pray for the AMPLIFY Conference team shaping and developing the decentralised conference across Australia – for local Hubs to register, and for the leadership meeting this month.
SU Prayer-Guide-Sep-2022-Brisbane.pdf
We pray for those providing Religious Instruction at Bald Hills State School, that you will encourage them as they lead their weekly classes, and that they will feel supported by the class teachers. May the Holy Spirit work in the hearts and minds of the children in these classes, that they will come to an understanding of the truths of the Gospel and respond to the message of your love and grace for them.
We pray for the chaplain at Bald Hills state School, Kylie Conomos, that you will continue to guide her and support her as she provides care for the students, teachers and parents of the school.
We pray for those whom we have not been able to worship with us recently. We ask that they may feel your close presence with them each day, that they will experience your support and encouragement as they journey through life in this time of uncertainty and change.
Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care. To your glory we pray.