Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 21st January 2024

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 21st January 2024

Prayer of Praise  

(Psalm 62: 5 to 8 and 11) 

I depend only on you O God,

I put my hope solely in you.

You alone protect me and save me.

You alone are my defender.

On you, O God, rests my salvation,

You are like a rock that shelters me, you are a refuge for me.

We put our trust in you, O God, at all times.

We pour out your hearts before you,

we tell you of all of our troubles,

for we find that you are the source of our strength and of our relief.

All power belongs to you, O God,

Your love is unfailing.  Amen.

Prayer of Confession

(from An Australian Prayer Book p225, Invocations p63, The Book of Worship pp54 – 56, Opening Prayers p60, Prayers for God’s People Year B pp44 – 47) 

Merciful God, we come humbling ourselves before you, recalling our neglects and our shortcomings. 

We recall your standards and acknowledge that we fall short in so many ways.

You are ever coming to us, yet we are ever turning away from us. 

You seek for us to focus solely upon you, yet our minds wander to myriad things and our desires command our attention.  We seek your mercy and forgiveness.

You come beside us and ask us to follow you, yet we pause to consider the cost. 

There are so many Earthly attachments that hold us back from answering your call.  We seek your mercy and forgiveness.

You have great plans for us, yet we disregard your Will for what you intend for us to be and to do.

We are faithless and frivolous, yet you show great patience with us.  We seek your mercy and forgiveness.

Help us to yield to your love, to be your instruments to lead Humanity to unity and peace.  In purity of heart, may we receive the blessings of your light and life.

Cleanse us from all of our sins and restore us to a right relationship with yourself.  To your glory we pray.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness 

(from Mark 1: 15b) 

Mark, in his Gospel, records the preaching of Jesus to turn away from our sins and to believe the Good News of the Kingdom of God.  We have confessed our sins before God.  We have expressed our faith in the redeeming and cleansing work of Jesus Christ.  We, therefore, have the assurance that God has heard us, and that God has forgiven us.

Thanks be to God.

Australia Day Prayer

 [UCA Assembly Day of mourning 2021 Worship Resources, Anglican Defence force chaplains Australia Day worship resources 2014] 

We praise you, God of the Universe, for this Nation of ours, for its contrasts of landscape and climate, for its times of droughts and times of floods, for its times of abundance and beauty.  We praise you for the stability of its Governments, for the ready provision of education and health care and housing, and for basic and accepted freedoms to choose how we live and work and believe.

We accept the realities of our History, with its struggles in adversity, with its loss and grief, with its failures and neglect, with its inequality and poverty, with its injustices and abuses committed against peoples of different colours and races and cultures and creeds.

We ask for your forgiveness of us, when by acts of commission or by our failure to act, we have contributed to the needs of others not being met, or we have contributed to the discrimination shown to another Human being who is equally valued and loved by you, or we have contributed to the acceptance of the presence of inequity and neglect when none should exist.

We pray for the healing of our Nation, that you will eliminate any divisiveness and mistrust that divides us.  We pray that you will encourage those who have been wronged in the past and in the present to be moved to forgive the pain that they have experienced, to forgive the loss that they have suffered, to forgive the abuse that has been hurled at them, and to forgive the neglect and inequality that has impacted on their life.

We pray that paths of dialogue may open within and between our communities, dialogue that will lead to cooperation and the advancement for the Common Good, dialogue that will lead to the making of constructive and positive decisions towards the advancement of all peoples.

Give us the courage to ensure that the realities of our past do not determine the realities of our future.  May we not seek to take upon ourselves the guilt for the sins of others in the past, especially the sins of the Church, but lead us instead, Lord God, to celebrate what we have and who we are, to accept that “we are all part of the story”, and to seek pathways for moving forward together as a Nation.  ( Home ‐ Australia Day

So that we may together build a better future for our Nation, teach us to tolerate diversity, to respect all Cultures, and to care for our land and of our waters.  Help us to work towards a just sharing of the resources of our Nation and of the opportunities that it affords.  Give us a passionate commitment towards justice for all, and for structural and social change to improve the quality of life for all peoples in all communities, especially for the disadvantaged and the neglected.

May your authority and love be the foundations upon which we walk together as one People who share this Nation of yours.  Bless us so that we might be a blessing to others.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Others

Almighty God, please bring relief to those who are ill or weak or in pain.  Please quickly restore to them health and vitality and a renewed joy with life. 

Be with those providing medical aid and care, that they will be encouraged and strengthened as they go about their work.

Please be with those who have recently faced the death of a loved one. 

Console them and comfort them; encourage them with the memories of a joyful and happy life.

Challenge those who are allowing some weakness or habit to become a threat to life itself,

Challenge them to change their outlook on life, and their attitudes and behaviours.

Challenge those who are so busy with the things of this world that they are neglecting the things of eternity. 

May they stop to reconsider their priorities and what is of important to their lives and the lives of their family.

Give rest to those who are tired and overworked, to those for whom life has become wearisome and grim. 

Give them a glimpse of the joys that life can hold, and the possibilities of personal satisfaction and growth.

Bless our Country and its leaders in all levels of government. 

May they strive for the betterment of all rather than the benefit of a few.  May they work with honesty and endeavour rather than make decisions on the basis of prejudice.

May our Church be seen as a leader in Society, providing critical judgement on social ills and sound advice for moving forward. 

Give it the inspiration to present the Gospel at every opportunity and to be the means whereby you can shine your light into the dark places in the World.

May your Church draw life from Jesus Christ,

may it serve the poor and needy with humility and generosity, be inclusive of all who seek grace, and draw women and men into a spirit of partnership.

May the diversity of our cultures and religions work together to bring national harmony,

may it be a sign to all nations that peace and justice is always possible.

We pray for Australia in its relationship with the nations of the world:

may it be a responsible member of the United Nations, bring relief to those suffering from natural disasters, promote human rights and freedom of religion, and be just and ethical in its trade policies.

We pray for each other: may we have a greater sense of our unity in Christ, knowing that in him there are no distinctions,

may we have a stronger call to work together to build up his Kingdom of mercy, peace and justice in our Country.

Gracious Father, watch over Australia, this Great Southern Land of the Holy Spirit,

and give to all who live here a thirst for the word of your Son Jesus, and a love for his mercy, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Almighty God, we pray for a greater openness to your Word, that we may allow the Word to penetrate our hearts, call us to life, and motivate us to serve you lovingly.

We pray for a greater love for your Word, that we may take time to read, ponder, and pray with the scriptures so that we may deepen our relationship with you and take on the mind and heart of Christ

We pray for Christian Unity, that you will heal the wounds and misunderstandings of the past, lead all in your Church to offer a more united witness to the Gospel, and offer greater service to our suffering and vulnerable neighbours.

We pray for a spirit of holy detachment, that we may seek first your reign, and place ourselves, our relationships, and our possessions in your service.

We pray for all who are alienated or disconnected from you, that the Spirit will spark a new flame of faith in their hearts and open them to a new relationship with you.

We pray for greater care for the Earth and its resources, that you will guide us in being good stewards of the Earth and protecting its resources for future generations.

We pray for all levels of our governments and Local Councils, that you will inspire their understanding of the pressing issues and guide them in addressing the healthcare, refugee, and violence issues of our society.

We pray for all who have experienced persecution for their faith, that you will give them the strength to remain faithful and protect them from further harm.

We pray for healing of our Nation, that you will heal the divisiveness and mistrust that divides us and open a new path of dialogue, cooperation, and advancement of the Common Good.

We pray for all who are suffering, that you will protect all who have fled violence, guide the homeless to safe shelter, and open the pathways for food, water, and medicine to those in need.

We pray for Peace, that you will change the hearts of those inflicting violence and open opportunities for dialogue so that peace and justice may be established.

Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. –

We pray for the peoples of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

We are thankful for the ancient cultures and religions that have been sustained in this area for millennia, for those who continue to pursue peace in the midst of ethnic strife and terrorism, and for Christians who practice their faith even when they are a small, often discriminated minority.

We pray for women and others in these countries who are deprived of basic freedoms and human dignity, for those who misuse or exploit religious identity for extremist political ends, for the wise use of the benefits of oil and other natural resources for the sake of all, and for the emergence of stable democratic societies based on the rule of law, social justice, and respect for religious and other freedoms.

Prayers before scripture reading

Make us wise in your law and enlighten our thoughts with your knowledge. Sanctify our

souls with your truth, and grant us to be obedient to your words so we fulfil your commandments at every hour, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for ever.

O you, who enlighten the rational with the knowledge of your greatness, enlighten, O my Lord, my thoughts that I may meditate upon your holy and divine Scriptures at every hour, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for ever.

(From “Prayers of The Hallowing of Addai and Mari Disciplers of the East,” English translation M. J. Birni,

Sufi Prayer for Peace

Send your peace, O Lord, which is perfect and everlasting,
that our souls may radiate peace.

Send your peace, O Lord,
that we may think, act, and speak harmoniously.

Send your peace, O Lord,
that we may be contented and thankful for your bountiful gifts.

Send your peace, O Lord,
that amidst our worldly strife we may enjoy your bliss.

Send your peace, O Lord,
that we may endure all, tolerate all in the thought of your grace and mercy.

Send your peace, O Lord,
that our lives may become a divine vision,
and in your light all darkness may vanish.

Send your peace, O Lord, our Father and Mother,
that we your children on earth may all unite in one family.


We pray for the rebuilding of the Anandaban Self-Care Unit (SCU) in Nepal, for safety for the builders working on steep, hilly terrain.  We pray that patients at the SCU will continue receiving treatment and training they need to live with dignity and free from pain.  We pray the new buildings will provide a safe and welcoming place away from home and be a blessing to them.

We give thanks that the Indian provincial government have seen the value of the Mobile Care Unit, and have ordered another 39 units to support help reach more people who have difficulty travelling to a health clinic or hospital.  We pray for The Leprosy Mission Trust India board and staff as they continue to advance the needs of people affected by leprosy through advocacy, training, empowerment, research, treatment, and livelihood support.


We pray for the East Devonport Holiday happening on this Monday and Tuesday.  

We pray for guidance and encouragement for the new team leader for “Life Under the Sea”, Ben James and his enthusiastic team from the Pathway Shed and local churches.  

We pray for the success of the Staff retreat for all Northern Territory SU staff on this coming Monday and Tuesday, that it will be a productive time of building relationships and of planning.

We pray for our first A2B training in the West, for our chaplains and key staff members, and pray for Andrea as she travels to facilitate this training.  We pray participants who are doing the training will feel equipped to take it into their ministries.

We pray for the success of the CHAT (Cultural, Hearing, Asking, Telling) Training in Darwin this coming Wednesday and Thursday.

We pray for the wellbeing of our WA Young Adults embarking on our first Snorkels Camp from Thursday to Sunday.  We pray they’d be blown away by God’s creation around Perth’s beaches.  We pray for support and guidance for Bianca who is leading the team.

We pray for SRE Teachers in NSW as they prepare their lessons.  We pray they connect with God each day before school routines fill up their days, so that they are strengthened and ready to face any challenges the new school year presents.

We give thanks and praise for all our SU Prayer Breakfast hosts in Tasmania, the days they’ve organised for 2024, and the blessing they are to their communities and our entire SU movement.


We pray for those who plan to undertake Religious Instruction classes at Bald Hills State School in the coming weeks.  Guide them in their preparation for the words to say and the approach to take with the children in their classes. 

We pray for Kylie Conomos, the Scripture Union Chaplain at Bald Hills State School, as she rests during these holidays before returning in the coming week to address the concerns and needs of children, parents and teachers at the school.

We pray for those who we have not seen for some time and who are unable to attend worship.  Please guide and comfort them in their particular circumstances.  May they be aware of your care for them as they meet what each new day brings.

We bring these petitions to you O Lord confident that you have heard us and will act upon them according to your will and purpose in the World.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.