Gathering Prayer: –
Almighty God, thank you for all the times and places
where we have seen you at work this week.
Come and reveal yourself to us again now,
that we might be strengthened in our faith
and renewed in our trust of you.
A Prayer of Confession
Lord, we confess that we are quick to decide who are the weeds among us;
mostly, we think they are whoever is outside these walls,
and maybe one or two here with whom we disagree in some way.
We, of course, are wheat; so, we raise ourselves high,
while casting our brothers and sisters down in our harsh judgement.
But you, Lord, see the wheat and the weeds within each one of us,
the good and the bad battling for space to grow.
Forgive us, Father, for the less-than-Christian thoughts and
attitudes we allow to take hold of our souls, smothering the
good growth you have nurtured within us.
Help us to accept that we all have our failings,
and so it is right that we should all be given a chance, for you
are the only one who sees everything and is fit to judge.
We humbly ask your mercy, O Lord.
Assurance of Forgiveness
God the creator and re-creator,
constant in your care for your creatures and creation,
you forgive us time and time again
when the thoughts and attitudes that choke our faith
spring up to darken the light and love of your grace within us.
We thank you that we can trust your judgement
and rely on your forgiveness in all circumstances.
Prayers of Intercession
Lord God, we pray for our world and its people.
So many different cultures, colours, languages
– but we are all your children, all special in our own right.
Whatever our gender, race, colour or creed, we all belong to you.
We all need your love.
We pray that we might learn to live in harmony with each other,
to recognise that even someone halfway around the world is still
our neighbour in your sight. Far or near, we all belong to you.
We all need your love.
With today’s technology we have access to news from afar,
almost before it happens. Help us not to become blasé about
the situations we see, but to pray and care faithfully for all concerned.
In war or peace, we all belong to you.
We all need your love.
We pray for those near and dear to us: protect them, wrap them
in your loving arms, and in sorrow and in joy, be with them.
Near or far, we all belong to you.
We all need your love.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen