Prayer of Praise and Confession
(from World Environment Day worship material & Uniting in Worship Red Book p567 &Prayers for god’s People Year A p114 & 115 & Invocations p163 & Opening Prayers p50 & 51 & The Book of Worship p184)
Almighty God, you bring into being all that we see around us through your breath of life. We see the way that you sustain all things and hold all things together. There is a mystery about Creation that we cannot comprehend, and we gaze around us in wonder. We praise You.
Loving God, you give us new life through the breath of your Holy Spirit. Your gift of the Spirit empowers us to be witnesses for you to the ends of the Earth. Our lives are enriched, and our spirits are released from the bondage to darkness and liberated to shine in your glory and honour. We praise You.
Wondrous God, we proclaim how great you are in raising Jesus on the third day so that our sins can be forgiven. We proclaim how great you are in raising Jesus to your right-hand side, to live and reign with You. We proclaim how great you are by sending your Holy Spirit upon us so that we not left alone in a World that turns its back upon you. We praise You.
We rejoice in your mercy, O God, in the way that You have welcomed us into your family, in the way that you have blest us by being here amongst us. We rejoice in the wonder of your love and kindness. We celebrate your goodness to us and that we are no longer alienated from you but are united with you. We praise You.
Yet, Merciful God, we find ourselves so set in our ways that we have stopped dreaming of what could be. We find ourselves never expecting anything new to happen in our lives nor in the life of the Church. We find ourselves feeling powerless and overwhelmed by an increasingly oppressive world. Open our eyes, our ears and our hearts, to the vacuum in our lives, and to the blessings and enriching that are ours through Your Holy Spirit.
Merciful God, you left your mark of perfection upon the Heavens and the Earth, but the marks we leave are ones of destruction and death. You created an environment that was self-sustaining and full of life and renewal. We use the same environment in wasteful and wanton ways, consuming life as if it is limitless, and interfering in natural processes in ways that spoil and poison the very things that are needed to sustain your Creation. Open our eyes, our ears and our hearts, O God, to the pain experienced by your Creation for which we are responsible, and to the hope for change in our actions and behaviours that can bring healing.
Merciful God, we complain about the traffic and of not finding a handy car park at the shopping centre, yet spare little thought for those who cannot afford a car. We complain about the lack of choices on the supermarket shelves and of having to queue at the registers, yet spare little thought for those who cannot afford the cost of a meal. We dream of the next digital TV we desire or of faster internet access, yet spare little thought for the communities who have nothing. Open our eyes, our ears and our hearts, O God, to the pain experienced by so many others, near and far away, and to the possibilities that are available for us to alleviate their suffering.
Merciful God, we bring all things before You that grieves you, our sins that have hurt you, our sins against others that do not reflect the love that You have for them, and our sins that have resulted in a degradation of the beautiful World around us. Gracious and merciful God, grant us your forgiveness, and refresh and renew us with the Holy Spirit so that we become eager, strong, and vital Disciples of Jesus Christ. To your glory we pray. Amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
In God we find love and life. Know, therefore, that we are beloved children of God; forgiven, renewed and made whole through the sacrifice, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.
We pray for the Church, that we may be attentive to your presence and action in our lives so that we may be ready to act as you direct us. Inspire us to grow in holiness and in our service for others. Purge the Church of all that is contrary to the Truth of Christ and subversive of good teaching and faithful service
We pray for unending hope, that we may live with an awareness of your abundant compassion and look to the future with childlike expectancy for the fulfillment of your promises.
We pray for renewal of prayer in our lives, that you will help us to quiet our minds and hearts, listen to the movement of the Spirit in our lives, and enlighten us to live the Gospel more fully. Guide us to those parts of our lives that are dishonourable and unholy, and not useful to building up our character and soul.
We pray for the grace of vigilance, that we may take your Word to heart and never be numbed into complacency nor trapped by worry.
We pray for the gift of patience, that you will teach us how to wait and allow your plan to unfold in our lives and our relationships.
We pray for courage in facing suffering, that you will fill our hearts with courage and give us the strength to remain faithful even when tragedy and suffering enter our lives.
We pray for our Church community, that Christ may increase our love for one another and help us to be overflowing with generosity toward all who are in need.
We pray for all who live in fear and confusion, that whether they are rich or poor, refugee or famous, they may encounter the light of Christ that will show them the way forward to a fuller life.
We pray for freedom from numbness and self-centeredness, that you will help us understand our true calling and focus on loving and serving you each day.
We pray for those who have suffered abuse, that your loving embrace will free them from fear, heal their deepest selves, and bring forth a fuller life within them.
We pray for those enslaved by any kind of addiction, that you will set them free and heal the damage that they have done to themselves and to others.
We pray for all who are experiencing the collapse of social, political, and economic structures, that they may seek first your reign and find their security in you.
We pray for all whose hopes are unfulfilled and whose dreams are dying, that you will inspire them with a new vision and a new opportunity to use their gifts to build up the human community.
We pray for all who are ill, that they may know your healing presence and entrust themselves to your loving care.
We pray for all who are traveling this day, that you will guide them on their way home or back to school, preserve them from harm, and help them arrive without delay.
We pray that you will guide the leaders of Nations, that they will govern with true judgement and right dealings.
We pray for those who are weary, worn and sad, for those troubled in mind and soul, that you may lead them to rest and restoration. Give to them healing and strength to face daily life and its struggles with patience and endurance.
Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
[Raymond Chapman in Leading Intercessions p86, David Hostetter in Prayers for the Seasons of god’s People Year C p 11 & 12]
We pray for our teachers in schools across the State, as they approach the end of the School year. Give to them the energy and clarity they need to support their pupils to make the most of their opportunities for academic learning and development.
We pray for the Governments in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Timor Leste, that they will eradicate corruption, establish justice and peace, and work effectively for the wellbeing of all their people. We pray for victims of violence, torture, drug and human trafficking, and human rights violations, that those responsible might be held accountable. We pray for those affected by earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, for compassion and the rebuilding of communities and livelihoods. We pray for the vital witness of churches in this region, for ecumenical and interfaith cooperation to bring justice, peace and sustainability to these lands.
We pray for families in Indonesia who have been uprooted by Climate Change and the Pandemic. We pray that you will help communities to build resilient livelihoods, and reclaim their hope for the future.
We ask that you Spirit will work in the minds and hearts of all the children who attend religious instruction classes at Bald Hills State School. May these children be open to you leading them into right living and a loving relationship with you. Bless the efforts of Ian and the other volunteers as they seed the souls of these children with the Gospel message.
We ask that you will refresh and enthuse Kylie Conomos as she continues her work among the children, families and teaching staff at Bald Hills State School. Please guide her as she determines how to meet the needs of children and their families.
Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care. To your glory we pray.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.