Prayer of Praise: –
Holy God, we come to declare that You are our Creator.
Holy God, we come to proclaim Your greatness.
We glorify you, O Lord, creator of heaven and earth, for you have set the lights in the vault of the sky. You separated light from darkness and arranged signs to mark sacred times, and days and years.
You studded the firmament with stars. How majestic are your works, the heavens declare your glory and the skies proclaim the work of your hands!
We acknowledge You as the Almighty, we acknowledge all with which You have blessed us, we acknowledge that You care for each one of us, we acknowledge that You are our strength when we feel weak, we acknowledge that You know us all individually, and You created us uniquely and perfectly.
We acknowledge that, although You know us inside and out, You still love us eternally.
That love was shown so powerfully by sending us Your son Jesus. We thank You for all that you mean to us and all that you have done for us.
We praise you for you did not abandon us despite our rebellion but sent your Son to brighten our darkness and be our light and our salvation. In him was life, and that life was the light of all Humanity. And the light shines in the darkness.
We worship you, O Lord, for you accompany us in the chaos of our life through the power of your Holy Spirit. You light up our paths and give us wisdom and faith in a world of untruth and doubt.
We thank You that You call each of us by name and that, with Your disciples of old, we too are called to serve You and Your people.
We thank you, O Lord, for you send us into the world to witness to this light, in our various churches and diverse cultures, and to proclaim the Good News of Jesus, the one true King, offering ourselves to him.
Holy God, we come to lift Your name in the words that we say and in the songs that we sing today. May all the peoples bow before you and worship you, now and always. Amen.
Prayer of Confession
Merciful God, we come before you contrite and confessing our failures.
Almighty God, you love us, but we have not loved you; you call us, but we have not listened.
We walk away from the needs of others, wrapped up in our own concerns.
We declare our desire for justice, yet go along with prejudice and greed.
We claim the name of Jesus Christ, yet have not departed from sin.
We profess to walk in your light, but prefer to walk in darkness.
Merciful God, the Psalmist wrote of your overwhelming majesty; Isaiah wrote of your overwhelming love.
We long to experience these in our own lives, but too often we are so overwhelmed by uncertainty about the future, and by feelings of powerlessness in the present, that we fail to hear you speaking to us.
Forgive us for listening to voices that call us worthless and unloved.
Forgive us for when we feel imprisoned by our fears.
Forgive us for our negative feelings about ourselves and others.
Forgive us for when we allow our fears and our worries to stifle your voice of love and to stifle your acts of compassion towards us.
Merciful God, we lay before you our words and our actions, our silence and our inaction, that together mean that we have not loved you with our whole heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.
We look within ourselves and see times when we have wandered away, we see our weakness and our selfishness, our sloth and our envy.
In humbleness we confess our sins to you.
In our humbleness we seek your forgiveness and the restoration of a right relationship with you. In this we trust in your vast love for us. To the glory of your holy name we pray. Amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
(from 1 Corinthians 15: 4 and 20)
The Apostle Paul reminded the Church at Corinth that Jesus Christ died for their sins and was raised to life three days later. This promise of sins forgiven and of reconciliation with God holds true for us, today, as well. Having confessed our sins before God, let us rest on this assurance with confidence, knowing that God has listened to our prayers and has answered us by removing all traces of our sins and welcoming us into His family.
Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
God of all truth, establish your justice in the world. Give to the nations the light of Christ that they may rejoice in his birth. Let your will be known and followed by all people.
Move to bring compassion those who use the power of authority or of money to exploit others. Lead those who rule the rich nations of the World to bring relief to the poor.
God of the weak and the powerless, we pray for the children in many parts of the world who are in need.
Nourish those who are hungry for food or for love. Strengthen and enable all who work to relieve child poverty and neglect.
Have mercy on families that are broken and divided.
Comfort parents who seek for children who are lost or alienated from them, and restore them in safety and love.
God of compassion, bring your wonders of healing and wholeness.
Bring relief and renewed health to the sick and the injured.
Have mercy on those who have long been ill and who despair of health.
Give them hope and trust in your unfailing love.
Bring new hope and confidence to all who are in doubt and uncertainty.
Give peace to troubled minds that distrust those near to them. Bring renewal and strength to those who struggle to feed and care for a family.
God of truth, gather into one your church that is scattered in different places and separated groups. Draw us together, to rejoice in our shared salvation.
Grant sincere repentance for the faults in each that have held us apart. May we be one light into the World promoting the one way of salvation.
(From Raymond Chapman in Leading Intercessions, p2, 3, 86, 87, and 88.)
Other Prayers (Not used in the worship service in the church)
Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that the power of Christ’s resurrection may give us vision and perspective for our lives and the courage to live for God each day
We pray for growth in faith, that we may recognize our need for you in every part of our lives and deepen our trusting reliance upon you who provides all that we need for life and wholeness.
We pray for new sight and insight, that we may not be blinded by comfort or privilege to the struggles and suffering of others.
We pray for discernment: that we may see beyond the false answers of consumerism and prosperity and recognize that we will only find the true fulfillment of our hungers and desires in you.
We pray for all who are persecuted or suffering for their faith, that they may have the strength to bear the burdens of the day and be convincing witnesses of the new life given by you.
We pray for an end to violence and the exploitation of the poor, that you will raise up those who are exploited in slave-like working conditions or caught in human trafficking and heal their wounds, and lead them to a new life.
We pray for all who are grieving, that those who have lost loved ones, their health, employment, or freedom may know your presence, who wipes away all tears and who brings light into every darkness.
We pray for our National, State and Local Government leaders, that you will give them wisdom in addressing the issues that challenge society, free them from self-reliance, and inspire them to work for the common good.
We pray for all who work in literacy programs, that they may continue their efforts to educate and empower those who are deprived of full participation in our society.
We pray for refugees, that you will lead them to places of safety and help them to build new lives in communities that will welcome their gifts and talents.
We pray for all who are affected by natural disasters, that you will relieve their suffering, give them courage, and help them find the assistance that they need.
We pray for the protection and renewal of the Earth, that you will inspire and guide us as we strive to be good stewards of the air, land, and water which you have given to us.
We pray for all who are suffering, that you will guide the homeless to shelter, the hungry to food, and the abused to places of safety.
We pray for all who are sick, that you will restore the sick to health, help all to get good sleep, and strengthen all who are for the sick.
(Copyright © 2022. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. –
Almighty God, we pray for the peoples of Andorra, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Vatican City.
We are thankful for the rich historical legacies and distinctive cultures in these countries, for the faithful witness of the churches in the midst of empire building and colonization, for the many and diverse waves of migrants who have come to these lands, and for the hospitality that long has been shown to those arriving on their shores.
We pray for the preservation of the fragile environments and shorelines in this region, for an end to economic and political turmoil, for stable governments that end corruption and serve the common good, and for policies that relieve disparities between those who are rich and poor.
The fire prayer
Holy Spirit, set me on fire with your wisdom,
so that I may love only that which is holy.
Holy Spirit, enlighten me with your understanding,
so that I may perceive only that which is holy.
Holy Spirit, kindle in me your counsel,
so that I may see only that which is holy.
Holy Spirit, inflame me with your strength,
so that I may desire only that which is holy.
Holy Spirit, pour out your knowledge upon me,
so that I may do only that which is holy.
Holy Spirit, give me ardent devotion,
so that I may seek only that which is holy.
Holy Spirit, make me blaze in the fear of God
so that I may never again lose that which is holy.
(From the Book of Devotions – Devocionário – of the Franciscan Congregation of Nursing Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Portugal.)
You are the way
You are the way, Lord.
You came from the Father, as Joseph,
to visit your brothers and sisters,
to greet us and bring us God’s salvation.
And we sold you, for a few coins.
You are our way, and we lost you.
But you have returned again.
You are constantly returning
to seek your lost brothers and sisters,
who are hungry, fearful, and cold,
in the dark night of this world,
downhearted, disconsolate, disheartened.
You join us on our journey
in every Eucharist.
Travelling through the world
you are our guide,
our counsellor, torch-bearer, star,
our strength, motivator, joy,
our defence, refuge, protector,
our provider, sustainer, food for the journey,
our listener, friend and companion.
(Alberto Iniesta Jiménez [1923 – 2016], former auxiliary archbishop of the Archdiocese of Madrid)
Prayer before the proclamation of God’s word
Blessed are you, O God, for your word of strength, of encouragement, of hope –
that contagious word which allows us to believe
and to move towards the renewal of our world.
Grant us to hear your word and to persevere in it, putting it into practice.
(From the Waldensian liturgy)
Jesus our Master, meet us while we walk the way, and long to reach the heavenly country; so that, following your light we may keep the way of righteousness, and never wander away into darkness of this world’s night, while you, who are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, are shining within us; for your own name’s sake.
(The Mozarabic Sacramentary)
Almighty God, we pray for Bible Society of South Africa’s distribution project which seeks to address the literacy crisis in the Nation by providing Bible-based literacy resources to equip children ages 5 to 12 with literacy skills. We pray for the success of this project in helping children read and write, know Christ and prepare them for successful years in the formal education system.
We praise you God for the faithful supporters who generously partner with Bible Society Australia, enabling the continuation of its vital Bible mission in 2025. We thank you God for their commitment and heart for spreading God’s word. We pray for BSA’s fundraising and church relations team, that you would bless their efforts in building meaningful connections with supporters and inspiring others to join in this important work, Opening The Bible for all.
We pray for Bible Society’s literacy project for children in rural areas in Guatemala, where the illiteracy rate is at 18.5% — around 2.3 million individuals. We pray that this project will help bridge the gap for those who face poverty and significant educational challenges. We pray that the project would also impact the children spiritually and emotionally as they grow in faith by learning your Word.
We pray for continued openness among media outlets to the work of Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) in Australia throughout this year. We pray also for new opportunities for the CPX team to speak at public events, promoting the public understanding of the Christian faith.
We praise you God for the progress of the Mongolian Standard Version Bible translation, and the team currently completing the New Testament. We thank you that the Old Testament is now in the printing stage. We pray for steady and successful progress during the final phase of the project this year. We pray too for the staff’s good health and strength to complete the project with God’s wisdom and guidance.
We thank you God for impact of Bible Society of Guatemala’s literacy project, which provides specialised literacy materials enriched with biblical stories and lessons for children. Ten-year-old, Yara* shares, “My favourite lesson is “Q’unil Ch’ool” which talks about honesty, Proverbs 2:7. Thank you Bible Society … for this beautiful book that you have given us.”
(Bible Society/February2025PrayerLetter.pdf)
Almighty god, we pray for the Senior Leadership Team of The Leprosy Mission Bangladesh as they lead during a time of significant organisational changes in Bangladesh. We pray for them as they strive to achieve the local and global objectives.
We pray for all the dedicated staff of TLM Bangladesh, for your rich blessings in their lives and for their families. We pray that they will remain committed to our vision of ‘leprosy defeated, lives transformed’.
We pray for stronger partnerships and collaboration with NGOs, churches and community groups as TLM Bangladesh works together with them towards achieving ‘zero leprosy by 2030’ – Bangladesh’s national target. We pray for the team as they take on new challenges to communicate their mission as a locally-led organisation. We pray for all those in our team who are responsible for communicating our messages. We pray for the Bangladesh team as they explore opportunities for fundraising that have opened up as a result of being locally registered.
As TLM Bangladesh wishes to have their own office building, we pray that you will provide the way and required resources.
Pray for the Board members of TLM Bangladesh, for your wisdom, for sound health and good governance. We pray for Salomon Sumon Halder, Executive Director, for Suma Reverio, Head of Human Resources and Safeguarding, for James Taposh Adhikari, Head of Finance and Administration, for Jiptha Boiragee, Head of Operations, and for Dr Benedict D’Rozario, TLMTB Chair.
We pray for the Bangladesh programme which is divided into four thematic areas: 1) Healthcare; 2) Research; 3) Inclusive Development; and 4) Advocacy. We pray that each thematic area successfully contributes to the goal of ‘A Leprosy-free Bangladesh’ through stopping transmission, reducing disability and ending discrimination.
Almighty God, we pray for the planning of the fit-out of a new van in Indonesia for mobile broadcasting live events and activities, which brings the team closer to listeners.
We p ray for those in Thailand who have received Jesus through the ‘Christmas Give with Love’ campaign to grow in discipleship in a faith community.
We pray for the new upcoming men’s radio program in Cambodia targeting issues of human trafficking, prostitution, domestic violence, and pornography.
We pray for Radio Gandiyan in the Philippines, which is always there to help those in need, especially during calamities.”
We pray for more radios to be distributed by FEBC and other ministries around the world, so that all can hear the gospel of Jesus.
We pray for the unreached Burmese across Southeast Asia. Total population: 31,770,600.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.