Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 27th February 2022

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 27th February 2022


God, thank you that, as we journey with you

You are transforming us.

Thank you for the mountain top experiences,

the difficult challenges  

as well as the everyday events.

We ask to know your presence and your power

as we live each day for you.



Let us come before the Throne of Grace as we make our confession before God.

Father, we confess that we are always desperate
for mountaintop experiences.
We want our faith to be fuelled by awe and excitement.

We admit that our faith becomes jaded
when life is difficult or just mundane.
We want to feel spiritually uplifted all the time.

Forgive us, Father, for failing to keep the faith
when we descend from the mountain.
Forgive us for failing you when everyday life returns.

We recommit ourselves to walking with you
every inch of the way, every moment of the day,
whether it be fair or foul,
knowing that you will be faithful to us
even when we lack faith in you.  Amen.


 God is patient and forgiving,

He lovingly bears with us and in His grace He grants us encouragement which we can hold like a divine spark safe within cupped hands to light the way in darker times.

We are assured that we are ransomed, healed, restored and forgiven,

At peace with God and each other.



O Lord our God, we come to share with you our cares and concerns for others.

We come to you as children to a loving father, very much aware of our human frailty and our dependence upon you and your infinite resources.

We are reminded that, when we pray, you are not only ready to hear our prayers,

but it gives you joy when we draw near, to share our concerns,

and you are more willing to respond than we are to receive.

Our hearts go out to those who are suffering overseas and in our own country.

In recent weeks, our hearts had been weighed down by a sense of dread, as we continued to hear news of imminent conflict in Ukraine, and now we are dismayed that what we feared has come to pass.

We pray for the people of that country, that innocent civilians might be kept safe. May their fears be quelled, and grant them hope for a peaceful outcome.

We pray too for wisdom for the leaders of the nations, that they might be able to bring an end to the aggression.

We are aware of the plight of the displaced people of Afghanistan, who have been uprooted from their homes by two decades of internal conflict, many living in parks and open areas, and many living as refugees in one of the surrounding nations.

We pray for their wellbeing, and for the delivery of adequate shelter, clothing, reliable sources of water and food.

 We pray too, for the people of Tonga.

We remember witnessing the scenes of desolation that resulted from the huge volcanic eruption that sent a tsunami wave across the islands, and deposited a layer of ash over much of the country.

We are grateful for the international response to the call for aid.

We pray for the communities of that nation, that they might have the resilience to face the long task ahead, to rebuild their homes, and their businesses, and clear their land to replant their crops.

 As we all become more conscious of the results of climate change, we ask that your Spirit will endow the leaders of the nations of the World with wisdom and the courage to make the difficult decisions that are needed to provide for the future of our planet, especially for the people in poorer countries who are least able to deal with the effects of the changes in climate and the rising level of the oceans.

We are concerned about people who are suffering in our own country.

Last night we witnessed on our TV screens the scenes of devastation caused by the heavy downpours in south east Queensland over the last couple of days.

We have been saddened by the distress of those whose homes and businesses have been inundated, and this morning we would pray for them, that they will be comforted, and that they will be given the inner strength to get through this time.

We pray too, for the SES volunteers who put their lives at risk to help those in trouble, and who sometimes pay the ultimate price, as did the lady who drowned when the vehicle she was in was swept off the road.  We pray for her grieving family and colleagues, that you will grant them comfort.

We are grateful that the wave of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 appears to have passed and that, once again, we are able to worship together and move about more freely, but we are aware that the virus seriously affects some people, especially the elderly, and for some, it results in serious illness and death.

We pray for those who are still trying to cope with the disease and its aftereffects, and for those who have lost loved ones.

We pray that your Spirit might give them peace and comfort.

As our health officers and our politicians continue having to make hard decisions, balancing health and welfare considerations with economic considerations, we pray that they might be guided by your Spirit.

We are aware that there are those in our own community of Bald Hills, who are facing difficult times, whether it is because of issues such as mental stress, financial stress, unemployment, illness or loss.

We pray for those who are struggling, that your Spirit might speak to them in their need, to inspire, quell anxiety, and give hope.

We pray for Kylie in her role as chaplain at the Bald Hills State School, that you will grant her the resources she needs to deal with the needs of students and staff at the school.

May she be encouraged and supported in her task of caring for the needy and troubled children at the School, and of ministering to their families.

We pray for the Religious Instruction classes at Bald Hills State School, that your Holy Spirit will reveal the reality of your love to the children who attend the classes. 

We thank you for the skills of those such as Ian, who lead the classes, that through their words and actions they might sow the seeds of the Gospel in the hearts and minds of the children. 

We are blessed that Geoffrey, Ian and Kerry are available to provide lay ministry for our congregation, and we pray that you will continue to provide them with the inspiration that they need.

We pray, too, for our congregation as we face the challenges of discerning how best we can provide effective witness to you in our community. 

Open our minds to all the possibilities, and grant us the ability to envision a future in which we live out your plans for our congregation.

We are aware that there are those in our congregation who have their struggles, dealing with grief, illness, or disabilities. 

We pray that they might experience your comfort, your healing, your companionship, and your encouragement on their journey, and receive from you what is necessary to meet their deepest needs.

We pray too for those who are unable to join with us in person this morning.  May your Spirit assure them of our continuing concern for their well-being.

As this time of worship concludes, may we go out to be part of the answer to the prayers that we have prayed.

We offer these prayers in the name of Jesus, who taught us to pray:


Our Father in heaven, 
Hallowed be your name, 
Your kingdom come, 
Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread. 
Forgive us our sins,  
as we forgive those who sin against us. 
Save us in the time of trial 

And deliver us from evil. 
For the Kingdom, 
the power and the glory are yours,  
now and for ever. 