Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 15th November 2020

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 15th November 2020

Prayer of Approach

O holy God of steadfastness and encouragement,

we come with one voice

to worship you with awe, adoration and praise!

Your ways remain to us a mystery,

except that in Jesus Christ you show us

a compassion and care which overwhelms

and envelops us;

We direct our focus on you during this worship time,

desiring to live in harmony with your will

and also with each other,

that we may build each other up

to the glory of your name,

and as a witness to your kingdom,

therefore we pray as our Lord taught us to pray:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

now and forever. Amen

Prayer of Confession

Holy God of steadfastness and encouragement,

we come confessing

how often we doubt your self-revelation in Jesus Christ

as the compassionate and merciful One

Lord have mercy  LORD HAVE MERCY

Holy God of steadfastness and encouragement,

we come confessing

how often we simply take for granted Christ’s welcoming of us,

in as much as we refuse to welcome ‘the other’…

Christ have mercy   CHRIST HAVE MERCY

Holy God of steadfastness and encouragement,

we come confessing

how often we are blind to that hope found within your scriptures

and empowered by your Holy Spirit,

Lord have mercy  LORD HAVE MERCY

Declaration of Reconciliation

Our God is revealed as the God of steadfastness and encouragement,

who has reconciled us with God,

that we Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy

and sing praises to God’s name;

in Christ all is forgiven us,

so we say with joy in our hearts THANKS BE TO GOD

Prayers of the People


our help in the past

and our hope for the future,

on this Sunday following Remembrance Day,

we remember all those

who have given their lives in war,

and those who still live and struggle

for health and peace.  

We remember especially

those who still bear the scars of war

in their bodies and minds. 

We remember their families

and friends who still grieve their loss.


God of the living and the dead,

console and encourage those

for whom this time is one of profound significance.

Be with the widows,

the women who never married

because their man did not return,

and orphans

who together with the dear and honoured dead

have sacrificed so much.


God of love and liberty,

we bring our thanks today

for the peace and security we enjoy,

   As we remember those who in time of war

     faithfully served their country;

   As we pray for their families,

     and for ourselves whose freedom was won at such a cost;


God of the nations,

Your sovereign rule brings justice and peace,

have mercy on our broken and divided world.

Shed abroad your peace

in the hearts of all

and banish from them and us

the spirit that makes for war,

that all races and peoples may learn to live

     as members of one family

     and in obedience to your law …


Lord God, we pray simply for peace on earth. 

we also honour those in our armed services,

and others sent overseas by our government ,

who today seek to maintain peace in our world,

and stand up against violence and hatred.

May we see the peace of the risen Christ

reign within our world. 

Come and touch our lives now,

so that we may be instruments of that peace.

Lead us from death to life,

from falsehood to truth.

Lead us from despair to hope, 

from fear to trust.

Lead us from hate to love, 

from war to peace.

Let peace fill our hearts,

our world, our universe.

Let us dream together, 

pray together,

work together,

to build one world of peace and justice for all.

May it be so.   Lord hear us LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER

In the name of the Prince of Peace,

the God who lives with us in Jesus Christ,

and who died that we might have life

in all its fullness and joy. AMEN..

(adapted from prayers by Ken Booth, Bev Fabb, Bruce Prewer