Prayers for the week commencing 2nd March 2025

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing 2nd March 2025

Prayer of Praise: –  

(from Uniting in Worship Book 1 p565, 34 and 35, Opening Prayers p 134) 

God of kindness and concern, your mercies to us are without end.  If we go to the limits of Time or go to the edges of Space, we know that you will always be there with us. 

In the joy and happiness of life or the darkness of despair and uncertainty, we can be certain that you will never leave us. 

At the time you chose you revealed to all Humanity the message of your offer of grace and mercy freely available to all who submit to your will and purpose. 

You are a God to be praised.

Jesus Christ, our Saviour, your love for us was so great that you sacrificed yourself for us.  You willingly took upon yourself our sin and suffered for us. 

We cannot in our lifetime express what this can mean to each of us. 

We can only repeat our praises to you daily for setting us free from the bondage of sin and death. 

May we, too, heed your teaching and guidance throughout our lives.

Spirit of truth and peace, you lead us in the right paths and correct our wanderings.  You recall to us the promises of God’s peace that bring comfort and relief. 

You bring to us an understanding of God’s Word that gives substance to our faith. 

In the silences you refresh our souls and renew us for the coming day. 

In the storms of life, you uphold us and support us so that we will not fall.  We give to you our thanks.

We worship and adore you God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Our desire is to be in your presence and experience your love. 

Holy God, we declare our love for you and offer you our praise and worship, now and always.  Amen.

Prayer of Confession 

(from Uniting in Worship Book 2 p157 number 48 and p258 number 5) 

Gracious God, we see the plenty that you have provided through your Creation, yet, in our foolishness, we are careless and wasteful of your gifts.

In our negligence we leave a trail of destruction and death, in our wantonness we are using up more than our share with no thought as to what will be left for future generations.  Lord, have mercy.

Gracious God, you have given us eyes to see and ears to hear, yet we are so often indifferent to the sight of the needy and to the calls of assistance from those with whom we live. 

We avoid the oppressed and those who have been hurt by others.  We are afraid to get involved and what it may cost us in time and effort.  Lord, have mercy.

Gracious God, you have given us your Word of Life and the never-ending spring of living water for our souls, yet we are so often indifferent to the study of your Word.

We neglect our faith and offer but superficial worship or selfish prayers.  We are like the lukewarm water that is spat out as neither nutritious not refreshing.  Lord, have mercy.

Look with pity on us, gracious God, as we confess our sins.  We repent and are sorry for our neglect, for the way we have departed from your will and your purpose for us.

Please give us the light by which we can be guided to live as you commanded and to follow in your steps.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness 

Happy are those who come to God in humility and with a contrite heart, for God shows that He is a God who forgives.  And, so, we have confidence in the declaration that God has answered our plea and that our sins are forgiven.

Thanks be to God.

Prayers for Others

Almighty God, inspire your Church today with a renewed vision of your glory,

so that we and all your people may walk as children of light and, by your grace, reveal your presence in the World.

We pray for all those who are involved in the administration of justice.

Give wisdom to all those who are in authority over others, especially members of the police force, those who sit in judgment, prison and probation officers, and those who support the victims of crime.

We pray for all who walk in the darkness of crime.

Reveal among them your glory and power to bring resurrection and new life out of even the deepest evils and sufferings.

Lord Jesus, as we go about our daily routines this week help us to see your glory in the people with whom we work, our neighbours and friends, and in those we fear or find hard to get on with.

In all our conversations help us to listen carefully not only to what others are saying but also to what you are saying to us in each encounter.

We lift up to you those among us in need,

that you will provide employment opportunities, and make available the means for them to be able to provide for themselves.

Comfort those who have experienced deep disappointments and loss, those who are in need of your hope, your guidance and strength, those whose jobs bring them stress and conflict,

may they experience your consolation and peace of heart and mind and soul.

We pray for those who are hospitalized, confined to homes, or undergoing tests,

relieve their suffering, bring to them healing and wholeness, give guidance to those who are providing care and medical attention that the cause of their issues are being addressed.

We pray for peace-keepers, journalists, and aid workers assigned to duty in many places of the world where there is conflict,

praying for their safety, as well as the welfare of residents and refugees of those countries

As we hear your story of transformation, O God,

we pray for your Spirit to transform us.

Transform our eyes to see the light of your glory.

Transform our hearts to feel the goodness of your presence.

Transform our minds to understand a fraction of your will.

Transform our World to recognize the ties that bind us to one another.

Holy one, you sent Christ, your son, your beloved, to show us that we, too, are your children.

Make us know, O God, that our worth does not come from our work.  Our performance on tests or tasks or job interviews do not determine our value.

Our worth, our identity, our very being, comes from you, O God of grace.

In your image, we are created.  In your grace, we are redeemed.  In your community, we are loved.  In your Spirit, we are called.

As the disciples were, O God, we are soften overcome by fear, anxiety, grief, or sadness.

Pour your healing into our wounds.  Breathe your goodness into our doubts.  Touch us, heal us, and bring us peace.

Give us the hope and faith, to look and up and see your presence around us.

Give us the strength to know that we are not alone.

Bring rest and refreshment when we’re exhausted; hope and faith when we’re despondent and doubt you;

and the assurance of your love and forgiveness when we’re overwhelmed by our own weaknesses and failures.

God who meets us in the broken places, shine the light of Christ deep into our lives,

so we may carry that light into dark places and point to the One whose brokenness is our salvation. Amen

Other Prayers (Not included in the church service)

Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that your wisdom may enlighten our words and actions so that our deepest identity as your children may be manifest.

We pray for the grace of discernment, that the Holy Spirit will help us recognize what motivates us and inspire us to choose those actions that lead to fuller life.

We pray for freedom from self-deception, that you will heal our narrowness of mind and blindness to the truth proclaimed in the Gospel.

We pray for the grace to be single-hearted, that you will cleanse us of hypocrisy and help us to live fully what we profess.

We pray for a re-centring of our lives during the coming Lenten season, that your grace will guide us to love you more fully and to love our neighbours as we do ourselves so that we may live forever Christ’s new resurrected life.

We pray for refugees and displaced persons, that you will protect them from harm and mistreatment, guide them to places of safety, and help them find acceptance in new communities.

We pray for all who are burdened by lack of education, that you will open new doors for them to learn, help them recognize their gifts and find new ways to put them into practice for the good of others.

We pray for all who are ill, that the Holy Spirit will bring healing to all burdened with illness, restore them to their activities and responsibilities, and help them to be strengthened through the care and companionship of family and friends.

We pray for all struggling with addictions, that you will free them from all that holds them bound and help them find the resources that will help them restore their life.

We pray for a healing of the wounds of racism and discrimination, that you will heal those who have been wounded by racism and open new opportunities for them to share their gifts and enrich society.

We pray for greater stewardship of fresh water, that we may wisely use water and work to share this valuable resource with all who have limited access to it.

We pray for the safety within schools, that you will watch over and protect all young people in school, protect them from violence, and help them grow in knowledge and maturity.

We pray for Peace, that you will guide World leaders in diffusing international tensions and help them to work together to end famine, disease, and lack of educational opportunities.

(Copyright © 2022. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. –

Almighty God, we pray for the peoples of France, Germany and Monaco.

We are thankful for the rich historic and cultural legacies that have come to the World from these lands, for Franco-German friendship, reconciliation and cooperation that has emerged since the hostilities of the Second World War, for how churches and governments in France and Germany have welcomed new immigrants, and for the generosity in supporting ecumenical, interfaith and development work in the World.

We pray for the overcoming of fears and suspicions that still remain from 20th century atrocities, and more recent terrorist attacks, for churches and governments to effectively counter anti-immigrant populist sentiments in these countries so that they truly will become more multi-ethnic, for economic decisions that are accountable to those who are most vulnerable and not only to those making a profit, and for the election of political leaders who will further the common good not only for their country but for the sake of Europe and the rest of World.


O Holy Spirit

Spirit of patience, Spirit of humility,
Spirit of revelation, Spirit of truth,
Breath of God, we worship you.

Spirit of confidence, Spirit of hope,
Spirit of peace, Spirit of joy,
Breath of God, we worship you.

Spirit of sacrifice, Spirit of forgiveness,  
Spirit of light, Spirit of beauty,
Breath of God, we worship you.

Spirit of holiness, Spirit of purity,
Spirit of unity, Spirit of communion,
Breath of God, we worship you.

Spirit of the Father, Spirit of the Son,  
Come, Holy Spirit!

Confession of faith

I believe that God loves us.
I believe that God stands patiently at our side.
I believe that when we hold out our hand
God takes it to help us discover peace and joy.
God invites us to take on a new identity,
as sons and daughters, following Jesus Christ.

I believe that Jesus Christ came to embody God’s love.
I believe that that love has been given in his acts and words
to men and women like us.
I believe that he gave himself to God
to make God’s Kingdom come.
I believe that his suffering testifies to the pain God feels
in the face of human suffering.
I believe that his rising from the dead demonstrates
that God is present in all our darkness.

I believe that the Holy Spirit enables us to receive God’s love.
I believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the world today,
and that he is sending a great company of men and women on their journey.
I believe that the Holy Spirit helps us recognize the signs of the Kingdom in the here and now.
I believe that within the Christian community
the role is passed on to keep watch and to tell our hope to the World. 

Morning prayer

I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son,
that you have kept me this night from all harm and danger;
and I pray that you would keep me this day also from sin and every evil,
that all my doings and life may please you.
For into your hands I commend myself,
my body and soul, and all things.
Let your holy angel be with me,
that the evil foe may have no power over me.

(Marthin Luther (1483-1546))

Dismissal and Blessing

We go on our way
to act in accord with Jesus’ words and deeds,
to be the salt of the earth,
to seek justice,
to build peace,
to protect the Creation,
and to gain life.  Amen.

(Amelie zu Dohna)


Almighty God, we pray for the coming launch of the sixth title in Acorn Press and CPX’s Reconsidering series, ‘The Freedom Trap’ by Max Jeganathan, that these words engage and ultimately convict many readers as to where true freedom is to be found — in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  We pray for all the books in the series, that they may reach deeply into the secular market and help bring the lost and the seeking home.

We praise you God for Bible Society of Kenya’s Trauma Healing program for young women aged 16 to 21 who are battling depression, have experienced abuse and other traumatic experiences.  We pray that these young women who have also received Bibles during the sessions would continue reading your word, finding healing, comfort and strength in the Lord.

We thank you God for the Bike for Bibles ride which took place in Tasmania last month, raising funds for Bible Society Australia’s international literacy work.  We thank you for the safety of all who participated, for their commitment to supporting Bible-based literacy work, and for the impact the funds will make in the lives of beneficiaries.

We thank you God that Bible Society Australia’s can support for Scripture and Religious instruction in schools by supplying Bibles.  We pray that many children will join classes and be ready to Open The Bible with their teachers or instructors this year.  We pray for open hearts that will be good soil to hear of God’s big plan, his great love and purpose for each child.

We pray for the success of the Tok Pisin Bible revision project in Papua New Guinea as it nears completion.  This project has been highly requested since the Tok Pisin language has changed significantly over the years.  We thank you God for the partnership with churches and other organisations that are working on this project.  We pray that the translation team will continue to be inspired by the Holy Spirit as they work to produce a modern contemporary version that will be relevant even for generations to come.

(Bible Society February 2025 Prayer Letter.pdf)

Almighty God, we pray that you will inspire The Leprosy Mission Nigeria with innovative ideas and creative solutions to defeat leprosy and support those affected by the disease.  We pray that TLM Nigeria will successfully partner with other NGOs, health workers, communities, and government officials in implementing projects.  We pray that they will continue to build strong and effective partnerships so that they can all have bigger reach and more impact.

We pray that you will provide mental and emotional strength to those affected by leprosy, as well as to the staff and volunteers, helping them to cope with stress, stigma, and any psychological challenges they may face.

We ask for your guidance for TLM Nigeria’s Board and Senior Management Team, that they will lead with wisdom, integrity, and a servant’s heart, making decisions that align with God’s will and the organisation’s mission.

TLM Nigeria has set up a Call Centre (Wellness Connect) that caters to the psychosocial needs of persons affected by leprosy and other disabilities.  We give thanks for all who contributed to this project and pray for the staff of the Wellness Connect.  The dedicated staff who work in leprosy-affected communities often face immense challenges.  We pray for these staff members, that they may find renewed strength and resilience through the message of Lent and Easter.  We ask for your guidance and support as they provide care. May they see the fruits of their labour and be encouraged in times of fatigue or discouragement.

We ask for your blessings on initiatives and programmes aimed at improving the lives of those affected by leprosy, bringing about lasting positive change.

We pray for good health and wisdom for Dr Sunday Udo – Country Leader, for Mr Pius Ogbu Sunday – Head of Programmes & Operations, for Mr Obinna Anagboso – Head of Finance, for Mr Terver Anyor – Head of Resource Mobilisation, for Mrs Orowo Stephen – Head of Human Resource and Administration, and for Mrs Omotunde Johnson – Internal Auditor.

(The Leprosy Mission Prayer Diary 2025.pdf)

Almighty God, the Ukraine war is now in its third year.  We continue to pray for your peace upon this region, and for your healing upon the many who are suffering.  We praise you God that many women across cities in Ukraine are coming together for Bible studies and finding Christ.  We pray for your guidance as the team leads Bible studies to reach women who are struggling in this war.  With power outages expected in Ukraine with some power plants undergoing repair from shelling attacks, we pray for heating to be available to Ukrainians as winter wears on.

We praise you God for the young group of leaders in Moldova.  We pray that they will be well supported by elders as they develop the ministry.  We thank you for the compassionate Moldovan team sharing the Good News of Jesus and promoting social development to Ukrainian refugees and Moldovan communities.  We pray for your enabling.

We praise you God for a small, new team of bloggers that are now collaborating with FEBC Moldova.  We pray that they will upskill and able to reach youth across Eastern Europe.  We pray for the spiritual and emotional health of FEBC’s teams of broadcasters and counsellors who are busy reaching out to suffering people in Eastern Europe.

(FEBC Praise Prayer Diary January to March 2025.pdf)

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

now and forever.  Amen.