Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 14th February 2021

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing Sunday 14th February 2021


We come before you, O God,

in awe of your power and might.

Heaven and earth are surely full of your glory.

We come celebrating our belief that you –

God of the whole universe –

chose to reveal yourself to us in Jesus Christ. 

We are awed beyond words in the knowledge

that your self-revelation included the way of the cross…

Thus in Jesus your abundant love for all people

is made visible. 

We adore you, O God,

and we praise your holy name,

and we pray that this time of worship

will bring honour and glory to you.

This we pray in Jesus’ name,

who invites us to pray…

followed by the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours

now and forever. Amen

Prayer of Confession:

Almighty God of wonder and power,

we come confessing we find it only too easy

to assume you will enforce your will,

rather than for us to work at making the way straight

to bring about your Kingdom.

Lord have mercy LORD HAVE MERCY

Lord Jesus, who shines with the glory of God,

we confess we find it only too easy

to rest in your resurrection and ascension,

than to make the effort to walk the way of the cross.

Christ have mercy CHRIST HAVE MERCY

Holy Spirit, who throughout the ages empowers those called by God,

we confess we find it only too easy

to recall the good and great works of those who went before us,

than to beseech you for double their spirit!

Spirit have mercy,SPIRIT HAVE MERCY

The Promise of Reconciliation

it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’,

who has shone in our hearts

to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God

in the face of Jesus Christ.

In Christ God has effected our salvation,

therefore we exclaim with grateful hearts



Let us approach God as a people who,

though having recognised the Light of the World, Jesus Christ,

still have key aspects of our living influenced

by the god of this world;

let us pray for our redemption:

Gracious God,

we approach you as a people profoundly influenced

by the concept that might is right,

when Jesus shows us by the way of the cross

that might and righteousness do not mix.

Grant us as your people the strength to subvert might

through daily ordinary acts of kindness

to those with whom we share our living,

and extra ordinary acts of empathy towards those

we are urged by the mighty to consider as our enemies.

We approach you as a people profoundly influenced

by all that fuels an economy based on consumption

and competition and envious comparisons.

Grant us as your people the grace to subvert

the assumptions underlying our global economies

through transforming our habits of consumption

into habits of care and conservation.

We approach you as a people profoundly influenced

by the expectations that life is meant to be a breeze,

trouble and pain free.

Grant us as your people the courage

to accept the imperfections

within us as people;

our physical, mental and even spiritual struggles

with ill health and the disappointments and pain

life throws at us

so we may receive that deep joy of your peace.

We pause a moment to pray for those known to us

within this congregation, our families and friends,

and even those beyond them

who struggle with debilitating and or/disastrous issues!

Grant them the recognition of your care

and the gift of your peace!

In the name of Jesus Christ,

who pioneered the Way of the cross for us,