Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 5th December 2021

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 5th December 2021

Prayer of Praise and Confession  

(Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People Year A p192 & 193, A Year of Prayer p192 & 193, The Book of Worship 1944 p194, The Book of Worship 1964 p151, Opening Prayers p112, The Common Book of worship p33, Uniting in Worship 1 p580 and 581) 

Almighty God, Creator of all there is, seen and unseen, known and yet to be known, you are wonderful in your glory, you are the giver of life and breath, the source of real peace and joy.  We worship and adore you.

  We see with clarity that all Worldly powers come under your authority, and that all of Humanity are obliged to humble themselves before you as the true and living God of all.  We know you as steadfast in keeping your covenant relationship with us, in helping those who flee to you for comfort, and in giving hope to those who despair of life and love.  We worship and adore you.

  You are the one who accomplished our salvation.  You are the one who awakened in our spirit the desire to receive your Word which works its very power in those who believe.  For we know that by obedience to your Word alone we grow mature in the likeness of Christ.  May we never take it for granted.  For your Word points us to Christ.  It unveils His glory.  It speaks to us of truth and opens our eyes not only to an understanding of his sacrifice for us, but also of the promise of eternal life.  You have made us for yourself.  Our hearts are restless till we find our rest in you.

Yet, merciful God, we humbly come before you confessing our sins.  We confess that we have broken your holy Laws by our misdeeds and ill-spoken words.  We confess our disobedience and ingratitude, our pride and our wilfulness.  We confess our failures and our shortcomings towards you and towards our neighbours.  Forgive us.

  Though we are made in your image, we often act as if we are self-made, with no obligation to honour you nor to serve you.  We are more concerned with what others owe to us than with what we owe to them.  We show more respect to those who wield power and influence in the World than giving glory to you.  Forgive us.

  Forgive our false claims to what is in the World around us, for our ungrateful use and abuse of the resources that you have created to sustain us.  Forgive our wantonness and our wasteful living.  Forgive our desiring for more rather than a passion to share with those who have less.

  Forgive us and wipe the sins completely from our lives.  Recall us to our true allegiance, so that, above the powers and rulers of this World, you alone may claim our fullest loyalty and love.  Open our eyes to see more of your truth.  Open our minds to believe it more earnestly.  Open our mouths to declare it more fully.  For this we pray, to your glory and honour.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness

 (1 Thessalonians 1: 10b)  

The Apostle Paul reminded the Thessalonians that God raised his Son, Jesus Christ, from death, and that it is Jesus who rescues us from the consequences that would have been ours had not we turned away from our sins towards the grace and mercy of God.  Therefore, having confessed our sins before God, we take this reassurance and declare with confidence that our sins have been forgiven and our lives cleansed in God’s sight.

Thanks be to God.

Prayers for Others

Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.

Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may make a straight path for you in our hearts, our families, and our workplaces.  Make your Church a pure ‘Temple’ for your Spirit and a worthy house of Prayer for Nations.  Cleanse your Church from all defilement, reforming whatever is false and unworthy.  Enliven your People out of their lethargy and lukewarmness.

We pray for the gift of hope, that your Word may bring new hope and courage to us so that we may cooperate with you in confronting evil and working to heal the brokenness in the Human family.

We pray for the grace of insight, that we may see your work in the events large and small in our lives and cooperate in bringing your love where it is most needed.

We pray for all who are called to live and speak the truth, that they may courageously witness to the way of Christ when confronted by the powerful of society.

We pray for a leveling of the obstacles in our hearts, that you will remove from our hearts resentments and prejudices, free us from vices that blind us to your presence, and dissolve our inability to forgive others.  Give us the desire to live together in love.

We pray for a reawakening of our hearts, that we may embrace a new vision for our lives and courageously live as disciples who bring good news and compassion to others.

We pray for this community of faith at Bald Hills, that our love for others may grow in depth and sincerity and that your work in us may bring us ever closer to you.

We pray for freedom and healing, that you will fill in the valleys and make level the lives of all who struggle with depression, addictions, or pride so that they may experience freedom and wholeness.  Free those who cannot forgive themselves, and give them confidence in your redeeming love.

We pray for all who are suffering, that you may smooth the pathways of those fleeing oppression, guide refugees to places of safety, renew the spirits of those who have experienced abuse, and free those unjustly held in prisons.

We pray for all children, that the hope that fills their hearts this season may become firmly planted within them and sustain them throughout life’s journey.

We pray for all who are ill, that you will heal the sick, strengthen their caregivers, and inspire all who are seeking cures for disease.

We pray for all whose faith has grown cold, that you will stir up the flame of faith, help them to turn toward you, and help us to welcome them warmly into our faith community.

We pray for all who are experiencing a rough time in life, that you will open opportunities for those who lack work, give comfort to those who are grieving, and guidance to those who have lost direction or purpose.

We pray for wisdom, that you will give insight to the members of our Parliaments as they consider ways to address the needs of our Society.

We pray for peace, that God will inspire us to respect the dignity promote justice for one another in our families, faith communities, and workplaces.

Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. 

[Raymond Chapman in Leading Intercessions p87, David Hostetter in Prayers for the Seasons of god’s People Year C p 15]

We pray that you will lead the right people to apply for chaplaincy vacancies across the State, so that this crucial area of ministry is maintained.

We pray for the leaders and directors of upcoming Scripture Union camps, that they will be enthusiastic and prepared to invest time and energy into the lives of the campers.

We pray for the peoples of Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore.  We prayfor more just, participatory and democratic rule.  We pray for locally-determined economic development that lessens inequalities and protects natural resources.  We pray for greater ethnic and religious understanding and cooperation, the forging of national identities and visions that

genuinely include all the diverse people in these countries.  We pray that there be growing spaces of understanding, tolerance and harmony among the different ethnic and religious communities.  Grant that Your church in these Nations will deepen its influence to work for peace, to be prophetic in calling for justice and caring in sustaining a sharing fellowship with all people.  We pray that the church will not remain silent  when people are suffering; that the church will not “pass by on the other side” when the wounded earth is waiting to be healed.

Shine your light into places of injustice and entrenched conflict around the World.  We pray especially for the people of Gaza as they live under ongoing occupation and as they work towards a more peaceful future. Give strength and hope to all who suffer, to all who work for change in Gaza and to all who work for a new dawn of peace in the world.

We pray that you will encourage those who have been involved with teaching religious instruction at Bald Hills State School this year, that they will be positive about their witness to you in their classrooms.  Encourage them to continue in this area of ministry in the coming year.

We pray for guidance and encouragement for Kylie Conomos as she continues her role ministering to children, parents and staff at Bald hills State School.

We pray for those whom we have not seen for some time, for Hazel, for Lesley, for Sue, for Laurie, and for Dot, asking that you will encourage them in their individual circumstances, and that they will experience you presence and support for them.

Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care.  To your glory we pray.