Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 19th November 2023

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 19th November 2023

Prayer of Approach: –

Creator God, who has furnished us with all that we have,
we give you praise and thanks.

Remind us of our gifts when we lose sight of them.
Show us where and how to share them.

ive us the courage to offer them freely, as you give to us.
What others may seek to destroy, help us to protect and care,
and give us the conviction to stand fast when we are called to do so.

Let us enter into the light of God’s glorious presence,
bringing our all, big and small, in faithful worship.

We stand in your light where nothing is hidden.
You, Our God, are Great

You, Our God, are Good

And put our trust in You and give You our Praise and Thanks


Prayer of Confession:

As the seasons change around us and the jacaranda blooms and the poinciana

herald that Christmas is coming bringing with it the abundance of God’s blessing and joy.

We are also reminded that we still need to come to God in repentance and so we pray together….

Lord, we confess that there is much about us which brings you sorrow and grief.

For the times when we try to go our own way and end up running from you,

we ask your forgiveness.

For the times we took advantage of your grace,

we ask your forgiveness.

For the times we ignored your calling in our lives,

we ask your forgiveness.

For the times we were too proud to see you at work around us,

we ask your forgiveness.

For the times when we shy away from the work that you want to do in our lives,

we ask your forgiveness.

For the times when we seek fulfillment in Human potential rather than in your peace,

we ask your forgiveness.

Merciful God, guide us, help us to see you more clearly than ever before.

Let us be lights that reflect Your love and truth to our friends and neighbours so that they may know that the power of sin has been broken.  Let this be our approach to the beginning of each new day, seeking Your glory more than our own.  In Jesus’ Name we pray.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness 

(from Hebrews 2: 11 & 17) 

The writer of the Book of Hebrews clearly reminds us that it is through Jesus Christ that our sins are forgiven and that we are made pure in God’s sight.  Having confessed our sins before God and confessed our faith in the saving grace of God, let us move forward with confidence that, indeed, God has heard our prayers and has forgiven us.

Because of Jesus, we are loved and forgiven.

Thanks be to God.

Prayers Of Intercession

We pray to God, who is always ready –
for those overtaken with demands.
Give rest, O Lord.
For those overburdened with anxieties.
Give rest, O Lord.
For those overcome with debt.
Give relief, O Lord.
For those oppressed by powers that despise them.
Give salvation, O Lord.
For those in situations they cannot see a way out of.
Give freedom, O Lord.
For those in need of hope.
Give hope, O Lord.

We pray for the peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand.

We are thankful for the beauty of the land and waters of Aotearoa New Zealand, and the special relationship that people enjoy with the natural environment, for the identities and cultural practices that indigenous peoples long have maintained, and for their increasing political voice, for how the people have welcomed new immigrants, for how churches have witnessed and worked together ecumenically, especially amid challenges of apathy in highly secularized societies.

We pray for churches to have the imagination, skills and energy to build bridges of understanding in increasingly multireligious and multicultural contexts, for those who work tirelessly on issues of justice for the poor, the marginalized and the dispossessed, especially indigenous peoples, for those seeking refuge and a new life in these countries, and those supporting and providing for them, and for careful preservation of the fragile land, sea, and resources.


Prayer for the Side-lined, Lost and Over-looked People.

Holy One, may your Realm of Love come for
the insignificant, unremarkable, over-looked people of the world;
for the un-noticed and simply ordinary people;
back-water sort of people who will never make much impact.
For them

Holy One, may your Realm of Love come for
those who are lost; who have disappeared or are missing;
for the up-rooted, exiled and enslaved ;
lost-rights sort of people who will seldom be seen or heard.
For them

Holy One, may your Realm of Love come for
the fearful, the terrorised and the abused people of the world;
those who are unjustly imprisoned or entrapped;
voiceless people who will hardly dare to seek help.
For them

Holy One, may your Realm of Love come for
the subjugated, silenced and subdued people of the world;
for the lonely, the lacking, the faded, the frightened;
shadowy people unable to bring attention to their suffering.
For them

Holy One, may Your Realm of Love come for
all persons with disabilities;
for the redundant and poorly educated; the timid and un-appreciated;
struggling people who have to strive for support and respect.
For them,

In the dynamic of your Love, may your Realm become a reality for them all. Amen.

(© 2011 Glenn Jetta Barclay, Aotearoa/New Zealand)

We pray for the success of the work of the International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP), as they seek to foster collaboration among organisations with a shared desire to see a World free from leprosy.  We pray for open doors for the ILEP Technical Commission and the ILEP Advisory Panel to share their insights and technical know-how with national and international organisations operating in leprosy-endemic countries.

We pray for harmony and cooperation among the members of The Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy (GPZL), as they commit themselves to ending leprosy, and as they strive to achieve their shared triple-zero vision of no disease, no disability, and no discrimination or stigma.


Prayers of the Congregation

We pray for those who undertake Religious Instruction classes at Bald Hills State School this year.  Guide them in the words to say and the approach to take with the children in their classes.  May the Holy Spirit challenge the children in the RI classes to come to a closer relationship with you.

We pray for Kylie Conomos, the Scripture Union Chaplain at Bald Hills State School.  Please guide and equip her as she seeks to address the concerns and needs of children, parents and teachers at the school.

We pray for those who are unable to attend worship,   Please guide and comfort them in their particular circumstances.  May they be aware of your care for them as they meet what each new day brings.


Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen