It has been decided that collective worship will no longer take place in our chapel during this health crisis.
Instead we will encourage each other to worship in our homes, and we will provide resources for this.
Initially this will be in electronic or printed form, the printed form distributed to the letterbox of those who do not have email by the Saturday before the Sunday Service.
We will soon have that service available also on-line, both as text, and also spoken, where hopefully you can watch it via a YouTube link from our Web Page. This may take a couple of weeks for us to organise before it functions.
We will utilise social media to remain in touch with each other, and the telephone (and email) for those who do not have access to social media apps.
Louis will provide prayers for us to pray collectively twice per week, as well as Sundays of course.
These will be available on-line through our Web page, by social media and email;
or, and as well as, Louis will be available on
Tuesday afternoons, 2.00 – 7.00 pm
and Friday mornings 7-00 – 11.00 am
for you to phone for prayer and conversation.
If you worry about possible costs, phone him and he will phone back immediately.
You can phone anytime of course, or text him, to suggest a time more suitable for you to have these pastoral conversations .
The elders will maintain contact with those in their pastoral Care group –
by phone, naturally.
Louis will himself make pastoral calls to ensure each person is contacted at least monthly by him either through your initiative or his.
Living as a dispersed congregation, rather than a gathered one, will inevitably throw us more on the resources of God offered through the presence of Christ with us and the empowering guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Once we have the on-line resources available, make use of them, and encourage others in touch with you through social media to make use of them as well.
We are well aware that amazing on-line alternatives exist to what we might offer. Nevertheless we believe God has called us to be a community of people witnessing to God’s grace and mercy displayed in Jesus Christ and enlivened by the Holy Spirit.
So we will do the best we can as our service to God, responding with faith, hope, and love to the demands of our time.
We after all, are a people for whom the love of God has cast out fear!
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; 1 John 4:18
O Most High, 3 when
I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.
4 In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I am not afraid; Psalm 46:3,4
Rev. Louis van Laar Geoffrey Webber
Minister Chairman of the Congregation