Welcome to worship today. A special welcome to Kylie Conomos, Bald Hills State School Chaplain, where she is known affectionately as Chappy Kylie. Kylie will speak to us later in the service to talk about her work as chaplain at the school.
I came across this illustration and got to thinking about what parables Jesus would use in our society today. We as a congregation, as part of the kingdom of God, are like a pencil case. A collection of assorted pencils. We have different life experiences: some of us may feel sharp and alert, others may feel a bit tired and blunted; some may feel broken and in need of care. But, whatever our situation, whatever our needs, together we can be a community of welcome and care.
God our creator, we are made in your image,
create and reshape us anew for your purposes.
God our sustainer, who sent your Son Jesus to be our servant,
by your grace, forgive us where we have hurt your world.
God our guide and inspiration,
open our hearts to receive your wisdom,
inspire and direct us – in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Let us pray together
God of community,
you look down from heaven
on your children on earth,
and are overcome with love.
Love that reaches out
to touch even the most faraway soul.
- God the Father, who made all creation,
and shares all good gifts with us.
We adore you. - God the Son,
just as you walked on earth with your friends,
you are always here with us.
We adore you. - God the Spirit,
though we don’t see you,
we know you are deep within our hearts.
You make sense of our place in your world.
We adore you. Amen.
We sing the hymn ‘COME ON AND CELEBRATE’
We sing ‘TO GOD BE THE GLORY’ (TiS147)
Today we are reminded of the account where Jesus welcomes the children and so we welcome the children and are reminded of the importance of their place in this world. We are called to stand tall and be the elder wisdom giving guidance to younger people.
In services I have led I first highlighted the importance of us being able to put aside our agendas -stop, what we are doing and make the space to listen. Jesus was urgently on the way to heal Jairus’ daughter. He had stopped, listened and responded to the call. On the way he was interrupted by the desperate woman who had touched his cloak. Jesus still stopped and listened and responded. The question is, “Can we too create that space where we can do the same?” And the answer is “Of course we can?”
We do this not in our own strengths and abilities but we re given what we need. We can put on the whole armour of God and add to that the gifts of God’s Holy Spirit, to meet the call. Sometimes the gifts lead to specific ministries and sometimes gifting for a moment. We can thank God that the one Holy Spirit gives diverse gifts to all. We can use our gifts for the benefits of others and practical and concrete ways we can put this truth into action.
We also draw on each other for strength and encouragement.
Let’s look at the pencil case illustration.
Our pencil case is there for us all to use and share. We together, are colouring the big picture My dark green pencil may not work for the leaves I am colouring so I may need to use a lighter green and so I choose that colour, but I may have to wait that with someone else. The light green may be broken or blunt, but there maybe someone who is very handy with a pencil sharpener. I may not be able to do the fine detail but someone with a particular eye says I’ll do that. And so, as we work together the picture is completed and we look at our handywork with satisfaction.
Perhaps we would like the challenge of a bigger picture. With our limited colours in our pencil case this may be difficult, but it is possible by working with another team with another pencil case, with different colours with can pool or colours with theirs and share with them to create something with amazing results.
Our congregation is small in number but we are big in possibility and opportunity. We share our resources to build each other up. We share our resources so that we can sow into the lives of the children in the school across the road, through our work, volunteering, prayer and generosity.
The Religious Instruction program is co-operative. Volunteers from different congregations work together with different Year Levels to bring God’s Word into the hearts of the children. Congregations contribute resources so that this can happen. Praise God for that. The small part I play when I take the Year 1 and 2 classes contributes to the whole picture. I have my special coloured pencils for the times I spend building relationships with teachers and students. I have been welcomed and now feel part of the school community. I appreciate your prayers, support, and encouragement.
We are pleased to welcome Kylie our School Chaplain (affectionately known as Chappy Kylie) from the school across the road. Later in the service Kylie will share with us something of the life of a school chaplain. Kylie uses a swag of colouring pencils in her work but is not alone and relies on others to colour the big picture. School chaplaincy exists through 3 main groups.
1. Kylie is employed by Scripture Union Qld. The school chaplaincy logo is supported by the words “bringing hope to a young generation.
2. Kylie works under the authority of the school.
3. Kylie relies on the support of the local community. We at Bald Hills Uniting are part of the local community. We pray and take an interest in her ministry. We help colour the picture with our range of colours.
And so the big picture is coloured by many and it seems the big picture becomes even bigger and as the circle of life never ends there’s always some more to colour.
In Jesus time, coloured pencils weren’t readily available and Jesus the story teller used illustration drawn from the country life around him. Hence the sheep and the seeds.
Our 2 readings refer to the planting of seeds
We work together to enrich the lives of the young generation, to plant the good seed, the word of God, into the young lives so that they in turn will bear fruit.
The seeds that fell in good soil stand for those who hear the message and retain it in a good and obedient heart, and they persist until they bear fruit. (From Luke 9)
And as we work the soil in which to sow the seed, we can be assured that God will provide and replenish what we need, and gift us with the skills to be about his work. Not only that He who provides with grant to us a harvest of righteousness.
And God, who supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your generosity.
(from 1 Corinthians 9)
How about we unlock the garden shed, explore what inside, give it a clean out, get hold of the good seeds and prepare the garden for a good harvest.
We sing the song: ‘BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD’ – (SIS 27)
In the stillness of our hearts we pray together
Lord, sometimes we have very set ideas about communities.
The ones we belong to. The ones we aspire to. The ones westay away from.
Help us to see as you do: you love every member of every community. We are all one in you.
Forgive us when we look down on others or consider our way alone to
be the right one.
Help us to work together with you for good, putting ourselves aside and others always first.
You see our hearts as we turn to you to seek forgiveness.
You don’t want us to fight for preference but to grow ever closer to you through pure and simple love.
As we come to you, acknowledging that we don’t always get it right,
you freely and abundantly pardon us.
Thank you, most gracious God. Amen.
Assurance of forgiveness
In the knowledge that we are truly forgiven we can say together
Despite going our own way and not following you, All
despite our doubts and fears of your presence,
you are there gently leading us,
reaching out your arms of healing and forgiveness.
Thank you, eternal God.
Thank you that you are our rock and our salvation, our strength and our high tower.
Thank you that as we choose to go on this journey with you,
as we make decisions and plans,
you are there, gently leading and guiding,
always present.
Praise you, Lord, for your constant love and faithfulness.
We sing the song: FREELY FREELY (SIS 41)
The offering is collected.
Let us all pray together
For the wondrous gift of life, we are thankful, O God.
Your generous outpouring of grace reminds us of the fruitful life we are called to bear.
May these gifts of time and labour, therefore, embody our desire to share and contribute to your coming reign among us. Amen.
I Corinthians 9:6-15
Remember that the person who plants few seeds will have a small crop; the one who plants many seeds will have a large crop. You should each give, then, as you have decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly. And God is able to give you more than you need, so that you will always have all you need for yourselves and more than enough for every good cause. As the scripture says,
“He gives generously to the needy;
his kindness lasts forever.”
And God, who supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your generosity. He will always make you rich enough to be generous at all times, so that many will thank God for your gifts which they receive from us. For this service you perform not only meets the needs of God’s people, but also produces an outpouring of gratitude to God. And because of the proof which this service of yours brings, many will give glory to God for your loyalty to the gospel of Christ, which you profess, and for your generosity in sharing with them and everyone else. And so with deep affection they will pray for you because of the extraordinary grace God has shown you. Let us thank God for his priceless gift!
This is the Word of God.
Praise to you Almighty God
Luke 9: 11 – 15
“This is what the parable means: the seed is the word of God. The seeds that fell along the path stand for those who hear; but the Devil comes and takes the message away from their hearts in order to keep them from believing and being saved. The seeds that fell on rocky ground stand for those who hear the message and receive it gladly. But it does not sink deep into them; they believe only for a while but when the time of testing comes, they fall away. The seeds that fell among thorn bushes stand for those who hear; but the worries and riches and pleasures of this life crowd in and choke them, and their fruit never ripens. The seeds that fell in good soil stand for those who hear the message and retain it in a good and obedient heart, and they persist until they bear fruit.
This is the Gospel of our Lord.
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.
WE sing the ‘Seed Song’
(103 Cry Hosanna © 1977 Church of the redeemer, episcopal Dallas, Houston Texas USA)
Good morning everyone. Well, it’s been a little while – but it’s great to be back here at BHUC. – Thank you for having me here today and thank you for being such wonderful supporters of the Chaplaincy work at Bald Hills. You have been so faithful in your prayers for us and your financial gifts. Even though you might be a small group, you are a mighty group, and God has multiplied your contributions to encourage and help many in our school community. We thank God so much for you!
An extra special thank you to Kerry for her kindness and gentle encouragement and support at school as well as Ian who comes in weekly to teach some of our RI classes and to mentor one of our students. Ian we really appreciate the time you give.
This last week has been particularly tough for our school. Many of you would have heard about Violet and prayed for her over the last 6 years as she has battled neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer. Our dear Violet passed away peacefully this week. We would really value prayers for her parents Craig & Colleen and her siblings Oliver and Piper at this very difficult time. We would also ask for prayer for her year 6 cohort and friends as well as our staff and school community. She was known by everyone and loved very much. Her courage and legacy over the last 6 years has been incredibly inspiring & her family have shared their strong faith in God throughout. Could you also pray that God’s goodness, hope and love will be shown to our school community through their testimony at her celebration of life service this Thursday.
Since I was here last Covid has arrived and become part of our daily lives. Covid has affected how we run programs, we’ve had to be flexible and try new things. We’ve also seen extra stress & hardship on families. Despite it all, God has been so faithful. It is such an honour to be his hands and feet to our school community and to be able to shine his love throughout. This is how we welcomed back our students after lock down last year. Some lovely signs of welcome with colourful balloons along the fence.
Our school has identified that the Chaplaincy program has had a significant impact in the areas of well- being and school culture. Our Principal, Glen Robertson, our Admin team and our staff contribute much of the positive impact on the resiliency and culture of our school to the success of the Chaplaincy Program.
I get lots of opportunities to teach about the benefits of Kindness and Gratefulness and show, in practical ways, how these mindsets and actions can help us to live happier, healthier, and stronger.
I have done this with the help of my cousin, Lola The Lollypop Lady. LOLA LOLLY POP LADY is now a regular at our school. She has become our ambassador for Kindness. This has led to some fun moments, as the older students like to help me keep up her charade, while the younger students ask me puzzling questions like – why my cousin and I happen to be wearing the same shoes or earrings. “That’s what cousins like to do?!”
BULLYING NO WAY DAY – Our Bullying No Way Day is an annual event that the school has handed over to the Chaplaincy program to run. It is a wonderful day with lots of positive messages about how we can look out for each other.
All the students wear orange, and the staff love to get involved as well. It is our way of saying we will take a stand against bullying. This year we ran 3 consecutive in-school Discos in one day. It was HUGE but we had lots of fun and it allowed every student the opportunity to be included.
BREAKY CLUB continues to be a wonderful asset to our school. Over 100 students come through each Tuesday morning and are able to enjoy the cereal, toast, yogurt, fresh fruit and hot milo. Even though breaky club is for everyone we are aware of the students who often come to school without having had an adequate breakfast. We also help regularly with school supplies and uniforms when needs arise.
HAMPERS OF HOPE – Our Chappy Week tradition each year is also to profile our Hampers of Hope program. Our amazing students bought in 1735 grocery items this year which has well and truly stocked up and overflowed our Chappy hamper cupboard again. We also regularly provide lunch packs, home cooked freezer meals and grocery vouchers. These are great ways we can show practical love and care when we hear of families struggling or going through a particularly tough time. I also love that it encourages generosity of our students and that they feel like they can be part of bringing hope and joy to others.
CHAPPY CHILL OUT – One of our Covid adaptations has been our Chappy Chill Out lunch club. This used to involve up to 50 students crowding into the Chappy Space for drawing, lego or craft. Last year we began our amazing Chappy Chill Out Outdoor lunch concerts. These are run with the help from some great year 6 leaders. We get to enjoy a wide range of talents that include instrumental recitals, songs, dances and even puppet theatre from students as young as 6 years old. It’s very entertaining!
SUPA CLUB – SUPA club continues to be a favourite part of each week. This is a lunch club where students in years 4-6 voluntarily come to learn more about God and explore issue of faith. It is co-run by a great team of our year 6 students who lead worship, run games, and help out with our bible lessons. This year we have looked at GRATITUDE and how to recognise God’s goodness to us as well as focussing on God’s amazing love and kindness towards us by sending His son Jesus.
TOP BLOKES PROGRAM – Last term we were able to run the Stepping Up Mentoring Program facilitated by the Top Blokes Foundation with 10 boys from our Year 6 Cohort. Over the course of the program the chosen participants completed 8 workshops on social issues that may impact a young boy’s health. These workshops included risk taking & peer pressure, healthy relationships & healthy minds, online space, anger management, alcohol & drugs, masculinity, discrimination plus leadership & teamwork. It was wonderful to see how engaged the boys were with the content each week and how much they looked forward to the sessions. The Top Bloke mentors related well with the boys and had impactful stories of decisions they had made or circumstances they had found themselves in as young men that had led to a path of destruction. Their example of change and encouragement to our boys to make good decisions as young men, to be kind and to stand up for others will have a positive impact for a long time ahead. This program was fully funded by the Chaplaincy Program.
CHAPPY CHUM MENTORS – We have 12 students working one on one with a Chappy Chum Mentor this term. Our mentors are so valued and continue to bring joy and encouragement each week. Simple activities like craft, cooking or games are a fantastic way to connect and bring hope to a student who is in need of some extra support. Our students really look forward to their time with their mentors each week. Time says, you matter, you have value, and we care.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS – Please continue to pray for our families. Whether we are in COVID lockdown or not life continues to have its challenges and in a school community of 650 students plus their families and over 80 staff, there is always someone who is facing difficulties or suffering.
Some years bring greater heartache than others and this year has been particularly difficult. One of our families with 3 students at our school lost their husband and father in a horrific road accident in April. Another 2 students have lost their fathers since then as well a family who have faced a Leukemia diagnosis for their 4-year-old daughter. Many weeks also bring news of the loss of a grandparent, the separation of a family as well as students who are struggling with friendships, family issues and mental health.
Your assistance means we can immediately reach out and care for these students and families. We can journey with them in the days and weeks that follow. Each of these situations provide wonderful opportunities to share God’s love and hope… to provide encouragement, practical support, and sometimes even a prayer.
If there’s one thing I have learnt in my eight years of Chaplaincy, it’s that the little things matter most. Thanks for being part of many little moments, many small opportunities where we have been able to share kindness, generosity, love and hope. These all add up to make a big difference in a school community and in someone’s day.
THANK YOU for having me here today.
Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.
Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may grow into a fuller sharing of new life in Christ with energy and conviction.
We pray for the grace of to bear affliction, that you will strengthen us in the face of trial and hardship so that we may remain faithful disciples each day.
We pray for the grace of detachment, that you will free us from the bonds of our egos and attachment to power and prestige so that we may make service of others our priority
We pray for a deeper identification with Christ, that in times of temptation we may look to Christ who was tempted in every way but who remained faithful to you.
We pray for the grace to surrender pride, that we may honestly appreciate our gifts and weaknesses, and surrender our false sense of self to you who heals all weaknesses.
We pray for all who exercise authority, that they may use their authority with justice and wisdom, to free those who are unjustly restrained, to call for the improvement of opportunities for the needy, and lead others to a life of wholeness and service.
We pray that we may open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, free us from selfish disputes and, instead, inspire us to participate in furthering the life and mission of the Church.
For all who are oppressed, that you will bring refugees and victims of war to safety, help them find shelter, food and medical care, and inspire us to help lift their burdens through our efforts and resources.
We pray for all with mental or emotional illness, that you will grant them strength and peace of mind and soul, guide them to life-giving resources, and help them to live life fully.
We pray that the Holy Spirit will draw people together, discourage the forces of destruction and discouragement and foster a spirit of building up and supporting others.
We pray for all who are caught in human trafficking, that you will free them, heal their wounds, and restore them to their loved ones.
We pray for all who are recovering from storms, floods and other natural disasters, that you will relieve their suffering, ease their fears, and give them strength to move forward.
We pray for a greater awareness of the fragility of earth, that you will help us to be good stewards of the earth and to work to preserve it for future generations.
We pray for all who are ill, that you will suppress the Coronavirus, heal the sick, and strengthen all who are carry for the sick or seeking a cure.
Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. https://liturgy.slu.edu/
(also from Leading Intercessions by Raymond Chapman p81, and Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People Year B by David Hostetter p198 & 199)
We pray for the peoples of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama. We pray for the children and youth who are traumatized by violence and are afraid to live in their own lands. Reassure them of your presence and of the strength that you give to sustain and protect them.
We pray for an end to gang violence and drug trafficking, the work of Satan and his demons to corrupt interpersonal and social relationships, to disrupt family life and to impede learning and education. Use the holy spirit to convict the consciences of those who seek to profit by these means, and bring them to a point of repentance and renewal. Use the holy spirit to encourage them to a lifestyle of building up and contributing to social development rather than one of personal profit through the misery and suffering of others.
We pray for a more just distribution of wealth that enables the millions who have been excluded from earning a just and equitable living to have access to a dignified life and livelihood in these countries.
We pray for the Certificate IV students currently taking part in their intensive Group Work training session through participation in courses operated by Scripture Union. Guide them as to how to use the knowledge and skills that they have learnt in the learning sessions, such that they can perceive how this knowledge and these skills can be applied in work situations and relationships.
Please comfort and support the family and friends of Violet, who recently passed away after her long struggle with her brain tumour. May they be encouraged by her cheerfulness and optimism. May they share her hope based on her love and trust in you, to be reunited in the future with the ones she loved and who loved her.
We pray for Ian Kerr, that you will bless the time that he is spending teaching RI, so that the message of your love and grace is being presented to the children.
We pray for Kylie Conomos, that you will encourage and guide her as she seeks to be a source of comfort and support for the children, parents and staff at Bald Hills State School. Help her to be a light to guide others to your love and grace for them.
Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care. To your glory we pray.
Our Father in Heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.
We sing the song: ‘When we walk with the Lord’ (Trust and obey)
Lord, take our thoughts (touch head)
and turn them into prayer. (hands together)
Take our prayer and turn it into love. (hands over heart)
Take our love and turn it into life.
In Jesus Christ (right index finger touches left wrist; then left index finger touches right wrist)
today and every day. (palms face up in offering)
GOING OUT SONG – ‘One more step along the world I go’ – Sydney Carter