Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 4th October 2020

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 4th October 2020

In peace let us pray to the Lord, saying,

Lord have mercy.

For the church throughout the world,

that all who bear the name of Christ

may find true repentance for their sins

and walk in the ways of love,

let us pray… Lord hear us, LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For the nations of the world,

wherever there is poverty, war, or oppression of human spirit,

that all people may repent of the evil they do to one another,

let us pray…


for the planet Earth, God’s gift to humankind,

that we repent of selfish or thoughtless exploitation

and tend it with care so that all may share generously in its bounty,

let us pray… Lord hear us, LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For the leaders of the nations,

that they may work for the common good of all people

and repent of arrogant nationalism,

let us pray… Lord hear us, LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For our enemies,

that we may learn to love them with regard for God’s compassion,

forgiving wrongs, and seeking reconciliation,

let us pray… Lord hear us, LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

For those who are sick or in trouble…

  and we silently name here – pause

for the defenseless, the weak,

and those struggling to provide shelter and food for their family,

  and we silently name here – pause

that they may find help in time of need,

and that the church may heed their cry,

let us pray… Lord hear us, LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

Loving God,

hear the prayers of your people for the sake of our world,

with our prayers, accept the dedication of our lives

that we may minister with genuine love

to the world in the name of Jesus,

through whom we pray,