Opening Prayer
Lord, it is so easy to be part of the crowd,
following behind others,
not knowing what is taking place in front.
Give us the power to make our way through the moving throng,
and the courage to touch you,
to receive that life-transforming experience.
But we also ask that you stop and turn around,
and call us by name,
saying those words that make us know
we are completely forgiven and unconditionally loved. Amen.
Prayer of confession:
Let us bow humbly before our Lord and confess our sins against God and our neighbour. We pray together.
Almighty God,
You love us, but we have not loved you as we ought.
You call but we do not listen or obey.
We walk away from neighbours in need,
and share in the world’s prejudice and greed.
As you come to us in mercy,
may we turn to you in faith and receive forgiveness,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
As we hear the good news of the Christian Faith.
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
We are assured and can confidently say.
Our sins are forgiven.
Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.
Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that the seed of faith planted in the heart of each believer may grow into a bountiful manifestation of your reign in the World.
We pray for a deeper love and appreciation for your Word, that it will nourish and enrich us as we strive to be true disciples of Jesus.
We pray for a renewal of faith, that the Holy Spirit will enable us to live in a trusting reliance with you, who is always faithful and who desires to share life with us.
We pray for growth in hope, that your faithful love will sustain us in times of discouragement and empower us to persevere through difficult times with the confidence that you make all things new.
We pray for a spirit of Evangelization, that we may scatter your Word through our work, daily activities, and conversations so that many people may encounter Christ today.
We pray for a renewal of stewardship, that we may recognize our gifts of time, talent, and treasure that you have entrusted to us and place these at your service and the service of one another.
We pray for the sick, that you will bless and strengthen those preparing for or recovering from surgery, that you will restore them to health, and fill their hearts with peace about their new healing and wholeness.
We pray for all who are in need, that you will give strength to those struggling with addictions, protection to runaway youth and refugees, and comfort to the isolated and the grieving.
We pray for the protection of the human family, that you will strengthen those who are working to defeat the Covid-19 virus, speed resources to those in crisis, and bring healing to all who are sick.
We pray for all levels of our Governments, that you will help them to fulfill their duties, seek the truth and the common good in all the issues that arise, and be open to learning from one another.
We pray for safety and protection for those responsible for safeguarding our personal, medical, and public data to greater awareness and insight as they work against destructive internet attacks and ransomware intrusions.
We pray for peace, that you will help World leaders to dialogue honestly so that violence may end, the weak, and innocent may be protected, and that the dignity of each person may be respected.
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.