Prayer of Confession: –
Almighty God, we come to confess our lack of trust in you. While we sing of your Lordship over all of your Creation, we too often act as though you are powerless in the face of today’s events and the actions and intents of people and of Nations.
Have mercy on us.
Almighty God, we come to confess our short-sightedness. While we sing of treasuring your
love for us above everything else, we are drawn to Worldly comforts and attractions.
Have mercy on us.
Almighty God, we come to confess our lack of love. While we talk and pray of the need to care for widows and orphans, we don’t do anything to help those who are left out of Society and are marginalised.
Have mercy on us.
Almighty God, we come to confess our coldness towards others. While we sing of your love for all people, we don’t do anything to break down the ‘walls’ that separate us from our neighbours.
Have mercy on us.
Almighty God, we come to confess that we do not live our lives as Kingdom People. We are ruled by our schedules and our urge to be in control. We make kings of the things that we can acquire, and queens of our immediate desires. Have mercy on us O God.
Forgive us we pray, Amen.,,
Assurance of Forgiveness
(from Romans 4: 5)
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church in Rome saying:
“But the person who depends on their faith, not their deeds, and who believes in the God who declares the guilty to be innocent, it is their faith that God takes into account in order to put them right with himself.”
We have acknowledged Almighty God as our Creator God. We have expressed our faith in the saving work for Humanity that Almighty God achieved in and through Jesus Christ, His Son. Let us then put our faith in the promise of God that He has heard our prayers, that He has forgiven us, and that He has cleansed us in His sight.
Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
Almighty God, knowing of your love for all of Humanity, especially of your compassion for the needy, we come to you with our cares and our concerns.
We bring to you our prayers for the World around us and for people individually.
Let the Nations of the World recognise that we are all one people, sharing the one Planet,
that you call each Nation to be satisfied to live within the boundaries of the Land in which you have placed them.
Release the Leaders of Nations from the desire for power and prosperity through territorial
expansion and the coercion of neighbouring Nations.
Instil in them the willingness to cease from acts of hostility that causes separation and distrust between peoples.
Give each of us freedom from the consuming desire for material gain,
and instead, instil in each of us a desire to give honour to you and to actively consider the welfare of our neighbour.
We pray for the families of our Nation,
may parents and guardians sincerely accept their obligations to provide for the material and spiritual needs of those for whose care they are responsible.
We pray for those who drive our buses and trains, who fly our planes, and who drive our taxis,
that their paramount concern is the welfare of those with whom they are travelling.
We pray for the members of our Police force and for security personnel,
that you will keep them safe as they fulfill their duties to ensure our safety.
We pray for Doctors, nurses and other staff providing care in our hospitals,
that you will sustain and guide them as they tend to the needs of their patients.
We pray for those who are ill or injured,
that you will relieve their suffering and restore them to health and wholeness.
We pray for those burdened with addictions or fears,
that you will bring about a transformation in their lives, and freedom from that which burdens them.
We pray for those wounded by prejudice and injustice,
that you will comfort them and heal their pain, and guide us in how to eliminate discriminatory practices within our relationships.
We pray for those recovering from the effects of Summer storms and cyclones,
that you will protect them from harm, bring rapid restoration to utilities and services, and the availability of people and resources to rebuild their lives.
We pray for an openness to the wisdom and guidance of your voice,
that we may not be waylaid by busyness, ambition or the transient pleasures of the world around us.
We pray for the gift of your spirit,
that we may profess our faith with courage and announce with joy the wonder of your love.
Copyright © 2024. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. –
Raymond Chapman in Leading Intercessions P58
William Barclay in Prayers for Young People p23
Norman Wallwork in Companion to the Revised Common Lectionary Volume 5 p25
We pray for the peoples of France, Germany, and Monaco.
We are thankful for the rich historic and cultural legacies that have come to the world from these lands, for Franco-German friendship, reconciliation and cooperation that has emerged since the hostilities of the Second World War, for how churches and governments in France and Germany have welcomed new immigrants, and for the generosity in supporting ecumenical, interfaith and development work in the world.
We pray for overcoming fears and suspicions that still remain from 20th Century atrocities, and more recent terrorist attacks, for churches and governments to effectively counter anti-immigrant populist sentiments in these countries so that they truly will become more multi-ethnic, for economic decisions that are accountable to those who are most vulnerable and not only to those making a profit, and for the election of political leaders who will further the common good not only for their country but for the sake of Europe and the rest of World.
O Holy Spirit
Spirit of patience, Spirit of humility,
Spirit of revelation, Spirit of truth,
Breath of God, we worship you.
Spirit of confidence, Spirit of hope,
Spirit of peace, Spirit of joy,
Breath of God, we worship you.
Spirit of sacrifice, Spirit of forgiveness,
Spirit of light, Spirit of beauty,
Breath of God, we worship you.
Spirit of holiness, Spirit of purity,
Spirit of unity, Spirit of communion,
Breath of God, we worship you.
Spirit of the Father, Spirit of the Son,
Come, Holy Spirit!
Morning prayer
I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son,
that you have kept me this night from all harm and danger;
and I pray that you would keep me this day also from sin and every evil,
that all my doings and life may please you.
For into your hands I commend myself,
my body and soul, and all things.
Let your holy angel be with me,
that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.
(Martin Luther (1483-1546))
We pray for the people of Tonga and the collaborative efforts of the Bible Society and churches in sharing God’s word, for ongoing unity and relationship development among Tongan churches, church representatives, and the Bible Society South Pacific as they support and work on the translation project. We pray for Dr Maafu, who is facing health challenges, for strength and healing.
We praise you God that Dr Sam Freney, Bible Society Australia’s Translation Consultant, has joined with Rev. Apenisa from Bible Society South Pacific to work on progressing the Bible translation work underway in Vanuatu. We pray for the translators’ training and for the successful continuity of their work, that you will bless them with wisdom, strength and commitment.
We pray for Bible Society staff, translators, volunteers, and partners in the South Pacific and Oceania Alliance, for their safety and wellbeing, for innovative mission approaches amid challenges, fostering collaboration with Oceania Alliance, and for the recruitment of dedicated individuals to vital positions in Bible Society, guided by you, Lord.
We pray for the success of the first year of the new programme cycle (2024-2028) of Bougainville Healthy Communities Program. We thank you God for the new funding cycle from New Zealand Aid Programme. We pray that the team can embrace the changes within the newly designed programme and that they can continue to achieve positive health outcomes in Bougainville. We pray for the success of the PEP trial (preventing leprosy through antibiotics) in Bougainville, that this new PEP project will be rolled out in Bougainville with the help of health volunteers and leprosy experts. We thank you God for BHCP’s senior management team, who provide guidance and support to the programme. We pray for good health and protection over them as they often travel to remote locations. We also, pray that they will be able to nurture the Programme’s relationship with the relevant government departments.
We pray for the health and safety of the Preventative Health & Community Empowerment Programme (PHACE) programme team in Papua New Guinea, who are working in some of the most remote places. We pray for success of the program in the 45 communities in which the PHACE programme team are working to eliminate leprosy. We pray for the success of The Leprosy Mission-PNG’s Mud Crab farm projects, which are working closely with the National Fisheries of Papua New Guinea, for the main farmers, who are faithfully working in order to sustain themselves and their families. We pray for continued positive dialogue and partnerships as The Leprosy Mission-PNG works closely with the PNG Ministry of Health, health facilities, the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government, National Fisheries, and several banking institutions, so that it will lead us to eliminate leprosy and encourage healthy living. We pray for the Senior Management Team, who are providing support to the field-based activities and give thanks for TLM New Zealand’s support.
We pray for the Western Australian Young Adult Ministry as programs are being planned and placed throughout the year, praying for creativity and flexibility in organising this program.
We pray for the Belyuen (Indigenous Community) School in Northern Territory, that students will continue to enjoy engaging with you each week through your Word at RI. We pray for lives changed and a community impacted by the Gospel. We pray for staff who hear from you, that the Holy Spirit would be at work in them. WE pray for a teacher there, once a strong Christian, that you would bring him and his family back into a relationship with yourself.
We pray for those who plan to undertake Religious Instruction classes at Bald Hills State School in the coming weeks. Guide them in their preparation for the words to say and the approach to take with the children in their classes.
We pray for Kylie Conomos, the Scripture Union Chaplain at Bald Hills State School, as she returns to addressing the concerns and needs of children, parents and teachers at the Bald Hills State School.
Lord God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your lovingkindness. To your glory we pray.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.