Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 9th October 2022

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 9th October 2022

Prayer of Praise  

(Psalm 66: 1,2 to 5, 6b, 7a, 8, 19b, & 20)  

Praise God with shouts of joy!

Offer to Him glorious praises.

How wonderful are the things God does.

Everyone of Earth worships you.  They sing praises to you.

Come and see what god has done, His wonderful acts among humankind.

We rejoice because of What He did.

He rules forever by His might,

And keeps His eyes on the Nations.

Praise our God all Nations,

Let your praises be heard.

I praise God, for He listens to my prayers.

I praise God for He does not keep back his constant love from me.  Amen.

Prayer of Confession   

Merciful Lord, you search our hearts and minds and find us wanting.  How often have we wandered from the path you have laid out, and have followed our cravings and desires? 

Forgive us God for the pain and disappointment that we cause you. 

We spend our time admiring others for their beauty or intelligence.  We spend our time acquiring material objects in the vain hope that they will satisfy us and give us comfort. 

Forgive us God for putting others and things before you. 

We feel that we can do better in managing our lives.  We stop listening to your voice because we are satisfied with our way of life. 

Forgive us God for trying to earn our own salvation.

  We avoid the poor and the hungry.  We avert our eyes when we see others in need because we don’t want to get involved or to share what we have. 

Forgive us God for the neglect we show to others. 

We are quick to become angry with those who hurt us or take away our time and energy. 

Forgive us God for failing to show the limitless love that you lavish upon us. 

 Merciful God, forgive our sins, cleanse our hearts of all that is impure and incorrect.  Lead us into that which is good and true and upright.  To your glory and praise.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness  (from 2 Timothy 10b) 

Paul joyfully reminds Timothy:

“Salvation comes through Christ Jesus.”  It is on that assurance we have the confident hope that having confessed out sins before God, God has forgiven us and cleansed all unrighteousness from our lives.

Thanks be to God.

Prayers for Others

Loving God, knowing your love for all of Humanity, especially your compassion for the needy, we come to you with our cares and our concerns.

Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may respond willingly and generously to what you ask of us each day.

We pray for a deepening of trust, that you will free us from fear and help us to grow in our awareness that with you, all things are possible.

We pray that you will guide the whole Church in listening to the Holy Spirit so that we may deepen our communion and be more faithful to the mission of evangelization and reconciliation.

We pray for Wisdom, that we may learn to ponder the events of our lives and hold them in prayer while you work in our lives and transforms us.

We pray for the grace to listen, that you will free us from all distractions and disorientation so that we may hear your voice in prayer, in events, and in our daily activities.

We pray for purification of our hearts, that your Word may enlighten us to distinguish between good and evil and form us in virtue and discipleship.

We pray for a deeper awareness, that we recognize the limits of power, beauty, fame, and wealth, and learn to trust you, who alone fulfills all our needs and wants.

We pray for freedom from attachments, that you will give us the courage to live with less and embrace our families, our community members, and the gift of each day more fully.

We pray for a greater reverence and appreciation of human life, that we may recognize your gift of life in each person, particularly in the very young and the elderly who cannot speak for themselves.

We pray for all who have experienced abuse, that you will heal and renew them, help their voices to be heard, and help all in leadership to take effective action to protect the vulnerable and powerless.

We pray for Church teachers, preachers, and Church Elders, that you will plant the Divine Word deep within them and inspire them to share it in dynamic and life-giving ways.

We pray for children who have been neglected, are malnourished, or abandoned, that you will free them from danger, and bring them to a safe and loving environment that will support them into building happy and secure lives.  Heal their wounds of body, mind, and spirit.

We pray for all who are recovering from storms or wildfires, from erupting volcanoes or earthquakes, that you will sustain them, speed the assistance that they need, and give strength to all who are helping them.

We pray for all who are ill, that you will heal the sick, strengthen those facing a long recovery, and renew the energy and enthusiasm of all who are caring for them.

We pray for greater care for the air that we breathe, that we may each take responsibility for the quality of the air that affects every person.

Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. 

Also, Raymond Chapman in Leading Intercessions p79, and David Hostetter in Prayers for God’s People Year B p195

  We pray for greater respect for the human rights of all, especially vulnerable populations and those who work for the wellbeing of others and of the environment, and for an end to the corruption in these societies and to unsustainable exploitation of their resources.  Please increase their strength of political and social leaders and fill them with your grace.

  We pray for Team Leaders within Scripture Union that they will lead their staff skilfully and lovingly, with a focus not on the authority that they possess but on the potential that can be achieved for the work of Scripture Union throughout Queensland.

We pray for Ian and the other leaders of Religious Education classes at Bald Hills State School, that you will bless their efforts to present the Gospel and the reality of your existence to the children.  May the Holy Spirit be working in the minds and souls of the children who attend their classes.

We pray for Kylie Conomos as she seeks to provide care and guidance to those children, parents and teachers at Bald hills State School who are experiencing difficulties.  Please give to her the understanding that she needs.  Please give to her the energy and support that she needs to fulfill her tasks day-by-day.

We pray for those who haven’t been able to join us for a while, that they may know your support and comfort for them each day.  We ask that you keep them in good health and good spirits.

Eternal God, you know our problems, and have promised that you will help us to solve them.  You know what we lack, and have promised to meet our needs.  Help us to depend upon you day by day and to call upon you when life gets hard.  Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care.  To your glory we pray.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.