Prayer of Praise: –
(based on Psalm 138: 1 to 8)
I thank you, LORD, with all my heart; I praise you my God.
I worship you and give thanks because of your constant love and faithfulness, because you have shown that you are supreme of all there is in Heaven and upon Earth.
You answered me when I called to you; with your strength you strengthened me.
All the kings in the World will praise you, LORD, because they have heard your promises.
They will sing about what you have done and about your great glory.
Even though you are so high above, you care for the lowly, and the proud cannot hide from you.
When I am surrounded by troubles, you keep me safe. You save me by your power.
LORD, you will do everything you have promised, your love is eternal. Amen.
Prayer of Confession
Merciful God, we come before you repentant of our failings and our wantonness in departing from your chosen way for us.
Forgive us for when we fail to respond to your call with faith.
Forgive us for when we are shackled by our narrow understandings of discipleship and our clouded sense of purpose.
Forgive us for when we are frightened of the future or pull back from the demand of your calling.
Forgive us when we fail to sense your presence in our past, to acknowledge your grace in the present moment, and to trust you for our future.
You have shown us that your Love is patient; yet, Lord, we are known more for our quick-temperedness: Lord, have mercy.
You have shown that your Love is kind; yet, Lord, we are known more for our indifference towards others: Lord, have mercy.
You have shown us that your Love is not envious; yet, Lord, we are known more for our petty jealousies: Lord, have mercy.
You have shown us that your Love is not arrogant; yet, Lord, we are known more for our opinionated views: Lord, have mercy.
You have shown us that your Love does not insist on getting its own way; yet, Lord, we are known more for our false sense of our own importance: Lord, have mercy.
You have shown us that your Love is not irritable; yet, Lord, we are known more for our resentful behaviour: Lord, have mercy.
May you show us mercy, Almighty God, forgiving our sins and leading us to a life that lasts. To your glory and honour we pray. Amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
(from Hebrews 2: 14 & 17)
The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews tells us that it was through the death of Jesus that people’s sins would be forgiven. Let us put our faith in this truth and put our trust in the assurance that, having confessed our sins before God, He has listened to our prayers and has forgiven us.
Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
Almighty God, our prayer today is that our world will know your healing touch and your forgiving heart.
That those who have been hurt by insincere actions and damning words will hear your healing voice.
That those whose lives are filled with dark thoughts, or unimaginable fears, will know your peace.
Walk beside those who are close to giving up hope and where life seems to have no point; where people struggle to make ends meet.
And may all who weep and mourn, or feel abandoned and unloved turn towards your voice, move towards your arms and hear the whisper of your presence in the long hours of night.
Inspire us and encourage us to bend down low; to embrace those for whom society has no time or patience.
Raise our eyes upwards to see the struggling patient and the exhausted care giver.
And where young and old stumble and fall, may we be there to offer support, that all will know your love that transcends all others. Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Other Prayers (not used in the worship service in the church)
Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may be attentive to your invitations and allow Jesus to draw our attention away from our fear and limits so that we can respond to all that you ask.
We pray for the growth of faith, that the dying and rising of Christ may be the foundation of our lives and inspire all our words, deeds, and desires.
We pray for a greater recognition of our poverty, that the Holy Spirit will help us acknowledge how much we need you, free us to ask for your help, and open us to receive your wisdom and insight.
We pray for the grace to deeply listen, that we may follow Christ away from the noise and demands of daily life and enter the silent depths of our hearts where we can hear your words of life and love.
We pray for all who lead others to you, particularly spiritual directors, retreat masters, and evangelists, that you will inspire their words, open hearts to receive them, and help many to encounter Christ.
We pray for all who are discerning your call or beginning a new commitment, that you will free them from fear, guide them along the path to life, and help them to trust that you will provide all that they need in life.
We pray for greater trust, that we may rely upon your love and providence as we enter the deeper waters of vocation, marriage, parenting, employment, and retirement.
We pray for an ever-deepening conversion of hear,: that the Holy Spirit will help us discover our misdirection, guide us in practicing the teachings of Christ, and lead us greater faith, stronger hope, and deeper love.
We pray for all who feel unwelcome or unworthy before you, that your unconditional love may heal and free them so that they may live in the freedom of your children.
We pray for all who are ill, that you will heal the sick, lift the burden of those with mental illness, inspire healthcare providers with insights, and give strength to their families.
We pray for all who are suffering, that you will protect communities from violence, bring relief to those facing starvation or drought, and guide those who are facing the power of nature.
We pray for peace, that you will inspire those working to reduce tension in numerous parts of the World, bring forth new understanding of one another’s concerns, and open new
paths for justice and respect.
(Copyright © 2022. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. –
Almighty God, we pray for the peoples of Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Western Sahara, and Tunisia.
We are thankful for how the early Christian church developed here, for the biodiversity of plants, animals and the natural terrain, for how Berber, Arab and European cultures have blended, and for how these countries have remained and stood against the invasion of cultural and military forces from elsewhere.
We pray for the tiny remnant of Christians who continuing bearing witness to their faith, for an end to political violence, for an end to how dominating powers have fought over these lands and their resources through the years, and for those suffering exploitation and mistreatment as they travel through these countries.
Prayer on the road of life
God of life, there are days
when the burdens we carry are heavy on our shoulders and weigh us down,
when the road seems dreary and endless, the skies grey and threatening,
when our lives have no music in them,
our hearts lonely, our souls losing their courage.
Flood the path with light.
Turn our eyes to where the skies are full of promise;
tune our hearts to brave music;
give us the sense of comradeship with heroes and saints of every age.
So quicken our spirits that we may be able to encourage the souls of all,
who journey with us on the road of life,
to your honour and glory.
(attributed to Augustine of Hippo)
Here am I before you, O my God.
Here am I, rich in misery and poverty,
and a cowardice without name.
Here am I before you, who are nothing but love and mercy.
Before you, but by your grace alone,
I am here, all of me, with all my spirit, all my heart, all my will.
(Frère Bruno of Tibhirine monastery, assassinated in May 1996)
I want peace around the world.
I want peace in our neighbourhood (village).
I want peace so that everyone can be joyous.
I want peace so that everyone can be happy.
I want peace so that all are free.
I want peace so that all become friends.
I want peace so that I can embrace my enemy.
Long live peace!
O God, grant us your peace!
(Yemai, 13 years old, Tunisia, adapted.)
Almighty God, we pray for The Leprosy Mission Denmark. In 2024, they renewed their partnership agreement with TLM Bangladesh. We pray that this mutual, long-lasting commitment will deepen the trust in their relationship, promote project innovation and liberate creativity.
Several Board members have worked at the DBLM Hospital in Bangladesh for many years. We pray that the sustainability plan to position the hospital as a centre of excellence in treating complicated leprosy cases will become a role model for public[1]private partnerships.
In 2024 they entered a partnership agreement with TLMI Ethiopia and started implementing an ambitious project development strategy. We pray that their collaboration will lead to stronger OPLs capable of advocating for accessible and qualified public leprosy treatment and rehabilitation services.
We pray for good health and guidance for Hans-Jørgen Knudsen – Country Leader, and for Jørgen Andersen – Chairman of the Board.
Almighty God, more than 90% of the Taiwanese population believe in other gods. We pray for strongholds of idolatry and superstition to be broken. We pray for Taiwanese to know that Jesus is the way, truth, and life.
We pray for the Gospel to reach the 449 unreached people groups in China. We pray for you to protect and raise up leaders strong in your Word and yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
We pray for the growth of digital broadcasting in South Korea to produce a great harvest.
We pray for the unreached Japanese people group in Japan. Population: 117,205,000*. Language: Japanese. Religion: Buddhism.
Almighty God, we give you praise for Tuân*, who works as a children’s minister among ethnic minority groups in Northern Vietnam. Tuân is grateful for Bible Society’s publication of the Gospel of Mark translated into his native language and finds them engaging for children at his church. He shares, “the four stories of Jesus’ birth, temptation, death, and resurrection are all very easy to understand, clear, and detailed. People of all ages can easily understand them.”
We pray for communities in Vanuatu. In January, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck near Vanuatu’s capital, Port Vila, triggering landslides, destroying homes, buildings and livelihoods. We pray for your healing and comfort for those that have lost loved ones and those that will need to rebuild their lives.
We pray for the upcoming Experienced Translator Workshop at Nungalinya College, Darwin, from 10–21 February, in partnership with the Uniting Church. Eleven Indigenous language groups from across the Top End will participate, focusing on the Names of God. We pray for smooth logistics, as well as for the teaching and practical sessions. We pray for good collaborative work for the Bible translators and for significant progress in this ministry.
We continue praying for Vanuatu today, for the Bible Society team in Vanuatu who are running a Bible translation project in seven languages. Progress has been affected by the recent earthquake, but pray that the project will progress in your perfect timing, and for strength and guidance for the translation team.
We thank you God for Scripture resources being distributed to school students in South Africa through Bible Society’s distribution project. One student shares, “I have never held a Bible in my hand before at home … until I came back from school with my [Bible]. Every day during supper my mum asks me to read for the family, we then sing and pray. But I told them it’s not just singing and praying, the Bible teaches us to believe in him so we can have eternal life. I learned that I was far from God but through Christ I have been brought back.”
(Bible Society Australia February%202025%20Prayer%20Letter.pdf)
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.