Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 19th April

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 19th April

Tuesday 21st April


God, giver of new life

Who through the gift of life

kept your promise to Sarah and Abraham;

Who raised to life Jesus

to fulfil your promise of mercy to all;

Give us the renewed life of your Spirit

So as to refresh us in body, mind and spirit,

That beyond our routines and weariness

we might discern the new life you offer to us.

From the old and for the new

we offer to you our thanksgiving and praise,

through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

F.L. van Laar  2008

Anzac Day 2020 – Lest we forget  


our help in the past

and our hope for the future,

we remember all those

who have given their lives in war.

We remember their families

and friends who still grieve their loss.

We remember those who still live

following their experience of conflict,

and struggle for health and peace.  

We remember especially

those who still bear the scars of war

in their bodies and minds. 

God of the living and the dead,

console and encourage those

who grieve any loss because of war.


God of the nations,

Your sovereign rule brings justice and peace,

have mercy on our broken and divided world.

Shed abroad your peace

in the hearts of all

and banish from them and us

the spirit that makes for war,

that all races and peoples may learn to live

     as members of one family

     and in obedience to the example set by Christ Jesus …

Lord God, we pray simply for peace on earth. 

May we see the peace of the risen Christ

reign within our world. 

Come and touch our lives now,

so that we may be instruments of that peace.

Lead us from death to life,

from falsehood to truth.

Lead us from despair to hope, 

from fear to trust.

Lead us from hate to love, 

from war to peace.

Let peace fill our hearts,

our world, our universe.

Let us dream together, 

pray together,

work together,

to build one world of peace and justice for all.

May it be so.

In the name of the Prince of Peace,

the God who lives with us in Jesus Christ,

and who died that we might have life

in all its fullness and joy. AMEN..