I have a treasured book bought fifty years ago, entitled The Cross in the Old Testament by renowned scholar H. Wheeler Robinson. He presents three studies on Job, Isaiah and Jeremiah. He included Jeremiah because, he argues, much in Jeremiah’s life illustrates what Jesus meant by picking up one’s cross, being a sacrificial lamb (11:18,19). Jeremiah suffered extreme hardships because he faithfully delivered God’s message to the people and the court. The leadership of his time would argue, “no, he suffered because of his treasonous messages, his attempts to undermine public confidence in the face of an ever threatening enemy”.
This charge is also true, but that was exactly the message God gave Jeremiah to preach. “Run for your life! I will not defend you”. To the king the reason was given, echoing Isaiah’s charge of injustice and neglect of the poor and needy (23:13-17). Jeremiah would experience the collapse of his nation, fleeing to Egypt. Here, tradition has it, he would be stoned to death because of the unpopularity of his ongoing preaching
The lectionary readings include texts from Jeremiah, though the text set for this morning is referred to in prayers only today.
We make use of the imagery of 2:13
for my people have committed two evils:
they have forsaken me,
the fountain of living water,
and dug out cisterns for themselves,
cracked cisterns that can hold no water.
We insist on looking for refreshment for spirit and life in places where it cannot be found! Meanwhile God offers us living water, freely available, in Jesus (John 4:13,14).
Drink deeply!
Louis van Laar