We give thanks.
For the first people of this land and their ways of belonging in this place,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For all those who have come to these shores
from many lands and many traditions,
with the light of the gospel of Christ,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For this land of rich or sparse beauty,
its diverse and varied people, and our vocation in this land,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For all who have seen your vision of unity
in this country and across the world,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For those whose efforts, in the power of the Holy Spirit,
led to the inauguration of the Uniting Church in Australia in 1977,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For those you called to lead us
in Assemblies, Synods and Presbyteries and in every congregation,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For every faithful person
who has used the gifts you gave
to serve you and others in quiet and humble places,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For people and agencies of the church,
those associated with UnitingCare, such as Blue Care,
and Parish Missions, those small,
and the huge like Wesley Mission,
through whom we minister in your name,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For the mistakes through which you have taught us
and the challenges which have stretched our faith,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For your readiness to be with us
as our Word, our food, our way, our truth and our life,
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
For your special presence with all in need:
the sick, the grieving and those who lack hope;
the homeless, the hungry and all who seek justice;
we lift up our hearts.
God, we give you thanks.
And with all pilgrim people
who have travelled this life,
as companions with you
and encouragers for us,
we bring you praise and honour,
glory and blessing, now and for ever,
through Christ our Lord.