God of the cosmos and all therein,
we come to worship you,
to be in awe of you,
not because of your power and might,
rather we come overwhelmed because of your love,
your love which brought us into being,
which sustains us,
and which we offer back to you
through this worship
and our lives as a living sacrifice,
that loving you we may learn to love our neighbour.
Bless us to be a people who, recognising you to be Immanuel,
that is, God with us,
a people who might therefore work with you,
and not against you,
in your desire to inaugurate your Kingdom…
as we pray
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and forever. Amen
We gather as your people, O LORD
so busy at this time of the year,
that we fail to recognise, let alone acknowledge,
that our living takes place within the bubble of your love!
Grant us moments of enforced calm
that we might take stock of whose we truly are…
Lord have mercy LORD HAVE MERCY
We gather as your people, O LORD
so busy at this time of the year,
that we fail to recognise, let alone acknowledge,
the significance of the name Jesus,
for he shall free his people from their sin…
Grant us moments of carefree joy
that we might know that love casts out the need for fear
Christ have mercy CHRIST HAVE MERCY
We gather as your people, O LORD
so busy at this time of the year,
that we fail to recognise, let alone acknowledge,
that the peace yearned for, the community desperately sought
are offered through you, Immanuel, God with us
as Spirit companion…
Grant us moments of serendipitous encounters
that we might see afresh your presence in others and around us…
Spirit have mercy SPIRIT HAVE MERCY
We read:
the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said,
‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
21 She will give birth to a son,
and you are to give him the name Jesus,
because he will save his people from their sins.
In Christ all is forgiven us, so we say with joy in our hearts,
O Lord our God,[1]
you hear our prayers before we speak,
and answer before we know our need.
Although we cannot pray as we ought,
may your Spirit pray in us,
drawing us to you and towards our neighbours.
We pray for the whole creation:
may all things work together for good,
until, by your design,
your children inherit the earth and order it wisely.
Let the whole creation praise you, Lord our God.
We pray for the Church of Jesus Christ;
that, begun, maintained and promoted by the Holy Spirit,
it may be true, engaging, glad, and active,
doing your will.
Let the Church be always faithful, Lord our God.
We pray for peace in the world.
Disarm weapons, silence guns,
and put out ancient hate that smoulders still,
or flames in sudden conflict.
Create goodwill between every race and nation.
Bring peace on earth, O God.
We pray for enemies, as Christ commanded;
for those who oppose us or scheme against us,
who are also children of your love.
May we be kept from infectious hate
or sick desire for vengeance.
Make friends of enemies, O God.
We pray for those involved in world government,
in agencies of control or compassion,
who work for the reconciling of the nations:
keep them hopeful, and work with them for peace.
Unite our broken world, O God.
We pray for those who govern us,
for those who make and administer our laws.
May this country always be a land of free people
who welcome exiles and work for justice.
Govern those who govern us, O God.
For those in need
We pray for those who are poor, those who are hungry,
in need of employment, homes or education.
Increase in us, and in all who prosper,
concern for the disinherited.
Care for the poor, O God.
We pray for those on the margins of any society;
for those excluded by their own aggression
or by the harshness of others.
May we accept those whom our world names unacceptable,
and so show your mighty love.
Welcome the alienated, O God.
We pray for sick people who suffer pain,
or struggle with demons of the mind,
who silently cry out for healing:
may they be patient, brave, and trusting.
Heal the sick and troubled, O God.
We pray for the dying, who face the final mystery:
may they enjoy light and life intensely,
keep dignity, and greet death unafraid,
believing in your love.
Have mercy on the dying, O God.
We pray for those whose tears are not yet dry,
who listen for familiar voices and look for familiar faces:
in their loss, may they affirm all that you promise in Jesus,
who prepares a place for us within your spacious love.
Comfort those who mourn, O God. We pray for people everywhere: may they come into their own as children of God, and inherit the kingdom prepared in Jesus Christ, the Lord of all and Saviour of the world. Hear our prayers, almighty God,in the name of Jesus Christ,who prays with us and for us,to whom be praise for ever. Amen.
[1] UNITING IN WORSHIP 2 2005 pp 281-84 Sydney: Uniting Church Press