Prayer of Praise: –
(from David Hostetter Prayers of God’s People Year B pp186 – 188, Uniting in Worship p277, John Drescher Invocations and Benedictions p93, An Australian Prayer Book p256)
Lord of power and might, we give to you our praise for you are the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Your mighty works are revealed to us in what we see around us, the vast oceans, the tall mountains, life in its abundance and variety, the stars and planets in the night sky, each a marvel of your creative power. Your incomparable intellect is revealed to us by what we cannot see; the intricate structure of the smallest atom, the physiological systems interplaying within our bodies, the forces that keep a planet in its orbit around a sun and that move a comet through the solar system.
Lord of wisdom and truth, we give to you our adoration because you are the author and giver of all good things; for through your goodness towards us we are nourished; for through your great mercy we are kept safe and secure. We are blessed because you fill us with your gift of peace and share with us the joys of your Kingdom. We can rest assured that your love is constant and that you will keep your promises towards us for ever.
Loving God, your actions are guided solely by justice and compassion. You care so much for the helpless and the disadvantaged. Your heart goes out to the powerless and the abused. Your great love extends to those who hide themselves away from others because of a deep loss or sorrow or anguish, to those who we choose not to see. There is no force or being that can overcome your will. There is no other authority or power in Heaven or on Earth that can stand in your presence, for all things must kneel before you. For you are God, the one true God who will reign forever
Almighty God, we are grateful for you have made yourself known to us through the healing and saving power of your Son, Jesus Christ. You have provided the means for the forgiveness of our disobedience, for the wiping away completely of the stain of sin in our lives. Everything else pales into insignificance compared to your sacrificial love for us. May this inspire us to a life of worship of you and of service to others, to your glory and honour.
Prayer of Confession
(from David Hostetter Prayers for God’s People Year B pp186-187, An Australian Prayer Book p256, John MacArthur A Year of Prayer pp184 – 185, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Opening Prayers p106)
Merciful God, we come before you contrite and repentant. We come before you as fallen people.
We are all guilty of letting you down, of going our own way; guilty of offences against your instructions for us and negligent in omitting to love others as you love them.
We seek to forget about our sins, as if by out of our mind they are not in your mind, yet nothing is hidden from you. We seek to treat them as unimportant and diminish their significance; yet each and every one causes you anguish and pain.
You alone judge rightly, and search the depths of our hearts to reveal our true nature of disobedience and wilfulness.
We crave after things in an effort to satisfy a craving in our souls. We seek after possessions and pleasures as if this was the purpose of life.
Merciful God, forgive us.
We envy the wealthy and all the satisfaction in life that they seem to have, yet forget that possessions and money do not guarantee peace of mind and soul. We boast of our qualities and skills. We like to tell of what we are able to achieve all by ourselves, yet fail to acknowledge your blessings in our lives and neglect your call to live a life of modesty and gratefulness.
Merciful God, forgive us.
We are hardened to the distress in other’s lives, and are unable to perceive their greater needs. We withhold the simplest of help that we are asked to give. We neglect to comfort those who need a quiet word of consolation. We refuse to consider giving to someone because of the cost that it may mean for us.
Merciful God, forgive us.
Merciful God, please forgive us for each and every time that we have failed you and have failed others. Please forgive us for each and every time that we have not lived according to your perfect law and precepts.
For we acknowledge that we alone are responsible for creating the chasm that exists between yourself and our sinful lives.
Yet merciful God, you declare your almighty power in showing mercy and pity towards us. Your Word reveals that you are a God of boundless compassion, who eagerly forgives all penitent sinners. There is no other god like you, for you are a God who pardons sins, whose compassion extends to casting our sins into the deepest depths of the ‘sea’.
Let your Holy Spirit empower us in our worship and in our daily service for others. Continue your work in our lives so that we may mirror your nature in our thoughts and words and deeds. Complete your work in us when you call us to yourself to share in the table of abundance that you have told us has been prepared for us. May we follow the path of repentance and faith, to your glory and honour.
Assurance of Forgiveness
(from James 5:15b – 16)
James reminds us that a confession made in faith will be acknowledged. Having confessed our sins before God we can be confident in knowing that God has listened to our prayers, that He has heard them and acknowledged them, that our sins have been forgiven and our lives made clean in God’s sight.
Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.
Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may welcome the gift of the Spirit and be transformed by the Spirit’s work in us so that your mercy, compassion, and presence may be manifest to our World.
We pray for the grace of discipleship, that we may never prefer anything, even our most treasured possessions, to our relationship with Christ.
We pray for freedom of spirit, that you will break the chains of jealousy and greed that work to claim our hearts and hold our society in bondage.
We pray for a renewed sense of mission, that we may each use our unique gifts and opportunities to share your love through words, deeds of healing, hospitality welcome, or cups of water.
We pray for all who exercise leadership in the Church, that the Spirit will give them clear insight into the wounds and weaknesses in the hearts of believers so that they may find new ways to connect with you.
We pray for all young people, that your Spirit will fill them with wisdom and understanding so that they may correctly perceive the values of life and not be seduced by wealth, fame, or power.
We pray for all whose faith is weak, that the Spirit will draw them closer to you.
We pray that you will cleanse the Church of all that hinders the spread of the Gospel. End the conflicts between communities of faith and stimulate conversation and cooperation. May your Church be a haven for the wounded, the sick and the sorrowful, such that it can be a place of hope and tranquillity and healing.
We pray for all who have been cheated or defrauded of their income, that you will overturn the injustice and provide for their needs.
We pray for a new understanding of money, that you will help our society to recognize money as a means to fulfill our responsibilities rather than an end in itself.
We pray for all children, particularly those who lack food, homes, or healthcare, that you will guide us in providing for them.
We pray for healing and renewal, that the Holy Spirit will bring healing of mind, body, and spirit to all who have experienced abuse. Help their voices to be heard, and guide us in supporting them.
We pray that you will renew and give strength to all who are serving others by caring for the sick, fighting wildfires, dealing with floods or earthquakes, or distributing relief supplies.
We pray for refugees and immigrants, that you will give them courage as they seek lives free of violence and intimidation, and that they may find a welcome in their new communities.
We pray for the sick, that you will renew the gift of life within them and restore them to activity and health.
We pray for World leaders, that they will promote justice and fairness, and make decisions and judgements that respect life and ethical treatment of all peoples, regardless of race or colour or creed or class.
We ask for your mercy on the heads of nations as they lead their countries through this season of fear and despair associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Give them wisdom and bless them with capable advisors and administrators as they seek to make decision for the good of the country, especially in the face of criticism and community unrest. Please keep us from complacency and apathy as we consider those who are most impacted by the Covid-19 virus – at home and abroad. Open our hearts to those who struggle. Continue to prompt your love to overflow in us to them.
Strengthen us in prayer, so that we may be sustained by your continual presence.
Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
(also from Leading Intercessions by Raymond Chapman p78 & 79, and Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People Year B by David Hostetter p188 & 189)
We pray for the camps being run by Scripture Union during the School holidays, that you will keep leaders and campers safe and well, that you are inspiring the leaders to reflect the love that you have for each camper and that campers will be challenged in deepening their relationship with you.
We pray for the Religious Instruction classes at Bald Hills State School, that the Holy spirit will reveal to the children who attend the classes that God is real and that His love for them is real. Please encourage those who lead the classes that they will have the right words to say so that a convincing message to given. We pray that they will be supported by the Administration staff of the School in the successful leading of these classes.
We pray for Kylie Conomos, the chaplain at Bald Hills State School, that she will be encouraged and supported in her task of caring for the needy and troubled children at the School, and of ministering to their families.
Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care. To your glory we pray.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.