Prayer of Praise
(based on Psalm 89: 1, 5a, 6a, 7b, 8a, 9a, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17b, & 18)
O LORD, I always sing of your constant love,
I will proclaim your faithfulness forever.
The heavens sing of the wonderful things you do,
There is no-one like you, LORD, all stand in awe of you.
LORD God Almighty, no-one is as mighty as you,
You rule over all things.
Heaven is yours, the Earth also,
You made the World and everything in it.
How powerful you are,
How great is your strength.
Your Kingdom is founded on righteousness and justice;
Love and faithfulness are shown in all you do.
How happy are the people who worship you with songs,
Who live in the light of your kindness.
Because of you they rejoice all day long,
And they praise you for your goodness.
In your love you make us triumphant,
And you, LORD, are our protector. Praise be given to you for all time. Amen.
Prayer of Confession
(from Moira Laidlaw in Liturgies On-Line Pentecost 2 & 3)
Merciful God, we come to you knowing that we do not measure up to your standard, knowing that we have not completely surrendered all of our life to you.
We confess that our behaviour is often contrary to all that you teach us, that there are times when we profess the Lordship of Jesus Christ with our words but deny it with our actions. Lord, forgive us.
Merciful God, we confess our inaction and lack of involvement with people’s pain and problems.
We lack the courage to face up to injustice and discrimination and let it silently continue and grow. Lord, forgive us.
We confess that there are times when we do not share your Good News with those still bound to their sin, and do not present to others the hope of release that You so freely and openly make available to all,
So that people look to other gods for relief or remain burdened by guilt. Lord, forgive us.
We confess that fearfulness shapes much of our decision making, an unwillingness to being vulnerable to the unknown rather than depending upon your constant and boundless love.
Lord, forgive us. Please empty us of habits that are destructive to ourselves and to others. Empower us by your Spirit to be bearers of love and peace and reconciliation in the World in which we live. In your name we pray. Amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
(from Romans 6:18)
The Apostle Paul reminds us that through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven, we have been set free from the bondage to sin, and have been put right with God. Let us hold onto that promise, trusting that, having confessed our sins, we can accept with confidence that God has heard our prayers, that our sins are forgiven, and that we have been renewed in His sight.
Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
Almighty God, knowing of your love for all of Humanity, especially of your compassion for the needy, we come to you with our cares and our concerns.
We bring to you our prayers for the World around us and for people individually.
We pray for wisdom:
that we may embrace the paradox that our effort to control life produces no results while surrendering to you will provide abundant life.
We pray for the grace of insight:
that we may love our family and neighbours as you love them and be a source of encouragement toward a fuller response to all that you ask of them.
We pray for a spirit of hospitality:
that we may welcome all who enter our lives as we would welcome Christ with great love and generously share our time and talents with them.
We pray for greater perseverance:
that you will give strength and hope to all who suffer because they practice the values and principles of the Gospel and help them never to give up.
We pray for the grace to live the Gospel:
that we may love you with our whole heart and strength and learn to love everyone in our lives as you love them.
We pray for a reordering of our pursuits:
that you will free us from idolatrous struggles for power, fame, social status, and possessions, and help us find fulfillment in loving service and life-giving relationships.
We pray for all who are struggling with addictions, particularly with opioids:
that you will free them, help them find the assistance they need, and restore them to their families.
We pray that you will touch the hearts of public officials:
help them to speak respectfully and truthfully in pursuing their programs and policies.
We pray for our youth:
that you will guide them through the challenges and confusion of life and help them grow to their fullest potential.
We pray that you will lead us and guide us to care for our World:
that we may recognize that it is your gift to us and to our descendants, so that we may work to preserve it so that all of earth’s inhabitants may be blessed by it.
We pray for all who are suffering:
that you will strengthen all who are facing the effects of age and infirmity, guide all who are in difficult relationships, and give peace to all who are wrongly judged or misunderstood.
We pray for our Nation:
that you will guide us in living the values which you proclaim so that all may experience life in its fullness and justice.
Copyright © 2023. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
Lord God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your lovingkindness. To your glory we pray.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.