Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 30th August 2020

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 30th August 2020

Prayer of Confession  (from Romans 12: 21)  

Leader: Merciful God, we come to you confessing our shortcomings and our weaknesses.

All: We come confessing the times when we have not followed your decrees, for when we have not obeyed your instructions.

Leader: We are called to love others sincerely and with warmth.  Forgive us for when we have not shown respect or concern to those whom you love so dearly.

All: Merciful God, hear us.

Leader: We are called to hate what is evil and to hold on to what is good.  Forgive us for when we drift away from what is good towards those things that we should avoid.

All: Merciful God, hear us.

Leader: We are called to let our hope in you keep us joyful and to be patient in our troubles.  Forgive us for when we despair and do not lay our burdens at the foot of the cross.

All: Merciful God, hear us.

Leader: We are called to share the material things with which you have blessed us with those who are in need.  Forgive us for putting ownership of things before relieving the suffering of others.

All: Merciful God, hear us.

Leader: We are called to live humble lives and to humbly serve others.  Forgive us for when our pride or our concern for our self-image obstructs our serving of others.

All: Merciful God, hear us.

Leader: We are called to do everything possible to live in peace with everyone.  Forgive us for when we seek to repay a wrong, to take revenge when we are wronged, and to hold onto grudges.

All: Merciful God, hear us.

Leader: We come before you God confessing our wilful disobedience to you and for following the standards of this World.

All: Merciful God, hear us we pray and forgive our sins.  Amen.

Prayers for Others

Leader: We come before you, Almighty God, with our cares and concerns.

 We pray for your Church: that the fire of the Holy Spirit will embolden us to give witness to you and to courageously follow the call of Jesus to leave self behind and to follow in his footsteps.

 We pay for the grace to embrace the cross as we experience opposition, hardship or rejection because of our service to you, and to allow you to raise us to new life.

 We pray for all who are suffering for the sake of the Gospel: that you will protect and sustain those who risk their lives to bring the Gospel message or medical care to those in difficult or distant places.

 We pray for Wisdom: that your Holy Spirit will unshackle us from the contemporary priorities of power and wealth and renew us to live lives of virtue and generosity.

We pray for the grace to live with the unknown: that in times of loss and uncertainty, especially now with Covid-19, we may put our trust in you, God, with us even when answers or new beginnings are not apparent.

 We pray for the gift of discernment: that your Holy Spirit will guide us in our judgments and actions so that the Gospel can be manifest in our lifestyles, our families, and our interacting with others.

 We pray for all who are discouraged by the burdens of life: that your compassionate love will renew their hearts and lead them through their struggles.

 We pray for all who live amidst civil discord and conflict: that you will break the cycle of violence, heal the divisions that exist within the community, and protect the innocent and powerless.

 We pray for all recovering from storms, floods, and wildfires: that you will ease their suffering, give them strength, and help them to find the resources that they need to rebuild their homes and lives.

 We pray that public figures in our Parliaments and Councils may respect the human dignity of each other and find ways to address the real issues of our world and of our nation without denigrating the character or intent of another person.

 We pray for those who are starving or malnourished: that you will remove the bureaucratic, political, cultural, or religious barriers that block food distribution. We pray that people be more aware of the needy around them and come to the aid of those who lack basic care or opportunities for the future.

Copyright © 2020. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.

 Let us share together in the prayer that Jesus taught his Disciples.

The Lord’s Prayer

All: Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

  your kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

  Give us today our daily bread.

  Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

  Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

  For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and for ever.  Amen.