We come together in hope, love and joy.
We join in joyful songs and prepare with joy to welcome Jesus.
Lord, we trust you,
you are our strength and salvation.
We trust in you and come to you for refreshing.
We will shout aloud, sing for joy
and tell everyone how great you are. (Isaiah 12.2-6)
Empowering God,
The Advent candles shine out the light of your love; in that light we bring to you our hopes and worries, our gifts and our burdens.
(Sing) Christ, be our light
Shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness
Christ, be our light
Shine in your church gathered today 3
The Advent candles shine out the light of your strength;
in that light we bring you those we love and those we miss.
(Sing)Christ, be our light
Shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness
Christ, be our light
Shine in your church gathered today
The Advent candles shine out the light of your promises;
in that light we bring you our lives and our dreams
for your blessing.
(sing) Christ, be our light
Shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness
Christ, be our light
Shine in your church gathered today
God of life,
in a world prone to despair,
we thank you for the joy of hope.
In a world wracked by uncertainty,
we thank you for the joy of your promises.
In a world tempted by greed,
we thank you for the joy of your goodness.
In a world of so much loneliness,
we thank you for the joy of your presence
Lighting our way
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
we thank you.
Lord of Advent,
we are sorry when we have let the busyness of Christmas
diminish the joyful news of your birth.
Lord, forgive us 4
We are sorry when we have missed opportunities to spread joy.
Lord, forgive us
We are sorry when the way we live doesn’t reflect
the generosity of your coming to us in Jesus.
Lord, forgive us
We are sorry when the joy of your presence has got lost
in the Christmas trimmings.
Forgive us and help us to walk with humility, integrity and wisdom
every step of the way to Bethlehem. Amen.
Eternal God,
we thank you for your gifts of grace and forgiveness
and for the words of your prophets,
who assure us of your mercy and set us free from fear
so that we can live fully, faithfully and for your glory.
When we confess our sins, we know that God is faithful and just, forgiving our sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. We therefore can confidently say–
Our sins are forgiven.
Lord God, as we gather today to rejoice in your loving plan to send your Son to save the world, we pray for any who are struggling to see the way forward.
Worries and difficult situations often seem worse at this time of year, when others are partying and making plans for Christmas and the new year ahead.
We pray that your love will enfold them, and your light illuminate their way.
Father, as we lovingly gather gifts for friends and family, we remember those to whom we can no longer give, because they have gone before us into your presence.
We pray for all who feel the absence of loved ones keenly at this time of year.
May your love be the bridge between heaven and earth, reminding us that we are apart only for a while.
Lord, as Christmas cards land in our post boxes, perhaps with letters telling of travel and adventure, or achievements and family pride, we pray 15 for those who have little to tell this year; those who have suffered disappointments and defeats, whose hopes have faltered and come to nothing.
Your love is both comfort and encouragement to keep going, to have faith; may your Holy Spirit inspire them to persevere.
Father, for a war-torn world we pray, and for leaders who must make difficult decisions every day; and for your Church, often struggling to make its voice heard amongst the clamour of opposing views and strife.
May we here, in our own community, be carriers of your love to those who are confused by life; bombarded by too much news, bewildered perhaps by choices to be made and their consequences for ourselves and others; let your love reign in our hearts, and bring peace.
The rising sun has come to us from heaven.
He shines on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death.
He guides our feet into the path of peace. (Luke 1:78,79)
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.