Prayer of approach:
Creative God,
you called us into your Kingdom, and adopted us as your children.
Redeeming Saviour,
you showed us how to be servants, denying ourselves to serve others.
Sustaining Spirit,
you give us strength to take up our cross in the service of the Kingdom of God.
Teach us to serve others, and in doing so, to serve you.
Lord, you walked with your disciples from village to village.
And on the way you talked to them about many things.
Some things were not easy to hear or to understand.
We meet you here today, Lord, to hear these things too.
You don’t call us to sit doing nothing.
You want us to be on the move:
taking risks to change our world and save our lives.
Help us, then, to draw close to you, to be ready to listen. Then to act.
Most merciful and gracious God,
we offer you our heartfelt love and praise
because your Son, Jesus Christ, was willing to risk everything for the whole World.
Even for us.
We come to worship you, earnestly seeking your will for us –
however risky that might be, you are worth it. Amen.
Prayer of confession
‘Who is Jesus?’
For the times I have been asked this question, and have
struggled to give an answer:
Forgive me, Lord, and give me your words to speak.
For the times I have been ashamed to acknowledge you:
Forgive me, Lord, and grant me courage.
For the times I considered only Human concerns, and not God’s:
Forgive me, Lord, and widen my horizons.
For the times I saw opportunities to take risks for God but
looked the other way through fear or indecision:
Forgive me, Lord, and build up my confidence in you.
For the times I only take the chocolates I like out of your box:
Forgive me, Lord, and make me whole,
ready to do your good will. Amen.
Assurance of forgiveness
We have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
The same Jesus who took up his cross and died for our sins.
The same Jesus who looks on us now with love and intercedes on our behalf.
Open our hearts to receive your forgiveness and blessing, Lord. Amen.
Prayers for Others
Let us pray
O Lord our God, we come as your children to share with you our cares and concerns for others.
This morning we have been reminded that prayers without actions, or actions without prayer, are less than the true expressions of our faith.
So now we come to pray for others, and to commit to backing up our prayers with loving deeds.
Our hearts go out to those who are suffering overseas and in our own country.
We have been saddened by the situation in Afghanistan, and we pray for the people of that country, especially those people who are in danger of reprisals from the Taliban, that they might be able to escape, or be able to live in safety and free of fear.
We have been reminded of the awful event twenty years ago, when the people of the United States suffered the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre towers, the attack on the Pentagon and the crash of Flight 93 which claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people.
We pray for healing for those who lost loved ones, and who still suffer the anguish of that loss.
Where there is the pain of loss, may your Spirit give peace. Where there is bitterness and hatred may your Spirit give the power to let go of the hurt.
We are concerned about people who are suffering in our own country for different reasons.
We continue to hear reports from the church’s Frontier Services chaplains about the on-going suffering of people in regions where drought continues to drain the life from not only the land, but also those whose livelihoods depend on it.
We pray for those who are overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness, especially where thoughts turn to giving up life itself.
We pray that their spirits might be uplifted.
We pray too, that you will grant the bush chaplains the skills to provide hope to those needs are especially desperate.
We are constantly reminded of the dangers faced my many communities by the rapid spread of the Delta variant of COVID.
We pray for the health officers and those who have to make decisions
that you will grant them the wisdom and insight to make the right decisions, on the lifting of restrictions
We pray, too, for the increased distribution of the vaccines, and the take up on vaccinations, so that all might be protected.
We are aware that our own community of Bald Hills, like any other community has its fair proportion of people with needs.
We pray for families who are having a tough time because of issues such as financial strain, unemployment or illness.
Where the strains have led to conflict and dysfunction we pray that your Spirit might bring peace, harmony and healing.
We pray for families who are dealing with serious illness or tragedy.
We pray for chaplain Kylie at our Bald Hills school as she ministers to the children and staff, and the families with special needs
We pray that you will grant her and her volunteers and those who teach Religious Instruction the skills and the strength to deal with the needs of the children and staff at the Bald Hills school.
You called the light to shine in the darkness at Creation. We pray that through us you will be a light of hope to those who live in darkness, and that amongst the struggles and confusions of the World, we can help people will find the path that leads to the fullness of life, and joy and peace in Jesus Christ.
We are aware of the often private struggles of those in our congregation who are dealing with grief, illness, or disabilities.
We pray that they might experience your comfort, your healing, your companionship and your encouragement on their journey,
and receive from you what is necessary to meet their deepest needs.
May we go out to be part of the answer to the prayers that we have prayed this morning.
We offer these prayers in the name of Jesus,
who taught us to pray these words:
Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.