Prayers for the week commencing 19th January 2025

Servicing the Bald Hills and nearby Communities

Prayers for the week commencing 19th January 2025

Prayer of Confession        

We confess to you our moments of doubt, of inaction,
of falling short of what we know we can be;
moments when we have been unwilling to help others
because it was easier not to or we couldn’t be bothered.
In this moment of silence, we reflect on our failings and
seek your forgiveness …
Lord God Almighty, forgive us we pray.

Assurance of Forgiveness        

The Lord hears our prayer, never falters or wavers,
but forgives us our sins, our failings, our faults and sends us on our way as forgiven people.                                                                                  

As it is written “Some men brought to Jesus a paralytic lying on a mat. When He saw their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, ‘Take courage, son; your sins are forgiven’”

In the same wayJesus says to each of us, “Take courage your sins are forgiven”                                                                            

Thanks be to God.

Prayers Of Intercession

Lord, we pray that your transforming power will be released,
enabling the power of love to prevail:
into places where people live in fear of the bullet and the bomb,
where basic human rights are ignored,
where people are trafficked or treated as slaves.
As you turned water into wine, transform hatred into love.

Lord, we pray that your transforming power will be released,
enabling the power of love to prevail:
into places where women and men are bitter because of perceived wrongs 9 of the past,
where jobs are hard to find even when sentences have been served,      
where there is no such thing as a fresh start.
As you turned water into wine, transform injury through pardon.

Lord, we pray that your transforming power will be released,
enabling the power of love to prevail:
into situations of mistrust and insecurity,
where people do not not know who or what to believe,
where fake news is rife and lying is an acceptable norm.
As you turned water into wine, transform doubt into truth.

Lord, we pray that your transforming power will be released,
enabling the power of love to prevail:
where people see no way of paying off their debts,
where queueing at the food bank is all the future seems to hold,
where homes or jobs seem nothing more than a distant dream.
As you turned water into wine, transform despair into hope.

Lord, we pray that your transforming power will be released,
enabling the power of love to prevail:
to those who stroke the hands of loved ones nearing the end,
to those who wait anxiously for the phone to ring, fearing the worst,
to those who weep for loved ones now at rest.                                             

As you turned water into wine, transform sadness into peace by your comforting presence.

Lord, we pray that your transforming power will be released,
enabling the power of love to prevail.
Use us, Lord, to bring understanding, consolation and love,
strong in the assurance that it is in giving that we receive,
in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and in dying that we are born to eternal life.
As you turned water into wine, transform us into your disciples, agents of change in a broken world.

Other Prayers

(not included in church service)

Almighty God, we pray for the Church, that we may become better disciples by doing all that you ask of us.

We pray for a greater recognition of the Spirit’s gifts, that we utilize the gifts that we have been given and encourage one another to build up the Body of Christ and to serve those who are in need.

We pray for a spirit of gratitude, that we may appreciate the abundance of your generosity toward us and rely upon you, who never tires of providing for us.

We pray for the unity of all Christians, that you will heal the wounds in the body of Christ and help us to give common witness to you through prayer and acts of loving compassion.

We pray for healing of the divisions within the Human family, that racism, sexism, and prejudice may cease and that each person may be welcomed with dignity and respect.

We pray for all who work for social and racial justice in our society, that they may faithfully give witness to the Good News that all people are your daughters and sons.

We pray for an end to violence in families, amongst neighbours, and in our city streets, that you will turn hearts from violence and help all people to work together to build each other up.

We pray for greater respect for Human life, that the Holy Spirit will open hearts to the value and beauty of all Human life.

We pray for all who are ill, that you will bring healing to all who are sick, protect the Human family from the spread of viruses, and give strength to all healthcare workers.

We pray for all who are recovering from natural disasters, that you will protect them, help them rebuild their lives, and touch the hearts of many to assist them.

We pray for our country, that you will heal the divisions and animosity that exists, help leaders to work together to address the issues of those who are suffering, and help us to better listen to one another.

We pray for peace, that you will turn hearts from warfare and violence and help the Human family address the needs for food, medicine, and education.

(Copyright © 2021. Joe Milner. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. –

Almighty God, we pray for the people of Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

We are thankful for the resilience of the people who remain in their homelands even

when they face constant threats and ongoing violence, for the relief and assistance that has been provided to so many, for those who have made a new home for refugees fleeing from these Countries, and for those who have worked continually for peace, justice and reconciliation.

We pray for an end to the violence racking these battlefields of global powers, for political leaders emerging in these Countries who will pursue peace, the common good, and Human rights of all groups, for the International Community to pursue policies that will result in acceptable, just peace for all involved, and for greater openness to welcoming those displaced or fleeing from these lands, desperately seeking safety and wellbeing.

Litany for Iraq

For lasting peace in this ancient land –
from you, O Lord.
For wisdom and compassion for all in authority –
from you, O Lord.
For comfort of families separated or bereaved –
from you, O Lord.
For the release of captives –
from you, O Lord.
For safety and security for minority communities—
from you, O Lord.
For refreshment for the weary and healing for the sick –
from you, O Lord.
For continuing faithfulness of the ancient churches of this land –
from you, O Lord.
For tenacity of spirit for small Christian groups –
from you, O Lord.
For the mutual enrichment and support of those of different Christian traditions –
from you, O Lord.
You, Lord of all, we confess;
You, Lord Jesus, we glorify;
For you are the life of our bodies
And you are the Saviour of our souls.

[The response in the litany and this hymn both come from the Chaldean liturgy. The ancient hymn celebrates Christ the source of resurrection in all situations of death and deprivation. (in: With All God’s People, p. 21 + 22)]

Prayer of praise

Christ has been revealed among us.
He who is God is here seated.
The voice of peace has sounded.
The command for the Holy greeting has been given.
The church has become one soul.
The kiss has been given as a full bond.
The adversity has been removed,
and love has been spread among us all.
Now, O you ministers, raising your voice,
give praise in unison,
to the united Godhead
to whom the Seraphim give praise.

(From The Sacred Music and the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, sent by a member of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Iran)

Prayer of Lament

Our Father in Heaven, holy is your name—
may it be made holy again.
We cry out to you, standing in your presence,
and remembering your promises—
with your own words, Lord God, we declare it:
Syria is your people, Iraq your handiwork.
Yet our hearts have fainted.
We are oppressed.
We need to see your love and forgiveness.

How we need your comfort now—
we need to know your love more than ever.
How long, O Lord?
How long will you leave your people
in this state of weakness, this hole of wickedness?
How long will you leave the work of your hands,
and let the depravities of the evil one flourish?
How long must we be cut off from our loved ones?
How long will we be strangers among the living?
Have mercy on us, O God, have mercy.
Have mercy on your children’s children,
have mercy on those who declare your holy name.

Forgive us every sin, silence our sighing,
and bring the joy of your salvation to our mouths again.
Forgive our complicity with any oppression,
and our years of spiritual famine and faithless fear.
Forgive us, forgive our fathers and mothers,
forgive our friends and leaders, forgive our enemies.
Pour out your Spirit now, O Lord—as it is in heaven,
let your kingdom come.

Give us faith in place of faltering, fuel our hopes,
and let the earth see your glory made new.
Do what we cannot ask for or imagine,
and bring a real and lasting healing to our land.
Open the eyes of the blind, now,
and strike shame and repentance in the hearts of the guilty.
Heal the spirit of your churches,
and let your faithful ones be remembered aright.
Cause the name of Christ to be known,
and let his light bring morning to our night.

Be the same to us, O God, as you were
to the Israelites in the Exodus, and in the wilderness of Sinai.
So that gardens of peace would grow in these wastelands of war,
and that your name be lifted high.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
we pray this—
One God forever and ever praised.

(by Naji Umran)


Almighty God, we praise you for the successful evangelism outreach of ‘Jesus. All About Life’ in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, that happened in December 2024, where 5,113 attendees accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.  We pray for guidance as churches follow-up and disciple new believers.  We pray for the growth of the Christian community in Mongolia, that this movement will bear lasting good fruits.

We pray for the Bible Society of Jordan’s (BSOJ) Bible and aid distribution project, that the beneficiaries would be open to God’s love and message, finding both physical and spiritual nourishment.  We pray for strength and endurance for the BSOJ team as they support underprivileged families.  We pray for a broader outreach to bring hope and your Kingdom to those in despair.  We pray for peace, healing, and restoration in the lives of refugees and vulnerable families, that they find comfort in your promises.

As Bible Society Australia continues to receive numerous requests to support Bible translation in Indigenous languages across Australia, we pray for more workers to join the harvest; for this need is growing.  As Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”  We ask that you will send out workers into your harvest field.”

We pray for the Bible Society of Jordan’s Trauma Healing project, as they raise awareness about the importance of mental health and wellbeing, and make churches a safe place for those suffering trauma.  We pray for the upcoming Trauma Healing equipping sessions, that they provide the necessary skills and support to participants.  For those who have begun their healing journeys, we pray that they find strength, support, and encouragement as they navigate their paths to recovery.

We pray for Bible Society Australia’s chaplain partners in our Scripture Grants program, who are equipping those they minister to with Bibles and Scripture resources.  We ask for your wisdom in who to reach out to with your Word.  We pray for more opportunities to Open The Bible with people, faithfully sharing the hope, deliverance and transformative message of Jesus Christ.  We pray that many who receive new life in Christ.

We pray for a woman in Jordan who suffered the devastating and sudden loss of her husband.  She travelled far to attend the Bible Society of Jordan’s Trauma Healing session, and shares, “I decided to come … to hear you speak because what you share really helps me.  It brings me comfort.”  We pray for her ongoing healing, and for others like her.


Almighty God, we lift up The Leprosy Mission New Zealand Programmes Team as they design and develop initiatives in the Pacific.  We pray for your wisdom, creativity, and guidance in their work.  May their efforts be fruitful and bring positive, lasting change to the communities they serve.

We praise you God for new opportunities as they partner with the New Zealand Government for the Preventative Health and Community Empowerment (PHACE) Programme in Kiribati.  We pray for the successful rollout and significant impact of this project on the lives of those affected by leprosy.

We pray  for guidance and good health for Gillian Whitley – The Leprosy Mission New Zealand  Country Leader, for Martin Malkaney – Finance Manager, for Leanne Ryburn – Marketing & Fundraising Manager, for Jasleen Kler – International Programmes Manager, and for Andre Stuart – The Leprosy Mission New Zealand Board Chair.


We pray for ‘meet-ups’ – in-person meetings to which listeners in Kazakhstan are invited so they can encounter Christ through believers and further explore the meaning of life as a Christian.  We pray for more listeners in Kazakhstan to receive Jesus as their God, like this listener: “Thank you for your programs that led me to Jesus.  I was of another faith, but now Christ lives in my heart.”  

We give you thanks God for Kyrgyz listeners who have come to know Christ, and for their witness to their family and larger community.  We give you thanks for the pastor of a local church and his wife Zhenish` who work closely with FEBC as broadcasters and to disciple new believers.

We give you thanks God for the financing of a frequency convertor, enabling the highly popular Japanese cars in Mongolia to receive FEBC broadcasts.  We praise you God that the team is engaging with more people via digital media.  We pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance on the interactions.

We pray for the unreached Dargin in Central Asia, Population: 9,600*, Language: Dargwa, and religion: Islam.


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil,

For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

Now and forever.  Amen.