Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 11th August 2024

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 11th August 2024

Prayer of Praise: –

(from Leading Intercessions p33, The Book of Worship p213, Invocations p41 & 42, Opening Prayers p92, An Australian Prayer Book p246, Uniting in Worship red book p207, and Prayers for God’s People p159) 

  Almighty God, we come before you with gratitude for your love and goodness towards us. 

We give thanks for your grace towards us that exceeds what we could ever hope for or ask.  We are humbled by the gift of Jesus Christ, your only Son, who, through obedience to your will, gave his life for our sins, gave his life to redeem us so that we can be in close fellowship with you. 

  Almighty God, you seek those who are lost and deserted, those who are hungry for spiritual healing and wholeness, to bring them back to a right relationship with you, for no other reason than because your love is so real and inexhaustible.  There is no-one to whom we can compare you, there is no substitute for you, no alternative to your creative and saving power.

  Almighty God, you continue to bless us and to provide for our needs.  You lift up our spirits when we are sorrowful and concerned.  You strengthen us in times of heartache and trouble.  Your word to us is totally trustworthy.  Your promises are absolutely dependable.  You are the source of our hope and comfort in this life and in the promised life beyond time and space.

  It is to you, Almighty God, that we offer our praise and worship, now and always.  Amen.

Prayer of Confession   

Merciful God, we confess to how easy it is to be drawn into ‘worldly lifestyles’.

We confess to thoughts and behaviours that are not consistent with a life dedicated to you.

We confess to being less than truthful in the words we speak to others.

Merciful God, forgive us.

We confess to becoming angry with people with disregard to their equal dignity and worth.

Merciful God, forgive us.

We confess to the use of harmful words that do nothing to build up our relationships with others.

Merciful God, forgive us.

We confess to harbouring bitter feelings about the way we have been treated by others that hinder our willingness to forgive and forget.

Merciful God, forgive us.

We confess to resorting to insults when we should be striving for reconciliation.

Merciful God, forgive us.

We confess to hearts that are cold towards the needs of others, forgetting that you call us to be kind and tender-hearted.

Merciful God, forgive us.

We confess to a stubbornness of will, when we should be guided by your will and purpose for us.

Merciful God, forgive us.

We confess to a desire for the transient pleasures of the World, neglecting to strive for that which is worthy, good and pure.

Merciful God, forgive us.

With shame we confess to careless thoughts and to actions that lack integrity.

Merciful God, forgive us.

Mould us with your Spirit so that all our dealings are carried out honestly and ethically.

Instruct us with your Spirit so that our words bring grace to those who hear them.

Renew us with your Spirit so that our words and actions bring you pleasure and not pain.

Guide us and direct us, so that our lives can be channels through which you are able to bring healing and wholeness to others.  For this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness 

(from Psalm 130: 3 and 4) 

The Psalmist writes of God’s willingness to forgive us when we cry to Him for help in the depths of our despair over our sins.  Let us, then, hold onto that promise, trusting that God listens to our call, that through His grace God forgives us, and that though his love for us God redeems us and restores our relationship with Him. 

Thanks be to God.

Prayers for Others

Almighty God, where people live with a bitterness of spirit which poisons them and distresses those around them,

may your Kingdom come, may your will be done.

Where people live greedily, without gratitude or grace, keeping a ruthless eye on the possessions of others,

may your Kingdom come, may your will be done.

Where folk resort to violence, oppression and injustice, spreading suffering and accelerating hatred,

may your Kingdom come, may your will be done.

Where people suffer disease, handicaps, and illness, with minimal or no support or care,

may your Kingdom come, may your will be done.

Where communities of mixed races or cultures or languages ache with ugly fears and repression,

may your Kingdom come, may your will be done.

May their minds come to know you, may their hearts come to love you,

may your justice reign in their lives, may your grace and mercy transform and renew.

Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we will find nourishment and sustenance in Christ, the Bread of Life, for our daily journey and for the fulfillment for all the hungers and yearnings of our hearts.  Grant to your Church a unity of purpose, free from malice and dissension.

We pray for the ability to imitate Christ, that we may put on the mind and heart of Christ and be empowered to show compassion and forgiveness to others.

We pray for the grace to encounter Christ, that we may recognize Christ in each person that we meet and show them dignity and respect.

We pray for the grace to forgive, that, having experienced your generous forgiveness to us, we may be free to forgive all who have wronged us.

We pray for a new vision of our life journey, that we may be open to the vision you hold for us and that we may be free to rely upon you as we encounter trials, struggles, and doubts.

We pray for a transformation of our minds and hearts, that the Holy Spirit will free us from all bitterness and anger and guide us in living as your children each day.

We pray for all who have been wounded by the anger and malice of others, that God will heal their hearts, renew their spirits, and free them to live life fully.

We pray for healing of racism, that the Holy Spirit will open us to the prejudice and discrimination that exists within us and in the society around us so that we may promote greater justice and understanding.

We pray for strength to fulfill our responsibilities, that we may lay down our lives in sacrificial love to those to whom we are committed and for those who have been entrusted to our care.

We pray for those who have been evicted from their homes or who are facing eviction, that you will move leaders to act to protect them and free up the needed resources for their safe shelter and food.

We pray for greater respect for human life, that you will move hearts from seeking revenge to a seeking for compassion.

We pray for an end to the exploitation of the poor and powerless by those who are greedy for wealth and a life of privilege and pleasure.

We pray for an end to nuclear proliferation, that you will show us the true destructive power of nuclear weapons and inspire us to protect the earth for future generations.

We pray that you will direct the Leaders of Nations in the search for justice and peace, reminding them that nothing is ultimately gained through violence and provocation.

We pray for the sick and ill, that they may be restored to wholeness and wellbeing.  Guide those searching for remedies for cancer and debilitating illnesses, that they will be successful in finding the means to lessen those who are suffering.

We pray for your mercy on those whose lives are twisted by bitterness.  Give them the peace of mind and spirit which will free them to forgive others and relieve them to move positively into the future.

We pray for relief from wildfires and drought, that you will help all who are fighting the wildfires, give strength to those who have evacuated, and send rain to relieve the areas suffering from drought.

Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. 

(also from Leading Intercessions by Raymond Chapman p73 & 74, and Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People Year B by David Hostetter p164)

Almighty God we pray for the peoples of Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Equatorial Guinea.  We are thankful for the natural resources and diverse gifts that come from these countries, such as the distinctive music and dance of Cameroon, for those who minister to victims of sexual violence, trafficking and other human rights abuses, for Christians and people of other faiths who courageously have pursued reconciliation and peace among those in conflict, and for individuals and organizations who have provided for health clinics and schools in Cameroon and the Central African Republic.

We pray for just resolutions to the conflicts and violence among diverse groups and their leaders, for refugees who flee to other countries, and for those who host them,  for economic developments that make it possible for all to rise out of poverty, and for stable democratic governments that effectively serve the common good.


For our country Cameroon, our regions, our villages, our towns

Heavenly father, we humbly pray: 
Direct the leaders of our country, Cameroon, now in this time when terrorism is overtaking this great nation. Grant them wisdom and understanding, and help them to respond to this crisis, quickly and effectively.  Direct them that they may do what is right in your sight. May they follow your divine will to lead our nation on the paths of peace and safety.

Unite all response agencies in an organized and harmonious fashion to bring quick and effective resolution to the issues created by the actions of Boko Haram. Empower us as Cameroonian citizens to do our own part, financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Give us strength to support all who have been affected by this tragedy.

O Lord, we also pray for effective eradication of corruption that is destroying our beautiful and rich country. Touch our heart and enlighten our thoughts so that we will use our resources for the benefit of the entire nation, for Africa and ultimately the whole world.

Bring peace and comfort to all those who are suffering as a result of these crises.  Surround us with your love and mercy!  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Catherine Manga, Cameroon)

Lord Jesus, you who have marked seventy times seven our falls each day,
and who know the dull frenzy of our eyes, darkened with fever and rancid wind,
you who know the snares of the fowler,
and his net that circles our steps in the bush, and our paths to the villages,
here we are given over to the horn of the rhinoceros,
and here are hovering the vultures and goshawks.
But you, who know the frailty of our two feet of clay,
and the place of our weakness and that of our rousing again,
Lord, let us not yield to temptation, but deliver us from evil.

(A Procession of Prayers: Meditations and Prayers from around the World, comp. John Carden, WCC, and Cassell, London, UK, 1998, p.210)

Prayer from Cameroon

When we contemplate such beauty, the immensity before us, blossoming with colour and scent, the surprising diversity of all that surrounds us, the green forests, the animals,
the intelligence which allows us humans to create with you, God, the acts of your grace on our behalf, we can only express our joy at being your children and gladly sing of the generosity of your love.(© Rev. Dr Kayoka-Luendu M., Cameroon. English transl. Dr Colette Bouka Coula, adapted by Terry MacArthur.)

Almighty God, the Bible Society PNG’s revision of the Tok Pisin Bible, a widely requested project, is seeking to reflect the evolving nature of the Tok Pisin language.  We pray for the successful recruitment of a new Translation Manager to oversee all translation work.  We pray for the health and wellbeing of national translators currently engaged in this important revision.

We pray for Bible Society Australia’s governing committees, in particular the Finance, Audit, Governance and Church Relations committees who will be meeting this month.  We pray for your leadership in every important decision they’ll make for the betterment of B S A.

We thank you God for the United Bible Societies’ literacy coordination work, that the support they provide to other Bible Societies will allow them to reach new heights this year.  We pray for wisdom and knowledge in their planning, and their strategies to align with emerging literacy needs around the world.

We thank you God for the successful Bike for Bibles fundraising event last month which raised funds for Bible Society’s literacy project for children and youth in Sri Lanka.  We pray for the Bike for Bibles event which will begin this Sunday the 11th August in Henty, NSW. Pray for the safety of the riders and thank you for their commitment and support as they raise funds for Bible Society’s literacy project in the Solomon Islands.

We praise you God for Bible Society South Pacific and their important work to stop domestic violence in Vanuatu.  We give thanks for the success of their trauma-healing workshops and their positive impact on communities.  We pray that faith-based organisations and agencies will embrace this workshop.  We pray for all women in Vanuatu to live free from violence.

We thank God that the trauma-healing workshops run by Bible Society in Vanuatu are reaching people’s hearts.  A Bible Society staff member shared about a male participant from Malekula who said, “When NGO’s Women’s organisations come to share about Women’s rights, they usually offend the men.”  But this man decided that because it is a Bible Society program, he would attend the session.  The BSSP staff member shares, “he was blessed … because [the program] is using God’s Word; and, so, he has extended the invitation to his village.”


Almighty God, we pray that you will God provide Scripture Union Australia staff and team with innovative ideas for new camps, missions and programs to best engage children, young people and their families with your good news and friendship.

We pray for the Western Australia homeschooling community which is enjoying an SU school camping experience this week at Camp Geo, Busselton.  We pray this will be an encouraging and uplifting time for the students of varying ages, especially when they experience your good news in this unique setting.

We pray for the SU Coordinators/Ministry Coordinators as they help prepare for their spring camps across the region.  Spring is our busiest season and they are believing many young people’s lives will be changed with Jesus’ good news.

We pray for lunchtime groups and clubs in schools in Western Sydney to find new leaders to share Jesus with students each week.

We pray for SU Australia’s Glenn Coombs who is presenting at a Project Management Training event in South Africa this week.  We pray that all participants from SU movements in Africa would feel equipped for the work God is calling them to.

We pray for Religious Instruction and Special Religious Education teams as they share the Good News in NSW, NT and QLD schools.

We pray for SU staff who are involved in planning innovative approaches to Bible engagement and how we can partner with churches in this manner.


Almighty God, we pray for the Spiritual Ministry Working Group, who guide the spiritual life of The Leprosy Mission, that they will continue taking proactive steps to carry forward the spiritual legacy of TLM as an organisation that is rooted in prayer.

We pray for the staff members working in diverse cultures and settings, which can sometimes make it challenging to demonstrate the Christian faith and beliefs that inspire them to work for you in such settings.  We pray that they find courage and motivation to remain steadfast in their faith, continuing to manifest the love of Christ through their actions.

We pray for the Country Leaders of TLM teams worldwide, as they travel around their countries, meeting with staff and government and non-government partners, that they exhibit Christ-like character in all their conversations.

We pray for the Integral Mission lead staff in each of our country teams, that they may be empowered and equipped to effectively lead spiritual[1]related activities, vital in helping

staff members stay connected to their faith while carrying out their work.

We give you thanks for TLM’s Global Day of Prayer, when TLM staff and supporters across the world participate in a day of prayer for a world without leprosy.  We give you thanks for the activities that took place this year in May and pray that this meaningful endeavour continues in the future as well.

We pray for persons affected by leprosy, many of whom endure psychosocial trauma because of leprosy, that they find strength to cope with these challenging times and discover reliable friends and peers with whom they can share their experiences.

We pray for TLM frontline workers and staff members, that they may be equipped in understanding our clients within a broader context of holistic healing.


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.