Prayer of Praise
(from Uniting in Worship Red Book p281, An Australian Prayer Book p261, Leading Intercessions p96, A Year of Prayer p201, Prayers for God’s People Year B p200 and 201 )
Almighty God, like Job we look around us and see what you have created, and marvel at your foresight and intellect. We are amazed by the variety of life, by the myriad of ways you have created animals and plants We are awed by your power in shaping the vast mountain ranges that you have put in place. We are awed by the magnitude of the vast oceans that you have formed around our shores. We are awed by the way that you keep our small planet in its place within the vastness of the Universe. We are awed by the majestic storm clouds and the mighty power of the ocean’s waves.
We give to you our praise for you are just and compassionate. You are the God who cares for those who groan under oppression and sorrow. You are the God who listens to those who cry out for help and does not pass them by. It is your tender love that gives comfort to the outcast and to the powerless. You step beyond social norms and cultural boundaries and religious bigotries, to embrace those that society neglects, and to call to you those that society rejects.
We give to you our praise, for you are the one who gives light to a World that lives in the darkness of sin and despair, to a World that is blind to your free gift of grace and reconciliation. You are the one who has done great things for us, not that we deserve your attention, but solely because you are a God of love and grace. We come together as your people with assurance and hope in your promise to save, for all time, all those who come to you through Jesus Christ. We are awed by your power in raising Jesus Christ from death to dwell with you. We come together to thank you for Christ’s intercession on our behalf. We are honoured to be called your children and to be called to be in your presence.
We bless you for your Word that nourishes us and comforts our souls. We bless you for your Spirit that enlivens us and empowers us to live as your people. We bless you for your presence with us always, for your continual protection and oversight in a World that turns its back on all that you represent and refuses to listen to what you have to say. May we do with loving hearts what you ask of us. May we strive to live the life that you command us to live. May you lead us in the way that leads to you. To your glory and honour we pray,
Prayer of Confession
(Opening Prayers p114, Leading Intercessions pp81 &82, A Year of Prayer pp200 & 201, Amish Prayers p95, Prayers for the Seasons Year B p200, The Book of Worship p88)
Have pity on us, God our Saviour, for we come before you contrite and repentant for our failings and our disobedience. We come before you knowing that our best is still far from the way of the Gospel to which you have called us to follow.
We stumble in the darkness of suspicion and prejudice about others. Our minds are closed to the way of truth that we often profess but fail to follow. Forgive us.
We avert our eyes from those who are not socially acceptable or are not clean looking. We demean people who are equally made in your image. We are too quick to judge them because of their failings and fail ourselves to look upon them as people worthy of love and concern as you are so quick to show to them. Forgive us.
We fail to control our tongue from speaking evil and our lips from speaking deceit. We pray empty words of praise while at the same time speak words that are thoughtless and unkind. We profess to be disciplined and Christ-like, yet are wilful in our thoughts and words and actions. Forgive us.
We condemn the neglect shown by others yet fail to work towards reconciliation and harmony in even our own small corner of the World. We too often remember the smallest of hurts that we experience and fail to follow your example of being willing to forgive and forget. Forgive us.
We are indifferent to the treasures of wisdom, and fail to use the gifts with which you have endowed us. We lower our standards and disregard the influence that our conduct may have upon others. We are proud and vane and love nothing more than boasting about our own deeds and achievements. Forgive us.
Merciful God, we come humbly before you, seeking your forgiveness. Holy God, remove all the sin in our lives that binds and oppresses us. Give us the courage to cast off our sinful habits and to turn to you for healing.
Strengthen us to follow gladly the sure path of salvation and to walk humbly in your footsteps. You have revealed yourself to be a God who is longsuffering and kind, full of compassion and slow to become angry, always ready and willing to pardon sin. May we then walk in the way of grace and truth all the days of our life. For this we pray, amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
(from Hebrews 7: 25)
We are assured that Jesus is able, now and always, to save those who come to God through him. Having confessed our sins before God, we can rely on the saving power of Jesus Christ to rid us of the stain of our sins and to make us clean in God’s sight.
Thanks be to God.
Prayers for Others
Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.
Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may passionately and continuously call out to Christ for our needs and courageously follow Jesus on the way of life.
We pray for the grace to risk, that we may sincerely seek the deepest desires that you have placed in our hearts and pursue their fulfillment even when the path is unclear.
We pray for those searching for you, that their eyes and hearts may be opened to the many manifestations of your love for them.
We pray for spiritual insight: that you will help us recognize your presence in our lives, the significance of our relationships, and your invitations to love and service.
We pray for all whose attention is fixed on the allure of wealth, power, and prestige, that you will reveal to them your call to discipleship and the opportunities that you present to use their gifts. We pray for a listening and sensitive heart, that we may never ignore nor try to silence those who cry out in pain or seek our assistance.
We pray for all who are blinded by prejudice, that you will enlighten their hearts and help them to recognize the value and dignity of each person.
We pray for all who help others grow in their faith, parents, ministers, pastors, elders, and Children’s and Youth Group leaders, that you will bless their efforts as they strive to nurture the seeds of faith that you have planted.
We pray for all who are ill, particularly those with diseases of the eyes, that you will bring healing and renewal to them in body, mind, and spirit. Bless and guide the work of eye surgeons who seek to relieve the needs of the blind.
We pray for greater reverence for Human life, particularly for those advanced in years or dealing with long-term infirmities, that we may affirm their dignity and support them with love and encouragement.
We pray for all who have been bullied or tormented by others, that you will comfort and strengthen them and renew their sense of dignity.
We pray for greater respect for your work of Creation, that we may be mindful that all the Earth is your gift to us and that it is entrusted to our stewardship.
We pray for World leaders, that their gathering on climate change will outline new paths for protecting the Earth for future generations. We pray that they will make sincere efforts to eliminate the suffering of those in their countries who are oppressed or face discrimination because of their race or gender or culture or religion or politics.
We pray for freedom from fear, that you will free us from the fears that hold us from loving, forgiving, and serving, so that we may be dynamic disciples.
We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, that your people may listen closely to you as you seek to renew and deepen the mission of the Church.
Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
[Raymond Chapman in Leading Intercessions p82, David Hostetter in Prayers for the Seasons of god’s People Year B p202]
We pray for the peoples of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico. We pray for stable, democratically elected governments in these Nations, who are committed to the peace and wellbeing of all. We pray for comfort and healing for the families and loved ones of those who have been killed or disappeared, and for those responsible to be brought to justice. We pray for a stop to corruption, drug traffic, and violence, and for a change of heart by those who profit from such activities. We pray for improved economic life and trade policies so that people will not be exploited and can pursue livelihoods in these countries rather than migrating elsewhere for work.
We pray that you will lead people to fill positions for School chaplains where these vacancies exist in schools throughout Queensland. Guide Scripture Union in preparing and equipping school chaplains so that they are enabled to reflect your compassion and mercy for people in their dealings with those in need in the school community.
We pray for the volunteers involved with the teaching of Religious Instruction at Bald Hills State School. We pray for encouragement and support for them as they seek to present the Gospel to the children as is permitted within the framework of RI. We pray that the Holy spirit is working in the minds and hearts of the children who attend RI classes.
We pray for Kylie Conomos, the Chaplain at Bald Hills State School, that she is being supported and encouraged in her work by the local Churches. We pray for strength and energy as she undertakes her tasks at the School. We pray for guidance as she seeks to address individual needs and concerns in the lives of students, parents and staff at the School.
Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care. To your glory we pray.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.