Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 20th August 2023

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 20th August 2023

Gathering Prayer: –

Gracious God,
your tender, kind, compassionate love
hugs the whole of your creation.

May we let that love heal us
and, unblocked, within us,
flow out to all we meet. 

As we gather before you today, Lord God,
we remember that you are God of all;
so, we pray for wisdom and sensitivity
in hearing the voices of those on the margins of our experience.

Lead us to hear with your ears and to follow your example,
As we seek to meet needs and foster harmony in your world.

Prayer of Confession      

Father, we confess we still shy away from some fellow human beings,
as if they would taint us. They are not our sort, we say; their
issues are not our concern.

But you do not cut yourself off from anybody. You do not turn your back

where there is need.

Forgive us for distancing ourselves from the problems of those
who are different in some way. We commit to hearing the cries
of all your children, and to responding where we are able.

 Assurance of Forgiveness

We are no longer separated from God, we are God’s children, put right with himself through our faith in the saving work of His son, Jesus Christ.  Having confessed our sins, we have the assurance that God has listened and that God has forgiven us.

You forgive us, Lord, when our hearing is selective,
when we choose to whom we shall listen and respond.

Thank you for forgiving our selfishness.

You forgive us, Lord, when our faith is selective,
when we choose the bits that we like and ignore the
difficult things.

Thank you for forgiving our wilful ignorance.
Thank you for being the God of forgiveness,
heart ever open to our penitence and the will to do better.


 Prayers for Others

The Canaanite woman sought your help. She loved her daughter so much, shewas so desperately in need, that she wouldn’t give up till she had her answer.
We pray in faith.
Hear us and answer our cry, blessed Lord.

Lord, may we learn from this woman, to wait on you expectantly, patiently, persistently, doggedly. Grant us the courage of our convictions when we truly believe we are doing your will.
We pray in faith.
Hear us and answer our cry, blessed Lord.

We pray today for those who feel excluded, whatever their situation, whatever the reason: for prisoners, refugees, the homeless; for the sick, the mentally unstable; for any who feel that they are outsiders.
We pray in faith.
Hear us and answer our cry, blessed Lord.

We pray for ourselves when our faith is weak, or we feel that we don’t belong.
We pray in faith.
Hear us and answer our cry, blessed Lord.

Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.