Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 15th September 2024

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 15th September 2024

Prayer of Praise: –

 (from Psalms 116 & 117) 

I love you, LORD, because you hear me; you listen to my prayers,

you listen to me every time I call to you.

You, LORD, are merciful and good; you are compassionate and kind.

My LORD, you protect the innocent.

When I was distressed, I called out to the you, LORD, and you helped me.

I am confident that I walk in your presence, LORD, because you have been good to me.

I offer my thankfulness for your graciousness towards me.

I will offer my praise to you in the assembly of your people.

Praise the LORD, all Nations,

Praise Him, all peoples.

Your love for us is strong,

And your faithfulness towards is eternal.  Amen.

Prayer of Confession 

(from Proverbs 1) 

Righteous Lord, your will for us is to be honest, just and fair in all that we do.

Your will for us is to live with understanding and resourcefulness.

Lord, you desire for us to be in close fellowship with you,

but the loud cries of the World entice us away from you.

Lord, you offer to guide us from your knowledge and wisdom,

but we pay no respect to your teaching and refuse to learn from you.

Lord, you call us to follow you along the path to life and fulfillment,

but we turn away and refuse to listen to you.

Lord, you are willing to pick us up when we stumble and to reveal to us where we have erred,

but we ignore your advice and are not willing to be corrected by you.

Lord, you show to us our ignorance,

you show to us our lack of respect for you.

When we get into trouble and suffer from pain and misery,

it is because of our foolishness and pride.

Forgive our sinful and disobedient ways.

May we revere you always, and trust you completely throughout our life.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness 

(from Psalm 19: 13b) 

The Psalmist writes, “Deliver me from my hidden faults and deliver me from my wilful sins, and then I shall be free from the evil of sin”.  Having confessed our sins before God, we have this assurance that God has listened, that God has forgiven, and that God has cleansed us in His sight

Thanks be to God.

Prayers for Others

God of grace and love, we recognise the struggles and sorrows of those Australians who live in the remotest parts of this country.

We pray for our Outback brothers and sisters as the divide between city and the bush continues to grow – in poverty, in health outcomes and access to vital services.

We pray for our Bush Chaplains and volunteers who work side by side to lend a sympathetic ear and a helping hand.

We pray that Reverend John Flynn’s vision of a “mantle of safety” for those in Inland Australia continues to be pursued with his energy and passion for years to come.  We pray for the wisdom to know when more needs to be done and for the strength to do it.

Lord God, your Spirit has moved over the face of Australia and formed from its dust a rolling brown land.  

Your Spirit has moved over its warm tropical waters and created a rich variety of life.

Your Spirit moves still today in sprawling, high-rise cities, in the vast distances of the outback, and in the ethnic diversity of the Australian people.

Lord God, in the midst of this varied huddle of Humanity you have set your church.  Give us, the people you have so richly blessed, a commitment to justice and peace for all Nations; and a vision of righteousness and equality for all people in our own country.

Help us to look beyond our far horizons to see our neighbours in their many guises, so that we may be mutually enriched by our differences.

And may our love and compassion for all people on Earth be as wide and varied as our land and as constant as the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

The following prayers will not be included in the church service, but are included here for you to use if you wish:

Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that our profession of Jesus as the Christ may be manifest through laying down our lives in service for others and in allowing you to raise us to life.

We pray for a living and dynamic faith, that the Spirit will strengthen us to confront evil, show compassion for the wounded, work for peace and justice, and manifest your reign amongst us.

We pray for all who suffer for the sake of the Gospel, that you will strengthen suffering Christians, help them to be faithful witnesses, and fill their hearts with peace.

We pray for the poor in our midst, that we may neither ignore them nor rationalize away their suffering but extend our hearts and hands to assist them.

We pray for all who do not believe in Jesus, that the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts and open them to experience the words of Jesus that bring life.

We pray for all who spend their lives serving others, that you will guide emergency personnel each day, give strength to all who care for the sick, and inspire many young people to join them in serving others.

We pray for all who have suffered loss through Hurricanes, the recent flooding, or wildfires, that you will heal their pain, protect them from further harm, give them hope, and touch the hearts of many to assist them.

We pray for peace, that you will turn hearts from violence and revenge, protect the innocent from harm and bring forth a new season of justice and peace.

Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. –

Almighty God, we pray for the peoples of Ghana and Nigeria.

We are thankful for Christians and Muslims who take risks to work for dialogue and reconciliation, and people of disparate ethnic groups who strive together for the common good, for churches who have been faithful in spreading the Good News, serving the people and pursuing justice in these societies, for economic growth from natural resources, where it benefits all people – and especially the poor – in these nations, and for how people, especially in Nigeria, have been sustained by God in the face of attacks and violence in the context of the movement of population groups and from extremist elements like Boko Haram.

We pray for those affected by violence and terrorism, and that such violent attacks might cease, for leaders of churches, that they might speak out courageously against political, social and economic injustices, f or Just and peaceful relations between members of different ethnic groups and between Muslims and Christians, for those who suffer from malnutrition and diseases such as malaria, whooping cough and HIV and AIDS, and for better stewardship of the environment and natural resources.


O God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, set our hearts on fire with a new love for Christ and for one another.  Renew our desires and labours to serve others.

We seek healing from division, poverty and injustice in all parts of the world.  We long for life which is full and free.

Give us the courage to take risks to build a highway in the desert and let us find protection under the shadow of your wings.  Amen.

(© 2002 Abigail Ogunsanya, Nigeria)

We offer you, O Ruler of men and women and of heavenly beings, the gold of our costly service.  Take the labour of our hands, the skill of our minds, the power of our organization.  Purge us of pride, and stir us from sloth, that we, being refined by your grace, may become better servants of your kingdom, now and hereafter.

We offer to you, our Lord and our God, the incense of our worship and our prayer.  By the gift of your Holy Spirit, you have hung forth a star in the lowly heaven of every Christian soul; grant us eager feet to follow wherever it leads, until our searching souls are blessed with the vision of yourself, who are our heaven and our home, forever.

We offer to you, O Man of sorrows, the myrrh of your church’s sufferings.  When we have nothing else to give, this offering remains.  Where you are on the cross, there also may your servants be.  May your perfect sacrifice avail to make our light affliction redemptive in the world, that sharing the fellowship of your sufferings we may rejoice in the power of your resurrection, now and forever.  Amen.

(From the Assembly of the International Missionary Society, Ghana. In: “With All God’s People”.)

Prayer for unity

We invoke you, Spirit of Unity, transform our divisions and reshape our vision.
All of creation, all living beings, cry in the midst of injustice and brokenness.
Spirit of Unity, reconcile your people.
We invoke you, Spirit of Unity, heal the wounds of our history,
Remove from us all that sustains our present divisions.
Unstop our ears to hear your call for unity.

(© Mercy Oduyoye, Ghana. We Would Be One, Institute of Women in Religion and Culture, Accra, Ghana.)

Almighty God, we pray for stable government in Ghana that will oversee religious freed om throughout the country and address the tensions between Christians, Muslims and those groups who practice Traditional Religions.

We thank you God for the success of the use of literature from Scripture Union in Church run schools to encourage students in their faith.

We pray for increased effort of Bible translation programs and Bible literacy programs.

We pray for your guidance for those Colleges and Universities offering training for Church leaders.

We pray that the Church in Ghana will be united and find their strength through you to break the bondage that fetishism and occult practices have on many people, that the people will find liberty and peace through a faith in Jesus.

Almighty God, we pray for stable government in Nigeria, and for your guidance as they seek to address ethnic and religious tensions among its numerous regional and ethnic groups.

We pray that there will be international support for the Government to enable the Nation to address the social and personal loss from the activities of Islamic terrorists in the north on the Country.

We pray for increased efforts towards bible translation programs, the development of Christian television programs and the broadcasting of Christian radio programs.

We pray for correct guidance and leadership of smaller congregations so that they do not drift into Unbiblical theology or practices.

(Patrick Johnstone and Jason in Operation World  When we pray God Works p275 – 278 and 489 – 493) 

Almighty God, we pray for your protection and strength for the dedicated staff and volunteers of Bible Society Lebanon (BSL) as they serve vulnerable communities during these challenging times.  We pray that they are sustained in their passion and commitment as they plant seeds of hope and faith among refugees and disadvantaged groups.  We pray for the children and families affected by trauma and displacement from war, that they find comfort and healing through the Bible stories in BSL’s ‘Reconcile!’ drama program

We pray for the Australian National Collaboration of Bible Translation Agencies that will be meeting in Melbourne from 17th to 20th September.  We pray for wisdom as they discuss the need to recruit skilled workers to help with the coordination of Bible translation projects in remote communities across Australia.

We thank God for the ‘Learning Through Listening’ literacy program in Cambodia, where the literacy rate is 84% and the primary school completion rate is 61%.  We pray for the educational and spiritual impact of the program in the provinces, that this program would be used by you to bring salvation to students and spiritual growth to believers.  We pray also for protection as staff and volunteers implement the program throughout Cambodia.

We pray for the ‘Learning Through Listening’ literacy program in Laos, where 20% of males and 40% of females over 15 are unable to read or write.  We pray that new learners will continue to attend classes and for the recruitment of more literacy facilitators, as well as for an increase in classes and students by the end of the year.  We pray for the children enrolled, that they will be interested in attending the classes and improve their literacy skill.

We pray that the Bible Society Australia (BSA) fundraising team will continue to build relationships with churches and Bible Society supporters, developing deep and meaningful relationships which honour God and BSA supporters.

We thank you God for the spiritual impact that the Bible Society Lebanon’s ‘Reconcile!’ drama program is having in the lives of refugee children. After watching a ‘Reconcile!’ play, 10-years old Nizar* said, “I was moved by the play ‘Of the heart’, and I want Jesus to enter my heart.”  Bible%20Society%20September%202024%20Prayer%20Letter.pdf

Almighty God, we pray for all of the camps operated by Scripture Union Australia across Southern QLD and Northern Rivers, that you will be present and moving through the volunteers, leaders, chaplains and participants.

We pray for Central Splashout 2024 and for all the other camps in South East QLD during the September school holidays, for safety of participants and leaders along with good conversations that plant seeds of hope.

We pray that at the Far North QLD Mountain Bike Camp participants will learn new skills and present opportunities to talk about Jesus.

We pray that at the Far North Queensland Girls Camp there would have great Bible engagement and develop friendships and confidence in campers.

We pray that campers on the King of the Mountain Camp will learn about your amazing plans for their lives and come to a saving faith in Jesus.

 We pray that the GENTS Father and Son camp on the banks of the Hawkesbury River would bear the fruit of bonding, friendship and growing in Jesus.

We praise you God for the seven Christian lunchtime groups in public schools around Canberra this year, and for the 20+ volunteers who serve each week to make them happen.  We pray for deepening connections between churches, schools, volunteers, children and their families.

We pray that you will continue to open doors for young Christians to be trained in leadership through future development and growth of the SU Australia Emerge program in Tasmania.


Almighty God, we pray for security across the Nation of The Democratic Republic of Congo, that you may grant lasting peace, safety and stability and protect the Congolese people and The Leprosy Mission staff from violence and natural disasters in a country where staff have to travel in unstable areas.

We bring to you the National Leprosy Programme which is facing challenges in mobilising adequate resources for leprosy control, resources which are vital for achieving zero leprosy transmission.  We pray for your wisdom for Mrs Yvonne Kambale Kavuo, the country leader for TLM, that she will guide the team towards a leprosy response which is sustainable, through increased investment in fundraising and partnerships with local churches and advocacy.

We pray that you will encourage those countries who support the work of TLM in Dc Congo to continue to support their work to support communities.

DR Congo is a large and hard to navigate country.  Churches in DRC play a vital role in health care and development work in DRC, particularly in remote places.  We pray that training of church leaders will enhance the capacity of local churches to reach people affected by leprosy in remote and underserved areas.

We pray for partners who will support work to detect leprosy reaction, treatment for leprosy complications and help TLM to scale up their self-care and mental health work.

We pray that OPALCO, an organisation of persons affected by leprosy, will become a strong organisation capable to fight discrimination, achieve human rights, and promote inclusion.


Almighty God, we bring before you the Far East Broadcasting Company, whose goal is that every ethnic group in Southeast Asia may hear the Gospel.  

We pray for your support and guidance for FEBC Cambodia’s partnerships with Cambodian Christian Bible Institute and Discipleship Making Movement in their efforts to plant your Word and make disciples throughout Cambodia.

We pray for FEBC’s partner in Myanmar, that trough them you may bring hope to the Burmese as military rule and civic unrest continues into their third year.

We pray for your support and guidance for the development of new Bible Correspondence Course lessons throughout Thailand, in which 42,105 people are enrolled, the majority of whom are from other faiths.

We pray for the effectiveness of FEBC’s AI project to translate the Bible into 3D animation of a sign language dialect in one Southeast Asian country.

We give you praise for the success of FEBC Indonesia’s ‘School On The Air’ program which has teachers in Jakarta teaching poor students in Mentawai.  We pray for the opportunity to introduce similar programs in other regions.

We ask that you protect FEBC staff and equipment as Philippines enters the typhoon season.

We ask for you provision and protection for FEBC’s partners and their families in Malaysia..


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.