Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 24th March 2024

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 24th March 2024

Prayer  of Praise: –        

We now come in prayer

Jesus is king!
King of creation, of all nations, of our lives!
Let us worship with joy, gratitude, and respect.
Hosanna to the Son of David,
to God’s Anointed One!
Hosanna to the king who rides a peaceable donkey!
Hosanna here and in the highest!

Let us pray together.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Lord of lords, King of kings,
your love for us transforms and startles us.
Your gift to us amazes and bewilders us.
Your life given for us brings us to our knees.
Your abundance reveals our poverty.
Your presence comforts and upholds us.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Lord of lords, King of kings,
We adore you like no other.

Prayer of Confession

Jesus of Nazareth, born for us in Bethlehem, you humbled yourself for us on a donkey riding to Jerusalem.

You called us to serve you and in easy times we lay down coats for you and spread branches on the road.

But then when the going gets tough, we are called to stand up for you.

So often we lose our voice, mutter under our breath, turn the other way and walk not with you but stand rooted to the spot with fear.

Forgive us, Lord Jesus,

that we so often do not shout out for your kingship. 


Assurance of Forgiveness

No matter how much we deny or betray you, Jesus, in your great mercy, you wipe away our tears of sorrow and regret, you cleanse us from the pain and anguish, and you shout out to us that our sins, even ours, are forgiven. Praise God.

Prayers of the People

                        Loving God, Your Son Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as a different kind of king. You call us to be different too. We pray that we may bear the fruit of your Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Take firm root in our lives, so we may lovingly serve and welcome all, with no exceptions. Help us to live together in your love and shine as lights in the darkness to reveal your glory in the world.

Lord in your love:

Hear our prayer

Loving God, at the Last Supper, Jesus washed his Disciples’ feet as an example of service. We pray for all those who serve at this time in social care and other essential services; all who volunteer or are good neighbours. We thank you for their compassionate love and ask you to bless their work; equip them with the energy and determination they need to go on rising to the needs of the hour. Help us all to seek the common good.

Lord in your love:

Hear our prayer

            Loving God, In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus experienced distress and anguish over what lay ahead. We pray for all who are experiencing distress and anguish at the present time. All those who are ill; at home or in hospital; those fearful for others; those whose jobs have vanished; whose futures are in great doubt. We thank you for all the efforts made on their behalf and pray that we may all receive your peace and love.

Lord in your love:

Hear our prayer

            Loving God, In Jesus, you love the whole world. So, we continue to pray for those areas where normal, daily life is violence, war and grinding poverty. We continue to remember the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East. We pray that as we approach Easter, peace may begin to take root even in these dark places.

Lord in your love:

Hear our prayer

Loving God, On the cross as Jesus died, your love was glorified. We thank you that He was obedient to death and that you raised Him on high so we know that not even death can separate us from your love. You have redeemed us by love. Jesus is the light of the world; a light which eternally shines and brings hope, that no darkness can quench. Today, we commend all who have died to your eternal joy and care. As we live, work and pray through Holy Week, we thank you that you turn our darkness into light. In your light shall we see light.

Lord, in your love:

Hear our prayer merciful Father. Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

We pray for the peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

We are thankful for preservation of the distinct cultural practices, literature, music and natural resources in these countries, for the faithful witness of Christians during times of persecution and for those who survived times of occupation, for how these countries peacefully became independent after 1918 and 1991, and for new-found freedoms that the people here have experienced, that they might be used for the good of all.

We pray for peaceful relations with Russia and among all the ethnic groups in these lands, for the healing of old wounds remaining from 20th century struggles for just economic development that benefits all citizens in these countries, and for those who live and work abroad, and for governmental leaders and all people, that they might together strive for justice, peace and the well-being of all.


Crumble the walls

God, we pray:
crumble the walls that still separate Christians,
and create a unity, according to your heart and will.
Accept us as we are, but mould us as you want us to be,
and help us become the leaven of unity and love
in our country and around the World.

(Zbigņevs Stankevičs, the Archbishop Metropolitan of the Roman Catholic Church in Latvia, from: WCC NEWS)

Stay with us

Oh God,
we don`t know what lies ahead.
Therefore stay with us, so that we may stay in you
and confess your name to the end.

(© Ove Sander, Estonia)

Roll back the stones

Lord Jesus, you have always loved us from the beginning, and you have shown the depth of your love in dying for us on the cross and thereby sharing our sufferings and wounds.  At this moment, we lay all the obstacles that separate us from your love at the foot of your cross.  Roll back the stones which imprison us.  Awaken us to your resurrection morning.  There may we meet the brothers and sisters from whom we are separated.

(Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2016, Latvia)

We thank you God for Bible Society Australia’s partnership with Bible translation organisations to produce audio recordings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scriptures.  We pray for the success of the audio recordings in KukatJa, Alyawarra, Burarra, and Eastern Arrernte that are anticipated.  We praise you God that more language groups have reached out for Bible translation assistance.

We pray for Nashat, the General Secretary of the Palestinian Bible Society (PBS) and the team serving in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, for the protection of PBS staff and for their families and children.  We pray for an end to war in the Middle East and for help to reach those in need.  Nashat shared, “We were asked by several key church leaders to help, and we responded with food, water, milk, mattresses, walkers, medicine, clothes and other essentials … We launched a social media campaign to give spiritual and emotional support to affected Christians … We will continue to be a living testimony and stand with the body of Christ. Thank you for your prayers and support.”

We thank you God for the thousands of classroom sets and borrow Bibles distributed to Special Religious Education and Christian Religious Instruction volunteer teachers and instructors through BSA’s Bibles in Schools Scripture Grant.  We pray for your wisdom and guidance for all BSA’s partnered Scripture teachers and chaplains, and for the children introduced to the Bible through them.


We pray for the team as they prepare for Scripture Union Northern Territory Easter Camp which is running from 5-8 April.  We pray for the Tasmanian chaplains as they continue their vital work in schools.  A number of chaplains have switched schools this year due to changes in allocations of funding by the state government. We pray they will be able to settle in and adjust to their new environments well.

We pray for the success of the Melrose Easter Camp is being held from 29 Mar – 1 April at Camp Willochra.  This is run by a body of believers from the Mid North Region of South Australia under the guidance of Scripture Union Australia. Our vision is to bring the truth of the Gospel to the next generation and encourage them in relationship with Jesus.

We will celebrate Easter Family Camp is a new camp in the mountains of Central Gippsland and features a team of mostly new to Scripture Union volunteers.  E pray for a strong, confident and unified team along with fun, safety and great Bible engagement at this sacred time of year.

We pray that the Western Australia’s Liquorice Allsorts Camp would run smoothly and effectively, being a time of fun and connection for both leaders and campers (9-13 April).

We pray for the teams of chaplains and volunteers preparing for Easter & Autumn Camps.  We pray for the campers as they prepare to attend and for you to speak to them through the lives of the leaders and the message presented.

We give you thanks God for the many passionate supporters of Scripture Union around Australia who give their prayer, finances and time to see young people reached for Christ in our Nation.


We pray for Misaun Lepra TimorLeste’s Board, as they build relationships with the government and other local and international partners.  May this process be a smooth one.

We thank you God for the new Misaun Lepra strategic plan 2023-2027.  We pray for your guidance for the Chair and Board members and for the teams who will carry out this work. We pray that our targets within the strategic plan will be met.

We pray for the PHACE project, funded by the New Zealand Government through The Leprosy Mission New Zealand, for your wisdom for the team as they implement the project in the community.

We pray for a successful start of the Ending Leprosy Transmission Project in Oecusse, a highly endemic municipality.  We thank you that the new team in Oecusse; has a new office established there that could lead to the sort of impact that will attract the attention of the government and other donors.  We pray this may lead to new partnerships on the border with Indonesia.

We thank you God for the two associations of persons affected by leprosy that have been established in Timor-Leste, AELTL and ATLETIL.  We pray for the success of their advocacy work, that this will reach more people and ultimately educate people about the early treatment of leprosy and how to prevent disability.  We pray that they will raise awareness about the rights of people affected by leprosy.

We pray for the Executive Director and the staff of Misaun Lepra, for a continuation of their commitment and that they will be able to bring about change for those who are in need in Timor-Leste.  We pray for the health of the team and their families, who always support leprosy work in Timor-Leste.

We pray for the people that are supported through the projects of the Leprosy Mission Timor-Leste.  May your love and compassion flow through us as we serve them.  May you touch their lives, bring healing, and provide the resources they need.  May our projects be a source of hope, transformation, and empowerment.

Hear our prayers merciful Father. Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

We pray for the peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

We are thankful for preservation of the distinct cultural practices, literature, music and natural resources in these countries, for the faithful witness of Christians during times of persecution and for those who survived times of occupation, for how these countries peacefully became independent after 1918 and 1991, and for new-found freedoms that the people here have experienced, that they might be used for the good of all.

We pray for peaceful relations with Russia and among all the ethnic groups in these lands, for the healing of old wounds remaining from 20th century struggles for just economic development that benefits all citizens in these countries, and for those who live and work abroad, and for governmental leaders and all people, that they might together strive for justice, peace and the well-being of all.


Crumble the walls

God, we pray:
crumble the walls that still separate Christians,
and create a unity, according to your heart and will.
Accept us as we are, but mould us as you want us to be,
and help us become the leaven of unity and love
in our country and around the World.

(Zbigņevs Stankevičs, the Archbishop Metropolitan of the Roman Catholic Church in Latvia, from: WCC NEWS)

Stay with us

Oh God,
we don`t know what lies ahead.
Therefore stay with us, so that we may stay in you
and confess your name to the end.

(© Ove Sander, Estonia)

Roll back the stones

Lord Jesus, you have always loved us from the beginning, and you have shown the depth of your love in dying for us on the cross and thereby sharing our sufferings and wounds.  At this moment, we lay all the obstacles that separate us from your love at the foot of your cross.  Roll back the stones which imprison us.  Awaken us to your resurrection morning.  There may we meet the brothers and sisters from whom we are separated.

(Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2016, Latvia)

We thank you God for Bible Society Australia’s partnership with Bible translation organisations to produce audio recordings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Scriptures.  We pray for the success of the audio recordings in KukatJa, Alyawarra, Burarra, and Eastern Arrernte that are anticipated.  We praise you God that more language groups have reached out for Bible translation assistance.

We pray for Nashat, the General Secretary of the Palestinian Bible Society (PBS) and the team serving in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, for the protection of PBS staff and for their families and children.  We pray for an end to war in the Middle East and for help to reach those in need.  Nashat shared, “We were asked by several key church leaders to help, and we responded with food, water, milk, mattresses, walkers, medicine, clothes and other essentials … We launched a social media campaign to give spiritual and emotional support to affected Christians … We will continue to be a living testimony and stand with the body of Christ. Thank you for your prayers and support.”

We thank you God for the thousands of classroom sets and borrow Bibles distributed to Special Religious Education and Christian Religious Instruction volunteer teachers and instructors through BSA’s Bibles in Schools Scripture Grant.  We pray for your wisdom and guidance for all BSA’s partnered Scripture teachers and chaplains, and for the children introduced to the Bible through them.


We pray for the team as they prepare for Scripture Union Northern Territory Easter Camp which is running from 5-8 April.  We pray for the Tasmanian chaplains as they continue their vital work in schools.  A number of chaplains have switched schools this year due to changes in allocations of funding by the state government. We pray they will be able to settle in and adjust to their new environments well.

We pray for the success of the Melrose Easter Camp is being held from 29 Mar – 1 April at Camp Willochra.  This is run by a body of believers from the Mid North Region of South Australia under the guidance of Scripture Union Australia. Our vision is to bring the truth of the Gospel to the next generation and encourage them in relationship with Jesus.

We will celebrate Easter Family Camp is a new camp in the mountains of Central Gippsland and features a team of mostly new to Scripture Union volunteers.  E pray for a strong, confident and unified team along with fun, safety and great Bible engagement at this sacred time of year.

We pray that the Western Australia’s Liquorice Allsorts Camp would run smoothly and effectively, being a time of fun and connection for both leaders and campers (9-13 April).

We pray for the teams of chaplains and volunteers preparing for Easter & Autumn Camps.  We pray for the campers as they prepare to attend and for you to speak to them through the lives of the leaders and the message presented.

We give you thanks God for the many passionate supporters of Scripture Union around Australia who give their prayer, finances and time to see young people reached for Christ in our Nation.


We pray for Misaun Lepra TimorLeste’s Board, as they build relationships with the government and other local and international partners.  May this process be a smooth one.

We thank you God for the new Misaun Lepra strategic plan 2023-2027.  We pray for your guidance for the Chair and Board members and for the teams who will carry out this work. We pray that our targets within the strategic plan will be met.

We pray for the PHACE project, funded by the New Zealand Government through The Leprosy Mission New Zealand, for your wisdom for the team as they implement the project in the community.

We pray for a successful start of the Ending Leprosy Transmission Project in Oecusse, a highly endemic municipality.  We thank you that the new team in Oecusse; has a new office established there that could lead to the sort of impact that will attract the attention of the government and other donors.  We pray this may lead to new partnerships on the border with Indonesia.

We thank you God for the two associations of persons affected by leprosy that have been established in Timor-Leste, AELTL and ATLETIL.  We pray for the success of their advocacy work, that this will reach more people and ultimately educate people about the early treatment of leprosy and how to prevent disability.  We pray that they will raise awareness about the rights of people affected by leprosy.

We pray for the Executive Director and the staff of Misaun Lepra, for a continuation of their commitment and that they will be able to bring about change for those who are in need in Timor-Leste.  We pray for the health of the team and their families, who always support leprosy work in Timor-Leste.

We pray for the people that are supported through the projects of the Leprosy Mission Timor-Leste.  May your love and compassion flow through us as we serve them.  May you touch their lives, bring healing, and provide the resources they need.  May our projects be a source of hope, transformation, and empowerment.

Hear our prayers merciful Father. Accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.