Prayer of Confession
We come to confess our lack of trust in you. While we sing of your Lordship over all your Creation, we too often act as though you are powerless in the face of today’s events and the actions and intents of people and Nations.
Have mercy on us God.
We come to confess our short-sightedness. While we sing of treasuring your love for us above everything else, we are drawn to worldly comforts and attractions.
Have mercy on us God.
We come to confess our lack of love. While we talk and pray of the need to care for widows and orphans, we don’t do anything to help those who are left out of Society and are marginalised.
Have mercy on us God.
We come to confess our coldness towards others. While we sing of your love for all people, we don’t do anything to break down the ‘walls’ that separate us from our neighbours.
Have mercy on us God.
We come to confess that we do not live our lives as Kingdom People. We are ruled by our schedules and our urge to be in control. We make kings of the things that we can acquire, and queens of our immediate desires. Have mercy on us God.
Forgive us we pray, amen.
Assurance of Forgiveness
The Apostle John writes that “Whoever believes that Jesus is the Messiah is a child of God.” (1 John 5: 1) We have confessed our sin before God and professed our faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son. Let us hold onto the promise that, through the redeeming work of Jesus, our sins are forgiven and we are reconciled to God.
Prayers for Others
Let us come before God with our cares and our concerns.
Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that, empowered by the Spirit, we may faithfully give witness to the Gospel and continue Christ’s mission of bringing hope and healing to all.
We pray for a spirit of evangelization, that we may allow the Spirit to work through our words, deeds, and relationships to draw others to Christ.
We pray for the grace to be fearless, that we may follow God’s call confidently and trust that God will guide and protect us through all challenging situations.
We pray for those who face the future with apprehension and uncertainty, that God will enlighten their path and give them peace.
We pray for all Nations and their leaders, that the reign of peace and justice of God’s rule may inspire all who lead and govern, to recognize the dignity of each person and promote the common good, that the reign of Christ will open new opportunities for dialogue and inspire them to work for justice and the preservation of life.
We pray for a greater unity in the Church, that we may be one in faith, one in hope, and one in the peace of the Holy Spirit, and one in our efforts to work together to bear witness to the love of God.
We pray for all who struggle with doubts, that the Spirit of Christ will free their minds and bring understanding to their hearts.
We pray for all who work to bring food to our tables: that God will bless them with seasonable weather and bountiful harvests.
We pray for the unmasking of racism, that God will help us to recognize the variety of forms which discrimination takes and to give us the courage to defeat it.
We pray for an end to the pandemic: that God will give strength to those caring for the sick, working against the Covid virus, distributing the vaccine, and educating people about daily health practices.
We pray for those overwhelmed by the pandemic, that God will guide the leaders and people of India and Brazil as they strive to control the Covid virus and guide them in finding the materials and equipment that they need.
Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved.<br> Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use.
We ask that you will bless the efforts of those leading Religious Instruction classes at Bald Hills State School, that the Holy Spirit is engaging with the children who attend the classes, opening hearts and minds with a clear message of your love for them.
We pray for the Chaplain at Bald hills State School, Kylie Conomos, that your are guiding her efforts to care for the children and teachers at the School, that you are encouraging her in her work and supporting her as she gives of herself to those whom she serves there.
Loving God, we bring these prayers to you, trusting in your compassion and care. To your glory we pray.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,
For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
Now and forever. Amen.