Thank you for your promise of fullness of life in Christ for all people. As we come together to celebrate International Women’s Day, we ask that women worldwide experience this fullness of life in their respective contexts.
Thank you for the many strides taken towards equality. For increased numbers of girls and women receiving education, for increases in women stepping into positions of leadership, for the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women to date. We especially thank you for the men and women of history who have raised their collective voices to name the injustices and inequality that women navigate.
We confess there is still a long way to go. Across our nation we pray for an end to stereotypes that restrict the free expression of identity which you call forth.
Stereotypes of gender that restrict life rather than empower it, help us to have a robust and full view of what it means to masculine and feminine.
Forgive us for the times we have not raised our collective voices out against injustice, help us to be a community who educates ourselves in the signs of domestic violence shouting a collective no to violence against women, help us to support and celebrate women in leadership, particularly as they step into middle and senior management.
Creator God, you task us with heralding in your new Kingdom, in cooperation with your Spirit. Teach us to be a people who both model and work towards building and celebrating safe communities. May these communities grow women of courage and tenacity. In your name we pray it, and may your name be glorified in our behaviours. Amen
Rev Melanie Wheeley
Minister, Moggill Uniting Church