Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 12th March 2023

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 12th March 2023

Prayer of Approach

Lord, we are drawn to your well
to seek the water of eternal life.
Refresh us with your Word.
Surround us with your Love.
And fill us to overflowing with your Spirit,
the water of life,
that we may never be thirsty.

Prayer of Confession

Let us open our hearts to the Lord and pray

The woman at the well knew Jesus knew her, warts and all.
We come before you now, Jesus,
and sit at the well expectantly,
hearts open, ready to acknowledge our wrongdoing.

Lord, please forgive us for the times we have failed you –
unintentionally, or sometimes deliberately,
for thinking we can fool you
about the less public parts of our lives,
about the state of our heart.
Help us to humbly acknowledge that:
you know everything we have ever done;
you know when we exclude people;
you know when we don’t recognise you.
Fill our hearts with your forgiveness, Lord,
and make us ready to move forward with you.

 Assurance of Forgiveness

Our eyes are closed – we sit at that well where the
spring of water wells up to eternal life.
Knowing that as they were for the Samaritan woman,
God’s love and forgiveness are freely there for the taking.
As we are being bathed in the water of life, we remember that….
Jesus knows us.   Jesus loves us.

Jesus forgives us.   Jesus restores us.


Prayers of Intercession

We pray for places around the world where there is no fresh water;
for places that suffer constant drought,
or where people have to walk miles to the nearest well.
Water of life, quench us with your life-giving Spirit
and bring hope.

We pray for those on the margins of society
because of their status, age, disability, background or race;
those who seem to have no voice.
Help us to hear their cries, to listen to their pleas.
Help us to open our eyes and our ears.
Water of life, quench us with your life-giving Spirit
and bring hope.

The Samaritan woman took a risk speaking to Jesus.
We pray for all who take risks on a daily basis –
in their jobs, for mere survival, to get food and water for their families;
and for children involved in risky situations all over the world, trying to survive.
Water of life, quench us with your life-giving Spirit
and bring hope.

We pray for those in our communities who need your water of life;
those who are lonely, bereaved, sad, or have lost all hope.
Bring them your comfort, joy and peace.
Water of life, quench us with your life-giving Spirit
and bring hope.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen