More Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 24th December 2023

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

More Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 24th December 2023

Prayer of Praise and Confession: –  

Almighty and glorious God, we rejoice with those from all Nations who have sought you and have found you near.  You are the source of all existence, the source of what is pure and what is good.  We remember with joy and awe that the World is your Creation, that you are the one who has put order into Heaven and Earth, that life is your gift.

You are the source of the miraculous and the marvellous, of the healing and wholeness brought to people’s lives.  You are the source of the small wonders that happen in our lives every day.

We praise you for Jesus, the promised Emmanuel, the source of redemption and grace for every person of every age.  It is Jesus who brings the Good News of the coming of your Kingdom, the time when we shall receive the fullness of your blessing and behold your glory.

We praise you because you bring light to those who experience darkness in their lives; you bring hope to those with fearful hearts who despair for the future; your love brings life to otherwise barren lives, lost in unbelief and meaninglessness.

Yet, merciful God, we come before you contrite and humbled.  We know that our hearts are prone to be faltering and unfaithful. 

We know that we have turned away from you and have put our trust in the deceits of the false gods of this World and the false gods of our own making.  Forgive us. 

Merciful God, we are ashamed of that within us that makes for neither good will for others nor growth in goodness in our own lives.  We ignore your calling to holiness and are not open about our sins and shortcomings. 

Too often we contribute to brokenness and hurt in relationships and fail to bring healing and renewal.  Too often we put the blame on others for their situations and use this as an excuse for not helping them.  Forgive us.

Merciful God, deliver us from the errors of our own ignorance and from the weaknesses of our fallen flesh.  We ask that the Spirit of Christ may be born anew within us, and that we may glorify his nativity with hearts of compassion, deeds of kindly service, and a spirit of goodwill toward all whom we meet. 

Move our consciences to make an honest confession before you and a genuine desire for forgiveness.

Lift up our thoughts from the littleness of our own works to the greatness and the wonder of that which is yours.  Teach us to behold your glory so that through your Holy Spirit we may grow into your likeness. 

Fill us with your grace that in all things we may accept your holy will and rejoice in our salvation through Jesus Christ your Son, in whose name we pray.  Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness 

(from Luke 1: 47 and 50b) 

In Mary’s great Song of Praise she states, “My soul is glad because of God my Saviour, (for) from one generation to another He shows mercy to those who honour Him.”  We, too, express our praise of God, for we, too, share this hope in God’s mercy, and share this

experience of God’s forgiveness and cleansing in our lives.

Thanks be to God.

Prayers for Others

Child of Bethlehem, smile upon the church all over the world:

may the Holy Spirit may guide us, and grant that we may pursue truth, unity, peace and righteousness.  Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Child of Bethlehem, smile upon all those charged with the responsibility of government, both here in Australia and all over the world,

that they might rule in peace, justice and mercy, that people may honour one another and seek the common good.  Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Child of Bethlehem, smile upon those who will not enjoy Christmas this season,

that you will bring blessing and hope to those for whom life is a struggle for survival as a result of poverty, famine, disease, war, or the greed of others, and for those striving to rebuild their lives after the devastation of natural disasters and of terrorism.  Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Child of Bethlehem, smile upon all who are troubled, anxious or sick in mind, body or spirit and for those who love and care for them.

Give them courage and hope in their troubles and healing and wholeness.  Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Loving God, we pray for Peace,

that the advent of the Prince of Peace may enlighten minds and hearts to resolve disputes with words and deeds of compassion, and turn Human hearts away from a prevalence for the use of violence and power and privilege.

Jesus Christ, born in a stable,

be with the poor and homeless this Christmas time.

Jesus Christ, born of Mary,

be with young mothers across the World this Christmas time.

Jesus Christ, visited by Shepherds,

be with all who have to work this Christmas, and those who long to work.

Jesus Christ, who became a refugee,

Be with those who fear for their lives, and those who have left homes and families this Christmas.  As we pray, live and give; shine your everlasting light into this troubled World of ours.

Loving God, we pray for the Church that our hearts may be an authentic dwelling place for you, enabling us to bring your presence to all whom we encounter.

We pray for confidence in your providence, that in facing life’s obstacles, we may place our trust in you for whom nothing is impossible.

We pray that our hearts may be stilled and quietened, that we may hear you speaking as it comes to us in word, in people, and in experiences each day.

We pray for hope in the face of fear, that your faithfulness will free and strengthen us from every bondage and limit that our fears evoke and which we place upon ourselves.

We pray for all who are waiting for you to overturn oppression and injustice, that you will free and strengthen persecuted Christians, people in refugee camps, and victims of violence, so that they may experience justice and dignity.

We pray for all who are isolated and alone, particularly those who are homebound or in nursing homes, that Christ may fill their emptiness and be their constant companion.

We pray for all who are traveling, that you will protect them from harm, and help them to have fulfilling and safe visits with family and friends.

We pray for the Christians of the Holy Land, that they may find ways to witness to the Good News of your saving love and work with all of their neighbours, so as to build a peace based on justice and respect.

We pray for all who are away from home, particularly members of the military and relief workers: that you will keep them safe and help them to fulfill their duties and tasks with joy and a sense of satisfaction.

We pray for all who are suffering economically, that you will protect and guide those who are facing eviction, or have lost employment, or who are struggling to provide enough to eat and house their family.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.