Service for Sunday 10th October 2021 – Mr Geoffrey Webber

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Service for Sunday 10th October 2021 – Mr Geoffrey Webber

Welcome: –

Call to Worship: – 

(Matthew 1: 21, Luke 1: 31) 

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And you will name him Jesus

Matthew 1: 21, Luke 1: 31

Luke records for us the occasion when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, saying that God’s will was for her to become pregnant, that she would give birth to a son, and that she was to name him Jesus.  Furthermore, God would make her son King of the People of God.  (Luke 1: 26 to 38)

  Matthew records for us the occasion, soon after the events of Luke’s account, when an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, informing him that Mary was pregnant, according to the will of God, that she would give birth to a son, and that he was to name him Jesus, “because Jesus will save his People from their sins.  (Matthew 1: 20 to 25) 

  This dual nature of Jesus was revealed to the shepherds who were minding their flocks on the hillsides outside Bethlehem on the evening on the day when Jesus was born, for the angels announced to them:

“This very day in David’s town your Saviour was born, Christ the Lord.”  (Luke 2: 11) 

  As our final hymn we will be singing a song from Alexander’s Hymnbook number 3 written by Robert Harkness, titled “I have a Saviour, he died for me”.  There is a notation in the hymnbook that the inspiration for his song was this verse from Matthew 1: 21.  In his song he writes of this dual nature of Jesus.  In the first verse Robert Harkness writes “I have a Saviour, he died for me”, while in the third verse he writes, “I love to serve him, this Master true”.  Robert Harkness writes of Jesus as Lord and Saviour.   Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour.  As we gather for worship, let us meditate on this.  We praise Jesus because through him we are saved from the punishment that we deserved as sinful people, and we worship him as our Lord and King, ruling in Heaven by the side of God, as our mediator and guide through life.  This is the Jesus whom we love and serve.

Prayer of Praise    

We give you thanks and honour you, creator Lord, true and living God.  Through your Word we were made in your image and can share in the bounty of what you provide for us.  By your Word, all things were given life.  Through Christ Jesus you have freed us from the slavery of sin and have reconciled us to yourself.  Through your Spirit you give us insight into your will and purpose and empower us to be your witnesses of your love and grace to the World.

  Almighty God, we thank you because you have bound yourself to all Humankind.  When people stop to think about you, they cannot help but be amazed at the way you have shown mercy to people, at the way you have guided Humanity in right living and right relationships, at the way you have established what is just and true and is the surest basis for settling disputes and correcting wrong.  We have the privilege of knowing you intimately, and of experiencing the blessings of your deliverance and fellowship.   

  Loving God, you seek to be in a close relationship with each one of us, though we do not merit your attention nor deserve your compassion.  You yearn for us to return your love and to respond to you with honour and praise; you yearn for us to live lives that respect others as people equally love by you and as people of equal worth and dignity.  May we indeed seek to live by you and for you; may our lives bring glory and honour to you always.  May we reveal the depth of our love as we praise and adore you in the Assembly of your People .  Amen.


“Oh how I love Jesus”  Scripture in Song volume 1 number 73

 “Therefore the Redeemed of the Lord shall return”  Scripture in Song volume 1 number 79

[there is a short introduction]

Ruth Lake

Prayer of Confession   

Merciful Lord, you search our hearts and minds and find us wanting.  How often have we wandered from the path you have laid out, and have followed our cravings and desires? 

Forgive us God for the pain and disappointment that we cause you. 

We spend our time admiring others for their beauty or intelligence.  We spend our time acquiring material objects in the vain hope that they will satisfy us and give us comfort. 

Forgive us God for putting others and things before you. 

We feel that we can do better in managing our lives.  We stop listening to your voice because we are satisfied with our way of life. 

Forgive us God for trying to earn our own salvation.

  We avoid the poor and the hungry.  We avert our eyes when we see others in need because we don’t want to get involved or to share what we have. 

Forgive us God for the neglect we show to others. 

We are quick to become angry with those who hurt us or take away our time and energy. 

Forgive us God for failing to show the limitless love that you lavish upon us. 

 Merciful God, forgive our sins, cleanse our hearts of all that is impure and incorrect.  Lead us into that which is good and true and upright.  To your glory and praise.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness

 (from Hebrews 4: 16)  

The writer of Hebrews reminds us that we approach the Throne of God with confidence, for there we find God’s grace and receive God’s mercy.  Having confessed our sins before God, we have the assurance that God has heard us, that God has forgiven us, and that God has cleansed our souls in his eyes.

Thanks be to God.

Prayer of illumination 

(from Uniting in Worship Book 1 number 12 p599) 

  Prepare our hearts, O Lord, to receive your Word.  Silence in us any voice but your own.  In hearing these words may we perceive new truths that you seek to teach us, and may we perceive your will that you seek for us to follow, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Bible Readings

Hebrews 4:

12  For the Word of God is alive and active.  It cuts more keenly than any two-edged sword, piercing as far as the place where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and morrow come together.  13  It sifts the desires and thoughts of the heart.  There is nothing in Creation that can hide from Him, everything lies exposed and open to the eyes of the One with whom we must give an account of ourselves.

14  Since therefore we have a great High Priest who has gone into the very presence of God, Jesus the son of God, let us hold fast to our confession.  15  For ours is not a High Priest unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but one who, because of his likeness to us, has been tested every way, as we are.  16  Let us therefore boldly approach the throne of our gracious God, where we may receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need it.

[Revised Standard Version, Today’s English Version, New English Bible]

This is the Word of God.

Praise to you Almighty God.

Mark 10:

17  As Jesus was starting on his journey again. A stranger ran up. Knelt before him, and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?”

18  “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked him.  “No-one is good except God alone.  19  You know the commandments” ‘Do not commit murder: do not commit adultery: do not steal: do not accuse anyone falsely: do not cheat: respect your father and your mother.’”

20  “Teacher,” the man said, “ever since I was young I have obeyed all these commandments.”

21  Jesus looked straight at him with love and said, “You need only one thing.  Go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in Heaven; then come and follow me.”  22  When the man heard this, gloom spread over his face, and he went away sad, because he was very rich.

23  Jesus looked around at his Disciples and said to them, “How hard it will be for rich people to enter the Kingdom of God!”

24  The Disciples were shocked at these words, but Jesus went on to say, “My children, how hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God!”  25  It is harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.”

26  At this the Disciples were completely amazed and asked one another, “Who, then, can be saved?”

27  Jesus looked straight at them and answered, “This is impossible for a person but not for God, everything is possible for God.”

[Revised Standard Version, Today’s English Version, New English Bible]

This is the Gospel of our Lord.

Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Passing the Peace

Whether we gather for worship in the Church building on Sunday morning or whether we offer our worship in the ‘digital sphere’, it is important to recognise that, together, we remain one in Christ Jesus, we remain one in fellowship and we remain one in worship of our God.  With that thought in mind, let us uplift our hands and greet those both here and those in their homes: May the peace of God be with you all.

And also with you.

For the Young at Heart

During the recent School holidays, Kerry and I were feeling energetic and adventurous, and decided to take our three granddaughters to Aussieworld, which is situated at Palmwoods on the North Coast.  Aussieworld is a compressed version of DreamWorld or MovieWorld or SeaWorld.  It has similar attractions and rides as the larger parks but is built in a much smaller area.

  We went with my sister and brother-in-law and their two grandchildren, Samara and Zac, who are of a similar age to our two eldest granddaughters, Melody and Aurora.  Us four grandparents share the belief that there is value in having the five grandchildren getting to know one another on shared outings during School holidays.

  But being of a similar age does not mean that they can all go on the same rides.  Being different heights means that the smallest can’t go on some of the rides on which the taller ones are able to ride.  We also brought along Amelia, who has just turned one.  She is more restricted in terms of rides to go on than the other four children.  So, how can you know what rides a child can go on, or, more importantly, what rides a child cannot go on?

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  Well, this is where AussieWorld gives you some help, through their Park Map.  They have colour-coded different height ranges and then matched the colours with the rides.  It is a guide from which you can tell which rides the grandchildren could go on and which rides they can’t go on.  It also guides you to where the toilets are located, where the café is situated, and where we could go to change Amelia’s nappy.  If you should ever visit AussieWorld, it pays to consult their Park Map so you can be guided around the site, although you will probably not need to know where to go to change someone’s nappy

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“I have relied on you since the day I was born, and you have always been my God.”

Psalm 22: 10

The writer of Psalm 22 writes of God being their guide.  “I have relied on you since the day I was born, and you have always been my God.”, they write.  (Psalm 22: 10)  In these words they express their understanding that it is God who directs their life, it is God who stretches out his hand to take hold of theirs so as to lead them and guide them.  It is this understanding that gives them the confidence to face whatever may take place in their life.  (Artur Weiser in The Psalms p222) 

  May we share the same confidence that God directs our life, holding our hand and guiding us through whatever may take place, giving us the peace of mind and soul based on the knowledge that He has not failed us, that He has always been and will always be our God.


“How can a sinner know”  Wesley’s Hymns number 96  MHB377  AHB482

[sung to the tune Leominster – there is no introduction]

[the YouTube is for another hymn so disregard the words that are shown]

Verse 1 of 3

How can a sinner know

Their sins on Earth forgiven?

How can my gracious Saviour show

My name inscribed in Heaven?

His Spirit to us he gave,

And dwells in us we know,

The witness in ourselves we have

And all its fruit we show.

Verse 2 of 3

We who in Christ believe

That he for us has died,

We all his unknown peace receive

And feel his blood applied.

Our nature’s turned, our mind

Transformed in all its powers,

And both the witnesses are joined

The Spirit of God with ours.

Verse 3 of 3

Whate’er our pardoning Lord

Commands, we gladly do,

And guided by his sacred Word

We all his steps pursue.

His glory our design

We live our God to please,

Until we share our home divine

In perfect holiness.

Charles Wesley


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Franklin’s demise in the Arctic

   For many centuries, Humanity has been willing to make optimistic claims about what they are capable of achieving.  In 1492 Christopher Columbus claimed to know the way to the East Indies by sailing a western route.  He was, of course, incorrect, arriving instead at the islands off the east coast of north and central America.

.  In 1845 Sir John Franklin, a British naval officer and pioneer Arctic explorer, claimed to be capable of finding the famed northwest passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.  He too was incorrect, perishing in 1847 after his ships became stuck in ice and after suffering from the effects of the extreme cold and the deprivations of the journey.

  In 1911 Captain Robert Scott claimed to be capable of leading an expedition to be the first to traverse the Antarctic continent so as to reach the South Pole and return to tell the tale.  He was also tragically incorrect, perishing with his four companions soon after discovering that Roald Amundsen had reached the South Pole a month earlier.

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Christ and the Rich Young Ruler by Heinrich Hofmann. Vintage halftone circa late 19th century.

Jesus and the rich Man – Mark 10

   In today’s passage from Mark 10 we read of a rich man who made a request to Jesus.  We read that he knelt before Jesus and addressed Jesus as “good teacher”, showing that he was sincere in his asking.  And it wasn’t a trivial matter that was on his mind, for he was searching for an answer to a question that was eluding him.  “What must I do to receive eternal life?” he asks.  Jesus replies in a way that conforms to the religious teaching that the Jews received in their Synagogues and in the Temple from when they were children.  “Obey the Commandments.” Jesus says.  Now, why was this the accepted answer?  In Deuteronomy 5 we find it written that the people of Israel were to obey the Commandments of God, “so that everything would go well with them and their descendants forever”.  (Deuteronomy 5: 29)  Obedience to the Commandments brought about God’s blessing to individuals and to Society in general.

   And like Columbus and Franklin and Scott, this rich man made a claim as to what he was capable of doing.  “Teacher”, the man said, “ever since I was young, I have obeyed all these Commandments.”, I’ve done everything that I read in the Books of Moses; I have done everything that the teachers of the Law have told us that we should do.”  (Mark 10: 20)  Not only was he being open about his life, but he was also apparently telling the truth, for Jesus did not admonish him for being deceitful or for making an empty boast.  But the rich man knew within himself that this was not all that he needed to do in his life.  There was still an emptiness, a vacuum, that needed filling.  There was a fear and uncertainty that he was still cut off from God by something that he could not understand.  And he just could not find the answer in the religious teaching that he had received to date.  And, so, he is asking “what more must I do?”

   Jesus shows a real tenderness towards this man, a genuine concern for him, since we read that Jesus looked upon him with love.  (Mark 10: 21)  Jesus knew exactly what was the answer.  Jesus knew exactly what the rich man still needed to do.  For Jesus knew that eternal life was not a matter of what we are capable of doing by ourselves; eternal life is not a matter of ticking the right boxes in terms of behaviour and attitudes or getting a good result in a performance appraisal.  Eternal life is a matter of how we love God.  How do we show our love for God?  How do we show that we love God above everything else?  How do we show that nothing else matters in our life except our love for God?

   Jesus knew that the man kneeling before him was struggling with the question of what he loved most in his life.  Being wealthy meant that he had no struggles in his life to get food or accommodation, nor to obtain what he wanted, nor to influence how his life turned out; making it very easy for him to be able to obey all the Commandments.  But being wealthy implied a dependence upon his wealth for happiness and a sense of satisfaction in life.  He was dependent upon his wealth for his sense of well-being and accomplishment.  And if his wealth was to be taken away how would that alter his outlook on God?

   In a way the rich man was justified in thinking that his wealth was a reward for the good life that he had lead, and was a sign and indication of the ‘wealth’ that was his to claim in the next life.  Wasn’t Abraham a wealthy man, richly blessed by God for his obedience?  Wasn’t Job rewarded with wealth because of his trust in God?  Wasn’t King Solomon promised wealth simply because it wasn’t a priority in what he had sought from God to assist him to be king?  Boaz was a wealthy man and wasn’t he blessed by God because of the kindness that he showed to Naomi and Ruth?  Therefore, the rich man could be justified in thinking that he deserved to retain his wealth and also to be blessed with eternal life?

   “No”, said Jesus, “you need to give up all you own.  Go and sell everything that you hold dear and on which you depend, give the money away to the poor and needy, to the very people you pass in the streets and judge as undeserving of the love of God because they are not as wealthy as you are, and then come and follow me.”  (Mark 10: 21)  How was it that Jesus described his lifestyle?  In Matthew 8: 20 we read Jesus saying, “Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”, meaning that Jesus sought to show his love for God by not relying on Earthly wealth for a roof over his head or for food to eat.  These things God would provide as the need arose.  How different to the lifestyle of the rich man where he could get anything that he wanted by a simple gesture to his servants who retrieved whatever the man desired from his ample storehouses and pantries.

   What a challenge for the rich man.  Jesus was saying “demonstrate your love for God by showing that you love God more than you love things.”  And did the rich man strive to meet this challenge?  No, for we read that gloom spread over his face and that he went away sad  (Mark 10: 22)  ; probably the only person about whom we read in the New Testament who departed from Jesus despondently and not joyfully.

   The Disciples, of course, were observing this taking place before them, and they were becoming confused, for they too had the notion, taught to them from their childhood, that wealth was a blessing from God, which showed God’s favour towards the person.  Instead, Jesus stated the opposite.  “How hard it will be for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God” he says, “indeed it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle that for a rich person to receive God’s blessing.”  (Mark 10: 25) 

   Now, people have been discussing this statement of Jesus for many years, trying to decipher just what Jesus is saying, because it seems to contradict our understanding that all are free to approach God.  Some have argued that what Jesus is referring to is a narrow gate in the city wall called the “Needle’s Eye” through which a camel can only enter by kneeling down and crawling through.  However, Commentators point out that the narrow gate referred to was constructed in the Middle Ages and not during the time of Jesus.  Others argue that the Greek word that is translated as camel, camelos  (Strong’s NT2574)  , has been mistranscribed, and that the original or intended word should read camilos, meaning rope.  But most writers argue that Jesus is using a figure of speech to portray the attempt of trying to something impossible; trying to make a large camel go through the eye of a literal small needle.

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Enormous needles?

  I do, however, recall a cartoon in a University magazine that discusses this passage, where the person is saying, “The Bible says, ‘It is more difficult for a rich man to enter Heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.’, but I say unto you, fear not, for nowadays they can make enormous needles”.  And the picture shows the man holding a large needle, large enough for the camel to easily walk through.

   But all jokes aside, why is it important to have a correct reading of the passage?  How does having a correct reading of the passage help us in our understanding of the message that Jesus is passing onto the Disciples?  It is to do with how we perceive we can be reconciled to God.  Jesus is saying that those who are self-reliant, would tend to seek an understanding of what they themselves can do to earn God’s favour.  What was it that the rich man asked?  “What must I do to receive eternal life?”  (Mark 10: 17)  Jesus is saying that this approach is not correct.  “It is impossible for a person to save themselves”, Jesus says, ”it is possible only for God.”  (Mark 10: 27)  The writer of Hebrews talks of Jesus as “our High Priest who is interceding on our behalf before God in Heaven.”  (Hebrews 4: 14)  Such a task is impossible for us to accomplish, for we live of Earth, but possible for Jesus, the Son of God, who dwells in Heaven with God the Father.  It is impossible for us, weakened by our sin, but possible for Jesus who was “tempted in every way as we are, but did not sin”.  (Hebrews 4: 15) 

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“Let us have confidence, then, and approach God’s throne, where there is grace.”

Hebrews 4: 16

   Therefore, the correct approach is one of humbleness before God, where we are acknowledging that we are reliant upon the grace and mercy of God.  The correct approach is one of acknowledging our indebtedness to God for his undeserved grace and mercy, and not standing before God saying, “Look and see the type of life I have been living.  What reward are you going to give me for what I have done?”  The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews assures us, “Let us have confidence, then, and approach God’s throne, where there is grace.”  (Hebrews 4: 16) 

   “It is impossible for Humanity to save themselves”, Jesus is indeed stating, “But everything is possible for God.”  Salvation is the gift of God, which money cannot buy; for the rich and poor alike, it is a miracle of divine grace. (C Graham Swift in Mark in New Bible Commentary p873)  As Paul writes in Ephesians, “for it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through grace.  It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift, so that no one can boast about it”.  (Ephesians 2: 8 & 9)  And as he tells the Church in Corinth, “Whoever wants to boast must boast of what the Lord has done.  By Christ Jesus we are put right with God, we become God’s holy people and are set free.”  (1 Corinthians 1: 30 & 31)  

   Are there things that we seek to bring to God as proof that we are deserving of his favour towards you?  Do we talk to God of our service to others, telling God how we deserve a reward for all of our effort?  What is it in our lives that stops us from taking that step of giving all to God and following God?  What is it of which we are fearful of giving up and of dedicating to God?  Do we respond with joy in our relationship with Jesus, or do we turn away despondent about the cost of doing so?

   “Come and follow me.” Jesus says.  Let our response be to say, “Lord, wipe away my sins and transform me from within so that I can become the person that you created me to be.”  (The Upper Room, September 1993 p25)  Amen.


“Take my life and let it be”  MHB400  AHB520  TiS599

[sung to the tune Nottingham – there is a short introduction]

Francis Havergal


Offering Prayer    

“For the life that you have given”  TiS774 

[ sung to the tune Austria – there is no introduction]

[The YouTube is for another hymn so disregard the words – only the one verse is needed]

For the life that you have given,

For the love in Christ made known,

With these fruits of time and labour,

With these gifts that are your own:

Here we offer, Lord, our praises;

Heart and mind and strength we bring;

Give us grace to love and serve you,

Living what we pray and sing.

Ralph Vaughan Williams

Prayers for Others

Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.

Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may respond willingly and generously to what you ask of us each day.

We pray for a deepening of trust, that you will free us from fear and help us to grow in our awareness that with you, all things are possible.

We pray that you will guide the whole Church in listening to the Holy Spirit so that we may deepen our communion and be more faithful to the mission of evangelization and reconciliation.

We pray for Wisdom, that we may learn to ponder the events of our lives and hold them in prayer while you work in our lives and transforms us.

We pray for the grace to listen, that you will free us from all distractions and disorientation so that we may hear your voice in prayer, in events, and in our daily activities.

We pray for purification of our hearts, that your Word may enlighten us to distinguish between good and evil and form us in virtue and discipleship.

We pray for a deeper awareness, that we recognize the limits of power, beauty, fame, and wealth, and learn to trust you, who alone fulfills all our needs and wants.

We pray for freedom from attachments, that you will give us the courage to live with less and embrace our families, our community members, and the gift of each day more fully.

We pray for a greater reverence and appreciation of human life, that we may recognize your gift of life in each person, particularly in the very young and the elderly who cannot speak for themselves.

We pray for all who have experienced abuse, that you will heal and renew them, help their voices to be heard, and help all in leadership to take effective action to protect the vulnerable and powerless.

We pray for Church teachers, preachers, and Church Elders, that you will plant the Divine Word deep within them and inspire them to share it in dynamic and life-giving ways.

We pray for children who have been neglected, are malnourished, or abandoned, that you will free them from danger, and bring them to a safe and loving environment that will support them into building happy and secure lives.  Heal their wounds of body, mind, and spirit.

We pray for all who are recovering from storms or wildfires, from erupting volcanoes or earthquakes, that you will sustain them, speed the assistance that they need, and give strength to all who are helping them.

We pray for all who are ill, that you will heal the sick, strengthen those facing a long recovery, and renew the energy and enthusiasm of all who are caring for them.

We pray for greater care for the air that we breathe, that we may each take responsibility for the quality of the air that affects every person.

Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. 

Also, Raymond Chapman in Leading Intercessions p79, and David Hostetter in Prayers for God’s People Year B p195

We pray for those who, following the example of Jesus, search and work for peace, proclaiming and building your reign in Columbia, Ecuador and Venezuela.  We pray for broad and inclusive dialogue for justice, and fair compensation of those victimized by conflict, for the strengthening of democratically elected governments in the region, without pressure from outside interests. 

We pray for greater respect for the human rights of all, especially vulnerable populations and those who work for the wellbeing of others and of the environment, and for an end to the corruption in these societies and to unsustainable exploitation of their resources.  Please increase their strength of political and social leaders and fill them with your grace.

We pray for Team Leaders within Scripture Union that they will lead their staff skilfully and lovingly, with a focus not on the authority that they possess but on the potential that can be achieved for the work of Scripture Union throughout Queensland.

We pray for Ian and the other leaders of Religious Education classes at Bald Hills State School, that you will bless their efforts to present the Gospel and the reality of your existence to the children.  May the Holy Spirit be working in the minds and souls of the children who attend their classes.

We pray for Kylie Conomos as she seeks to provide care and guidance to those children, parents and teachers at Bald hills State School who are experiencing difficulties.  Please give to her the understanding that she needs.  Please give to her the energy and support that she needs to fulfill her tasks day-by-day.

Eternal God, you know our problems, and have promised that you will help us to solve them.  You know what we lack, and have promised to meet our needs.  Help us to depend upon you day by day and to call upon you when life gets hard.

Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care.  To your glory we pray.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.


“I have a Saviour”  Alexander’s Hymns No. 3 number 177

[there is a short introduction]

Verse 1 of 3

I have a Saviour, he died for me,

In cruel anguish on Calvary’s tree.

I do not merit such love divine,

Only God’s mercy makes Jesus mine.


Jesus, my Saviour, I come to Thee,

In full surrender, Thine own to be.

Verse 2 of 3

I have a keeper, he now prevails,

I fear no evil whate’er assails.

His arms enfold me safe and secure,

In his blest keeping victory is sure.


Jesus, my Saviour, I come to Thee,

In full surrender, Thine own to be.

Verse 3 of 3

I have a Master, he bids me go

Rescue lost sinners from sin and woe.

I love to serve him, this Master true,

Now I am willing his Will to do.


Jesus, my Saviour, I come to Thee,

In full surrender, Thine own to be.

Robert Harkness


Let us humbly approach God with the assurance that we will experience God’s love and mercy. 

Let us humbly approach God acknowledging that He will call us to be prepared to give up our all and to go and serve Him wherever He seeks to lead us.

And may the blessing of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, rest upon you and remain with you always.  Amen.

Benediction Song

“Now to him who loves us saves us”  TiS771

[there is a short introduction – only the one verse is required]

Now to him who loved us, gave us

Every pledge that love could give,

Freely shed his blood to save us,

Gave his life that we might live,

Be the Kingdom

And dominion

And the glory evermore.

Samuel Miller Waring