Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 10th January 2021

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 10th January 2021


Holy and Gracious LORD

we gather as your people in this chapel

and at home,

one community of people;

a community who recall that we are a baptized people

within whom you already present yourself

even as we present ourselves to you.

We acclaim repeatedly, Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia!

as we offer you our focus and this time,

praising you for your breaking into our world

and our lives in Jesus Christ,

tearing apart all that which creates barriers

between yourself and your beloved creation and people;

especially sin and its feared consequence, death!

You offer instead the Way of your kingdom,

a path which leads through death into life,

the path Jesus trod,

the Way baptism takes us…

therefore we pray as our Lord taught us to pray:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

now and forever. Amen


Timeless God,

you cast Light into sin’s dark places

and call us your Beloved.

Forgive us:

    When we still linger in the shadows;

    when we treat others in hurtful ways;

    when we speak ill of your friends.

As he knelt in the waters of Jordan,

you proclaimed Jesus as your Child,

pointing to him as the way to you.

Forgive us:

    When we put ourselves ahead of Him;

    when we think He is no longer needed;

    when we fail to see Him in the broken of our world.   

Baptized and blessed in your living waters,

you would have us be your servants in our time.

Forgive us:

When we fail to welcome the stranger;

When we refuse to forgive as we should;

When we believe we are too good

to kneel down and tie the shoes

of the lost, the least, the last, the little.

[1] Tom Schuman accessed via 01/01/2020

Assurance of Pardon:

 Touched by the waters of life, fed at the feast of

 grace and hope, embraced in the warmth of God’s

 love and hopes – this is good news for all of us!

Blessed by baptism’s tears,

Called to servanthood by the beloved,

Filled with the peace of the spirit,

We are indeed God’s people – redeemed, restored,

Refreshed to serve.  Thanks be to god!  Amen.


Prayers of the People[1]

Glorious God, at Jesus’ baptism, your sustaining Spirit brooded over him, providing sustenance and strength.

So brood over us today as we offer our prayers for the church and world saying, Sustaining Spirit, stir us with your power.

We pray for your church:

may your word spark our lives with truth and joy

as we serve one another to the glory of your name.

Sustaining Spirit, stir us with your power.

We pray for all leaders and people around the globe:

may your justice provoke us to shape a peaceful world

where all work for the common good.

Sustaining Spirit, stir us with your power.

We pray for the well-being of your creation:

may your goodness startle us to the horror of our exploitation and abuse. Sustaining Spirit, stir us with your power.

We pray for all who suffer grief or sickness of any kind:

may your tender presence abide with us and hasten our healing. Sustaining Spirit, stir us with your power.

We pray for all who lack the essentials of life:

may your righteousness raise us up to walk together

with respect and dignity for all.

Sustaining Spirit, stir us with your power.

We pray for those who have died,

that your steadfast love may shelter them

in the peace of your eternal light.

Sustaining Spirit, stir us with your power.

O God, you have made us, formed us, and called us by name,

and you have redeemed us in Christ.

Receive our prayers this day,

for your life-giving Spirit is powerful to save.



[1] Bracken Long, Kimberly (EDITOR)  2012 FEASTING ON THE WORD, Worship Companion pp46,7  Westminster John Knox: Louisville